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lemmy's Avatar
Posts: 142 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ London
Strange, I hadn't realised the IT was a religion. To me it's a gadget that does what you want or doesn't, changes sometimes, you buy or you don't.

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tso's Avatar
Posts: 4,783 | Thanked: 1,253 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ norway
i would not call keeping the 3G out of the tablet as "stone age". i see it as simply making the device more flexible, funny enough

i recently read about a phone that could all kinds of connections, even sat. that one, paired up with the tablet, would be interesting

Last edited by tso; 2008-09-22 at 09:17.
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Well, as a 3G user (and quitter, now) for some time, 3G _is_ stone age to me. But I don't really care if it's in the new tablet or not, what I really really care for is if it's got two proper full-size SD slots.
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benny1967's Avatar
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I used to care about such things, too.

The only thing I want now is any new hardware I can spend my money on. Nokia pleeeze let me give you my money! Please take it!

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lcuk's Avatar
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In Berlin yesterday afternoon trying to get my 810 connected to my phone was not good (it wasnt greasy KFC fingerprints stopping me either)

I, for one, welcome an all in one device.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
I used to care about such things, too.

The only thing I want now is any new hardware I can spend my money on. Nokia pleeeze let me give you my money! Please take it!
Enough sentiment like that, and I might quit worrying about keeping a job.
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In Berlin yesterday afternoon trying to get my 810 connected to my phone was not good
Was it the thought in the back of your mind that you'd pay about £50/MB for the pleasure of it?
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It's not really *that* bad these days. Cost me about a tenner (£3/MB) on a 3 PAYG SIM for email, some casual browsing and letting AGPS do its thing over three days.
lcuk's Avatar
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heh, i had left over credit and was gonna just pop into irc - i didnt wanna surf.
I just wanted to be connected and pass the time away.

Mind you, with my word count it wouldv probably been £1000's
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As long as I can still load Deblet. If the 3G stuff prevents changing OS's I'll be thoroughly pissed and sell all my tablets.
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