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I am having difficulties loading a saved track from Maemo Mapper into Google maps (using a GPX / Google Maps Mashup site such as

I have a track saved from Maemo Mapper (no extension, but I assume it's a .gpx file) and I would now like to view this saved track on either a satellite image, or normal map.

I have tried several sites that are supposed to map .gpx files but all fail with error messages - what am I doing wrong? I have not modified the saved file at all, and opening in notepad it appears fine (below is a sample from my saved track file)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.0" creator="maemo-mapper" xmlns="">
<trkpt lat="43.721130" lon="-79.454370">
<desc>Head east on Sparrow Avenue toward Highland Hill. Go 0.3 kilometers.</desc>
<trkpt lat="43.721920" lon="-79.450680">
<desc>Turn left at Highland Hill. Go 0.1 kilometers.</desc>
<trkpt lat="43.722780" lon="-79.450950">
<desc>Turn right at Ranee Avenue. Go 1.6 kilometers.</desc>
<trkpt lat="43.726960" lon="-79.431510">
<desc>Turn left at Bathurst Street. Go 11.7 kilometers.</desc>
<trkpt lat="43.735240" lon="-79.433480"/>
<trkpt lat="43.751100" lon="-79.437390"/>
<trkpt lat="43.754820" lon="-79.438280"/>
<trkpt lat="43.754910" lon="-79.438300"/>
<trkpt lat="43.755000" lon="-79.438250"/>
<trkpt lat="43.755870" lon="-79.438450"/>
<trkpt lat="43.761850" lon="-79.439970"/>
Any help greatly appreciated!
Posts: 605 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ La Rochelle, France
To me, your file looks much more like a route file (downloaded by MaemoMapper) than a track file ...

The Following User Says Thank You to fredoll For This Useful Post:
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2008
doh, you were right! I was saving the wrong file (route, not track) - thanks!
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Posts: 900 | Thanked: 273 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Fresno CA USA
Maemo Mapper can use Google Maps data base but defaults to OpenStreets. Open the route in Maemo Mapper and View - Show - Route. There are difference in GPX XML formats so that may not be interchangeable with all applications. Google Earth allows users to add data base layers to maps but you have to buy a service.
George Fragos
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N810 -- 5.2010.33-1
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2008
I was just being an idiot and exported my ROUTE info instead of my saved TRACK info. As soon as I saved my TRACK file, I was able to open no problem in Google Earth and the GPX / Google Maps Mashup sites available.

Thanks again, just needed someone to virtually smack me upside the head

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