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iliaden's Avatar
Posts: 267 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Montreal, Canada
I take my notes on xournal neither with a stylus nor a keyboard.

the keyboard idea is good (+ all the manually scribbled formulas + elements (organic chemistry)), but in xournal there is no automatic line breaking. Thus, if you continue typing without pressing "enter", you will just get an incredibly long line. too inconvenient.

I also dislike the stylus since it is too short for extensive notetaking. I simply use a pencil (yup, I do have a screen protector). that is the best way I have yet found.

as for the e-book, this is my 4th reader (HP Jornada, Ipaq H3650, acer n311). I am used to reading on the screen. For maximum convenience, I rotate the image 90 degrees in fbreader, and use the + and - keys to scroll up and down pages.
N800, Dell bt keyboard, platronics bt headset, boot from 16GB SD
USB host, Nexxtech powered USB hub, Startech USB2VGA2 display

And it is cheaper, lighter and less consuming than an x86 laptop!
Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Notes (Xournal), web, music. Occasional VoIP. (Oddly, Skype is more reliable on my N800 than my Windows or Linux laptops. Skype makes such glitchy software, it's a wonder anyone uses them...)
Posts: 154 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Sep 2008
OK, what do I use my N800 for mosty...

- Alarm clock
- Newsreader (3/4 hour commute to work... I LOVE Feed Circuit it's a must have!)
- E-Book Reader (evince and fbreader)
- MMM = Mighty Mahjongg Machine :-D
- Media Player mostly for audio books
- watching movies while in bed or on the way to my girlfriend (4 hours by train *gnarf*)
- browsing or IM (pidgin) on a lazy morning when I don't want to fire up my desktop
- generally playing around with deblet...

Needed: good die-roller software for RPG-sessions...

Cadabena's Avatar
Posts: 240 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Jun 2008
My tablet usage:

- Music with XMMS and a pair of Sennheiser CX300s (I tried CX400s, but the they're too sensative, and don't sound right with the tablet)
- Note taking/graph drawing with Xournal and Gnumeric. I use a pencil too, ilianden. And a Zagg Invisible Shield to keep my screen safe from scratches.
- Browsing, possibly even extensive browsing. My eyesight is pretty good, so I don't have the problem most people do.
- IM, using Pidgin to use my AIM and MSN accounts together. I can't get rtcomm working, I think this is down to me having Pidgin 2.5.1 though...

Oh, and Numpty Physics to show off to anyone asking what the tablet is. It's the main thing people at college know my tablet for.
qole's Avatar
Moderator | Posts: 7,109 | Thanked: 8,820 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Vancouver, BC, Canada
Like Aisu, my tablet is the Ultimate Communicator.
Originally Posted by Aisu View Post
Personal Communicator: Grancendtral Dialer, Skype, MSN, AIM, etc, etc, all in my hand wherever I need it
Add to his list Mauku for Twitter / Jaikus and X-Chat for IRC, and a couple of good choices for RSS readers for keeping up on other things like blogs / flickr / etc.

mClock for a bedside clock when travelling, and of course Numpty Physics and Liqbase for goofing around.

VNC viewer makes a great remote control, by the way. It's a very easy install on people's computers, and it really impresses people when you can flip through pictures on a computer slideshow being shown on TV... from your tablet while sitting on the couch.

Like debernardis, I use OpenOffice as a great on-the-road Office suite.

But mainly I love just hacking around... "Hmm, can I do that, I wonder?"
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sondjata's Avatar
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1) Weather (first thing AM)
2) RSS reading
3) Calendaring and To Do
4) GPS with Maemomapper
5) Timesheet for billing (when I have clients).
6) Dialcentral for free phone calls (I soo want to drop long distance now)
7) Mitter twitting
8) E-mail
10) Ebook reader

I would use video but as soon as I start my battery goes and I'm not keen on tethering it.

Last edited by sondjata; 2008-11-22 at 00:19. Reason: added Mitter, etc.
b-man's Avatar
Posts: 549 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Bowling Green Ohio (united states)
What i do with my tablet:

* Use it like a full-blown pc
* brows rss
* posting on the forum
* dual booting
* OS development; Deblet, Mer, Ubuntu, ect...
* programing; bash, a little python and ruby
* browsing the forum
* beta testing
* Showing off!
* entertainment
* hacking
* pushing the limits of my N800
* OpenGL software rendering
* Cdeb2 development
* listening to my fm radio
* Managing email
* Data storage
* Calling people with skype
* resherch
* finishing highschool homework
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
My ports/creations/hacks: GNOME (for Deblet), Cdeb2», Ubuntu, playable flash games in the "Get Started" app, DBS, ect...

enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)

Last edited by b-man; 2008-11-22 at 02:11.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2008
1.gps via feedcircuit with streamripper and streamtuner 5.web browset
mullf's Avatar
Posts: 610 | Thanked: 391 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ DC, USA
I use my 770 for web access and to listen to music while traveling.
Posts: 143 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Apr 2007
home phone (skype)
mobile phone (skype, open and pay wifi)
rsfeed reader
im (rtcomm, skype)
email (gmail pop3)
i also use the email app to type simple docs, using my bluetooth keyboard, which i send to my google docs account. this is a really cool google docs capability that everyone should check out since it's a lot faster to load the email app than it is to load the google docs page.
radio (fm, internet)
mp3 (built in media player because it's folder based)
i have a 6 year old desktop with ubuntu that i use about twice a week. i am thinking of trying out gpe. .
i tried it as an ebook reader, but i just like real books too much.

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