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I just read a review stating youtube is totally unwatchable on this N800 bc of the cpu speed, with an "update" stating that this was "somewhat" fixed with a firmware update... what is this supposed to mean? can it use flash or not? thanks
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
The N800 / N810 support flash, and it has improved with time as updates have been released. They struggle with some sites such as the BBC which seem to have very demanding flash video.
But in my opinion they play youtube videos with no problem.
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Indeed the first few versions of OS 2007 last year were very weak when playing YouTube videos in the webbrowser. The situation has improved with every new firmware release, so this is no longer a problem.
Alternatively, there are 3rd party applications which can directly play videos from YouTube without using the Adobe Flash Player. Those play flash videos just fine, no matter what version of firmware it runs on.

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