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Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
For you, what is the most needed (but missing or poorly implemented) application for the N770? For me, it is the woefully inadequate email client that is included with the 770. What are my issues with it?

First off, the ui is incredibly inefficient for dealing with large volumes of email. I haven't found a way to choose which header columns to display (and in what order), resulting in only partial display of critical information like From and Subject. Secondly, there is no easy way to select multiple, particular items for deletion. I can select all, but that isn't very helpful if there are actually some items you want to read amongst that sea of spam. How about a simple checkbox next to each message, like webmail has been doing for years and years. When I do click the delete/trash button I get a prompt about deleting it from just the device or from the server as well. If I select server as well, it connects right then and there to do it. Having to go through this process for multiple messages is quite simply a pain that has made the 770 useless to me as a mobile email platform. I have taken to carrying my six year old Jornada 720 with the excellent qmail3 email client along with me when I travel for any length of time. The Nokia 770 is a very interesting device in a lot of ways, but is surprisingly bad as an "Internet Tablet." Frankly, I would have expected a higher degree of useage refinement out of Nokia.

So, what are your most requested/needed applications? I get frustrated when I see a lot of development time going into very niche use applications when a lot of basic, common needs being unmet.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ USA
For me, one of the most frustrating feature missing from 770 is the lack of support for basic bluetooth profiles. As a devicethat has the bluetooth hardware already built into it I can not understand why the complimenting software is not provided to allow the user to take advantage of this feature.

Next is the PIM application. In my opinion, this is the must application for any portable device of this kind. The best application I have owned for my PDA is PocketInformant from Web Information Solutions, Inc.

With these two features implemented on the Nokia 770, I would be able to sell my PocketPC on eBay and be a proud user of the InternetTablet.
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I really don't care about the mail client (I'm completely Googled by now), but full BT profiles would indeed be kewl.

And, as just anyone this side of Aldebaran already knows, I'm really pining for a full set of productivity apps (Abiword, g*ddammit!).

Last but not least, I really would like to see a decent printing subsystem in the 770, although that would, for me at least, only be really useful with the aforementioned BT profiles. And with Abiword!!!!
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I'd pay someone to get GPE to reliably import and export multiple vCards from Apple Addressbook, Windows Mobile 2003, Outlook XP or newer, and generally be tolerant of the variations in the vCard standards floating around today.

I'd also pay for GPE to import and export calendar data from Outlook and/or iCal.

Finally, I'd pay to have them integrated in the standard UI, assuming the first two wishlist items are met.

Should be coded well enough that adjustments to work with future versions of the Internet Tablet, or indeed if ported to another handheld or shared back with the original GPE project would be minimized.


I'd also like mouse support, and would like to see GAIM cleaned up and integrated better (mine crashes from time to time,) so that windows aren't brought up in the background without much warning, even better if someone can do a reliable integration with the IM client bundled with the machine.

I can't code, but I do have some cash.

Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
The lack of support for bluetooth HID seems really strange to me, given that it is supported by pretty much every modern Nokia phone, and given the fact the Nokia actually sells bluetooth keyboards.
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2006
a brain dead verison of xchat. makes me want to cry.
Posts: 550 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Aug 2006
I don't want this thread to go off on too many tangents, but what is wrong with the current versions of xchat?
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005
If it's supposed to be an internet tablet as it's called, the most needed thing is not another (local) application, but better compatibility with de-facto Internet standards: like flash and Java. Possibly not the latest, resource-consuming versions, but something that covers 90%.
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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Innsbruck
Originally Posted by Rocketman
First off, the ui is incredibly inefficient for dealing with large volumes of email. I haven't found a way to choose which header columns to display (and in what order), resulting in only partial display of critical information like From and Subject. Secondly, there is no easy way to select multiple, particular items for deletion. I can select all, but that isn't very helpful if there are actually some items you want to read amongst that sea of spam. How about a simple checkbox next to each message, like webmail has been doing for years and years. When I do click the delete/trash button I get a prompt about deleting it from just the device or from the server as well. If I select server as well, it connects right then and there to do it. Having to go through this process for multiple messages is quite simply a pain that has made the 770 useless to me as a mobile email platform.
Rocketman, for deleting multiple messages at once try this:

1. move stylus from bottom up through messages you want to delete
2. push delete/trash button

have a nice day
Posts: 474 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Rocketman
I don't want this thread to go off on too many tangents, but what is wrong with the current versions of xchat?
Many things. For example, there's no way to close or hide the DCC download dialog.

I want to see a web mail client. I want a remote-storage gmail client more than anything else: a nice hildonized UI instead of the web-based one.

The email client is basically unusable, especially for large existing mail stores. Lack of push emulation features is also problematic. Lack of integration (e-mail this item, etc) hurts.

S3 integration follows shortly after.

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