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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I'd like this post to be a way to highlight, with everybody's suggestions, which are the games that work well on the 770, loading them from the xmaeme gui, without using additional hardware (gamepad).

I mean, those that are worth having on the mmc to browse for (provided we own the licence for them, of course) and play. Those playable, smoothly playable. Those for which you have not to blame the lack of another key. Those you load and say "hey, didn't think to this game, it really fits rather well on this device...".

I'll start with mine (name of game, name of rom file, versions used for test):

* pacman, pacman, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3

Thanks for other suggestions, if any!
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Trivial Pursuit, a bit slow though, but you only need two keys to play.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
NOTE: "SOP" is for "stress of pad"

* mappy, mappy, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: moderate)
* kick rider, kickridr, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: high)
* (? casino), sucasino, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: very low)
* motos, motos, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: high)
* pac'n'pal, pacnpal, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: moderate)
* bank panic, bankp, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: low)
* speed coin, spdcoin, xmame 0.58.1-3, xmaeme 0.3, (SOP: low)

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So, without asking for direct links I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions as to how to find a good site to download some of these games for testing purposes? I loaded up mame a few years back and was never able to actually find anywhere to download them without hordes of pop-up ads or simply just misleading sites. Any suggestions would be great. Maybe a very specific google string?

Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by ElGatoFlojo
So, without asking for direct links I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions as to how to find a good site to download some of these games for testing purposes? I loaded up mame a few years back and was never able to actually find anywhere to download them without hordes of pop-up ads or simply just misleading sites. Any suggestions would be great. Maybe a very specific google string?

He he, I'll try to reply... If you want to play an arcade game even if your arcade cabinet is broken, using your custom surrogate solution (emulator on PC or whatever) you can go to an arcade games' supplier, buy some motherboards with your favourite games' ROMs mounted on and the accompanying licenses, buy a device to dump those roms on files, dump those roms on files, play them using your favourite emulator.

Incidentally, if you want to see a DVD-video movie even if your standalone player has the DVD-video reading capability broken, using the surrogate solution of DivX play, you can go to the DVD movies store, buy your favourite ones, download some PC software to decrypt and convert them from DVD-video format to DivX, burn them on a DVD, play them on your semi-broken but functional DivX player. You do it that way, don't you?
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2006
tak, I downloaded elite from the official elite page by bell, but it doesn't work.

er... don't suppose you know why?
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2006
I don't get any error message; it actually runs, but the graphics are messed up.
Posts: 123 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Los Angeles
Tak how well does sound work with fceu? Are games actually playable? (minus the lack of a decent game controller)

Originally Posted by Tak
Oh, and on fceu:
Dragon Warrior series
Final Fantasy series
Legend of Zelda (although the inability to press two buttons simultaneously adds some challenge)
Duck Hunt (the stylus works as the light gun )
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by Tweak
Tak how well does sound work with fceu? Are games actually playable? (minus the lack of a decent game controller)
No sound, and frameskip 2 are fine for Duck Hunt: it's playable and fun (when you have nothing to do

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