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Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Hello Graham. Is it possible to show week number in month view? Is it possible to choose alarm sound somehow? I like this port very much and I have tried mCalendar from Khertan and there is both possible. I'm using GPE calendar mainly because it has more functions than mCalendar at the moment. So thanks for this port Graham and maintaining it.
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im guessing someone is updating the gpe apps again, as i had filemanager and calendar show up in app manager.

calendar dont want to update tho as it cant find a matching gpesummary...

and i cant tell what changes have been done to filemanager...

heh, maybe i really should not be seeing them, except im using extras-devel (shame on me ).
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Originally Posted by tso View Post

heh, maybe i really should not be seeing them, except im using extras-devel (shame on me ).
same here with extras-devel
ongo bongo!
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My existing GPE versions are: -
ToDo 2.8+Maemo+svn+20080722-1
Calendar 2.8+Maemo+svn+20080722-1
Contacts 2.8+Maemo+svn+20080722-1
Summary 2.8+Maemo+svn+20080722-4

The Updater wants to install: -
ToDo 2.8+Maemo+svn+20081212-2
Calendar 2.8+Maemo+svn+20081212-2
Contacts 2.8+Maemo+svn+20081212-2

But can’t because of Application Packages Missing
gpeSummary 2.8+Maemo+svn+20081212-2
What to do?

File Manager updated fine.
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I am intending to release an update to the GPE Beta shortly. However, in order to do that I need to build the new packages in extras-devel and then test them! I have done the builds but I haven't tested them yet (I have, of course, tested the packages from my daily build repository but there may be differences when they are put into extras-devel).

So, I recommend that people do not upgrade GPE from extras-devel until I have checked that they seem to work. I may need to make changes and rebuild. I will announce the updated Beta in ITT when I have checked it out.

Of course, if anyone wants to try the new packages they can -- but, like any random package you install from extras-devel, it might cause problems! If you do try them out and hit problems (like tso and Rebski) please let me know (posting here, logging a bug report or sending me email) but please be aware I can't offer support for them until I announce they are ready to be tested.

In this particular case, I don't know why gpesummary has not appeared in the repository -- it built successfully. I will have to contact the autobuilder team.


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BTW, is there a ChangeLog anywhere for the daily build repository?
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there are times like these i wish i could color code updates based on what repo they came from
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Hi Graham, Thanks for the response.

For the time being and so as to sort out the mix-up on my device, what I have done is to : -

Uninstall all the GPE apps
Disable the Maemo Extras-Developers repository
Enable the GPE - Graham Cobb repository on the basis of
Web Address:
Distribution: Diablo
Components: daily
I selected 'daily' because the other Diablo repositories such as 'user' seem to be lacking the apps.

Then I installed all the GPE apps version _2.8+maemo+svn20081212-1

This way I back up and running until the situation you describe is sorted.
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hmm, that daily dir is interesting, i see a msynctool and other stuff in there, but no multisync-gui.

now if one could get the latter working, then one have a nice sync system in the works (yes, msynctool will do the job, but why mess around with a commandline tools when one can use a gui?)
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Rebski: Was the partial upgrade actually causing any problems? It shouldn't have.

I really don't recommend that people install stuff directly from my daily build repository (which is why it isn't listed in things like gronmeyer): it is intended for GPE developers to have a convenient way to test out the latest SVN code. Note that packages are put in there automatically, without passing any sort of tests!

However, in this case you should be OK -- that is the same code I intend to release as the Beta once I get gpesummary released correctly.

Tso: The Opensync packages are currently broken. I do plan to return to them once I get this GPE Beta out of the way. I hope to get it working (although only Alpha quality) early in the New Year. And it will be command line only at that time.



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