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Unfortunately there's no mention of an arm or a TI binary. I even wrote to Nokia saying that I would pay money for the next OS upgrade if it included significant upgrades to its browser and flash player.

Any ideas on how this one will turn out?
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I guess there won't be flash 9 for N770. AFAIK Flash 9 has noticeably higher requirements for memory and CPU so it is not very suitable (=unusable) for device with 64mb RAM and 250Mhz CPU.
Specified minimum is 128MB and and 450Mhz. Most of such minimum configurations for software are very optimistic.
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Well, it's definitely the news of the week for us Linux users. Some, like my self have been fortunate enough to not have moved to Linux until just a few months ago, while others have had to deal with the headache of a dated version of flash for way too long.

as for getting it ported over to the 770, I think with a loud enough voice from us Internet Tablet users, we could easily get Nokia and Adobe to hammer something out. It would be a damn shame if we had to reverse engineer it and produce it ourselves. But even without it, we'll be fine. After all, look at what options we had before the 770 came into our lives.

One thing's for sure, this will make it just that much better to be a desktop Linux user. Expect to see a lot more people converted because of this development.

Also, you can check out my post about it on NET9.
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Last edited by =DC=; 2006-10-19 at 12:53.
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Those are the x86 based processor requirements. An ARM based binary might require considerably less horsepower since the processor is different; let's hope anyway.

I just came here to post that link too, guess someone read Slashdot earlier than I did
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Originally Posted by Hedgecore
Those are the x86 based processor requirements. An ARM based binary might require considerably less horsepower since the processor is different; let's hope anyway.
In fact ARM cpu in N770 lacks FPU unit which is normal in x86 world since 486 or pentium. And flash may use lot of FP calculations for graphics rendering so I guess ARM is even worse than x86 but yes, we may hope :-)

Also what people mean by flash 9 is to play flash videos. Those video codecs might be even harder job for poor CPU in N770.

I guess when you will cry loud for Flash 9 and Nokia will listen (because customer is always right no matter what), you'll get something you won't like at all :-)

Same for Java support.

Maybe in next hardware version.
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Anything is possible. I'm not asking for much more from the 770 hardware at this point, but I think the software should have some room for optimization still. I could live without a Flash 9 upgrade for the 770, but I think the OS and applications such as the web browser could be a bit snappier.
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well we have flash 6 on 770. don't see why we can't have 9.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Aug 2006
Right, simply rotate the 6 180 degrees and you get a nine, can't be that hard.

Flash Videos on the 770 are unrealistic, on my P3 Linux-Laptop i have to switch from 500 MHz to 700MHz to play them smoothly.
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Originally Posted by schmolch
Flash Videos on the 770 are unrealistic, on my P3 Linux-Laptop i have to switch from 500 MHz to 700MHz to play them smoothly.
It depends on video resolution and bitrate. Watching 320x240 videos (youtube format) on Nokia 770 should be ok. MPlayer handles most of them fine and the problems that are still remaining (deadlocks on long videos because of much longer startup time) are not cpu power starvation related.

Even MPlayer on desktop PC does not support seeking and has some other troubles with *.flv. But seems like new version 1.0rc1 that is sheduled for release this weekend can fix at least some of these troubles
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So Serge, do you think it would make more since to get the web browser optimized for embedded MPlayer to play video through some trivial hacks or is it more realistic to believe upgrading the flash player is possible? At the moment we can play Google Videos and YouTube videos fine using MPlayer, but we still have to download them first. Is there any way we can get MPlayer to directly stream the .flv when we click a link on these sites?

I don't know, it just seems we have more control of the MPlayer solution than a Flash solution at this point.
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