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TrueJournals's Avatar
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Wow! Just wow! New version looks amazing! The last version was great, but the improvements blow me away. I'd love to be able to try out the beta version, but I'm not sure how many bugs I'd find... :-P But, if you need more people to just try it out, I'd be glad to help out!

Just watching the video, I thought of a feature I'd like to request: the ability to put camera snapshots in a sketch. It almost looked like you did this when you went in to the physics sim, but it was hard to tell.
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Yes, the ability to insert images has been given a great amount of thought and thats why I was testing the physics version of them (sorry for the chop).

There has been a lot of talk both way about numerous improvements and I welcome input on all fronts. However at this point I have a desire to get a decent stable installation package and get this out there.
Posts: 397 | Thanked: 227 times | Joined on May 2007
While we're on the feature requests...

- tags for the sketches, for searching
- some handwriting recognition, preferably multi-lingual (cyrillic and roman characters)

Actually, you could add the recognised text as a tag to the image so that it could be edited if the recognition was poor and there are some mistakes. Later it could be used for searching.

The app looks great so far. Can't wait to see it finished!
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hmmm itT ate my post.

Why should the system need to understand language to recognise and display things you wrote in?

Just recognise and filter to similar grouped strokes
I have an algo which will give a fairly regular result based on similar sketches (converted to a short character string ~5-8chars long per unique stroke).

this seems to work well and if I had any dev time I would have looked further.
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The version in the video isn't the same as the svn version? The video version seemed to have more features..

I checked it out from svn and it builds&run fine on OS2007 (I only changed 'compat' from 5 to 4).
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It doesn't need to recognize language. Just an option to change the character set, globaly and per note. Because there are similar characters in cyrillic and roman languages for example. That way when you search, it will not confuse cyrillic 'а' and roman 'a', for example.

I have a headache right now, because i've a bad hangover, so sorry if this doesn't make sense. :/

Anyway, here's an other idea - make it syncable with an online repository of some sort. An user defined FTP or something. And lastly, port the app to the desktop, so that the information can be available there also.
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Let me try it? Please?
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As I told you in Berlin, I'm willing to give it a go too. I don't read C code, not any more, but I'm good at making things fail, which can also be a useful skill .:-)
XL1200c's Avatar
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I'de like to give it a try. I can't help with code, but I can test it from a end user point of view.
Posts: 395 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Boone, IA
I would love to have the opportunity to help "ID10T" Proof this! I've been salivating since watching the first Utube video...

Awesome, Amazing, etc. don't come close. This looks to be the greatest thing to happen to N8x0 since boot from SD.
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