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Originally Posted by Master of Gizmo View Post
Why should someone be forced to learn a new language to be able to communicate with a machine? It's in fact the job of that machine to speak his masters language.

agreed. but for now machines are still not there yet!

but we all should be thankful because we don't have to learn chinese (or japanese, vietnamese, russian, ....) to communicate with machines for now!

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Saludos desde Perú. Tengo una 810 desde marzo.
Hablo inglés y español.
Me escriben por cualquier ayuda.

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I can't see the problem here. Do you speak english??? post your question in english and english speakers will answer you. Do you speak spanish or another language??? post your question in your language and somebody will answer you in your language.

Another way is... create a new ITT community in your language and that will help your language be stronger on the Internet.

No se donde esta el problema. Si se habla ingles pues se hacen las preguntas en ingles y en ingles responderan. Que se habla español u otra lengua, pues se escribe en la lengua en cuestion y quien domine esa lengua contestara.

Otra forma de hacerlo es creando un portal sobre ITT en lenguas diferentes al ingles. Eso ayudara a hacer otras lenguas mas fuertes en Internet.
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Originally Posted by Cptnodegard View Post
there are approx 5000 languages in the world. If we were to have an ITT for each, or even only the major ones, that would be a LOT of info spread out different places. I say that not speaking english natively. I dont think the internet should be made to help people that dont know english well get their info in their own language, but rather give them a reason to learn english as a world language.
Maybe Nokia must remove all included languages from every phone model and IT devices; only world english must be keept. Viewing your point of view, Nokia and a lot of manufacturers and developers are wrong. Poor us that we can't speak english.

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Nokia is after those non-english speakers because they are potential customers :-D

However while the language should not be a barrier to helping people, I also think that english should not be dropped as main language, since it makes the information available to everyone in one single format.

Which is already becoming engrish, as other languages percolate.
I'm not native english speaking either.
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Originally Posted by Cptnodegard View Post
there are approx 5000 languages in the world. If we were to have an ITT for each, or even only the major ones, that would be a LOT of info spread out different places. I say that not speaking english natively. I dont think the internet should be made to help people that dont know english well get their info in their own language, but rather give them a reason to learn english as a world language.
Creo que usged no entiende la pregunta, ni la etica del internet y mucho menos la etica del codigo abierto. La neta es polivocal y no solo en Ingles (seguro que si la pregunta fuese en Sueco no diria lo mismo), segundo, este nuevo miembro de la comunidad esta pidiendo ayuda con su N800, y no que le digan que su idioma es de segunda (o peor aun).

Entoces, cualquiera que pregunte lo que quiera en el lenguaje que le paresca, que aqui le respondemos, y segundo punto, que si los anglo-parlantes no va ayudar porque no sabe Español, que deje la cuestion al lado para aquellos de nosotros que si sabemos mas de un lenguaje y estamos dispuestos a ayudar.

¡la neta para todos!

The Following User Says Thank You to gnarvaez For This Useful Post:
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muchas gracias a todos no quiero causar ningun problema pero la verdad es que he buscado algun foro de it y no encontre nada
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la verdad es que tengo muchas dudas y veo que son unos expertos bueno yo compre mi tablet en diciembre de año pasado buno mi primer duda es sobre el x-terminal que significa ser root o user y para que sirve
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y la segunda duda que tengo es como puedo convertir un video a formato avi o reproducirlo en pantalla completa es que siempre que convierto un video se ve toda la orilla de color negro
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As a multilingual with my native tongue being English, I am biased toward English. However, it is also recognized as the primary language for business, law and internationally as the most spoken language and it seems to be the most suitable and proper language to use on here and in general.

That being said, there is no reason why there can't be either an ITT web site brought up with the express purpose of communicating in another language and acting as the portal for that language's efforts. People who are multi- or bi-lingual can partake in helping to bridge the knowledge gap between sites where otherwise there would be confusion and unreadable traffic, if they were all allowed to participate in the same site.

Unless I miss my guess, that's the way most other projects and programming collaboration work things out and it seems to be the best solution so far.

Has anyone seen it done in any other way that works better? This IS an interesting topic and, although I suspect that I'll have no real benefit from this, it is interesting to find out whether something inventive might come out of it or if someone has already done this provably well elsewhere.

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