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mk500's Avatar
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
When I first purchased my Nokia 770, like many other ITT readers, I had a horrible time with delays and poor communication with Nokia USA. Finally, after months, it arrived. I loved my 770, and used it for many hours each day.

Unfortunately, after many months of use, the need arose to contact Nokia USA again. My digitizer began failing to recognize a small part of the screen in the lower left quadrant. I procrastinated beginning the warranty repair process as I remembered just how aweful communication was with Nokia in the past. I was really worried that sending it in to them would mean losing it for an extended period. Unfortunately, the problem continued to get worse, and it became harder and harder to try to "work around" that portion of the screen.

Finally, I filled out the web form for warranty service; got my printout, and sent my beloved 770 off to Melbourne, Florida on 10/9/06. On October 13th, the USPS tracking software informed me that it arrived in Florida and was signed for. Over the next few days, I patiently awaited an email from Nokia. Maybe an email to tell me they received it? Maybe an email to tell me they were working on it? But even after 4 business days, nothing arrived. I went to the website, and entered my serial number. The site said my number was not on record, and I should call them.

So I called the number. After 20 minutes on hold, I gave my serial number (MAC address) to the rep. They wanted to know my service provider. I told them it wasn't a phone. They said, "I KNOW that it isn't a phone, but what is your service provider?". After a bit more back-and-forth, it finally registered with them that I had no service provider. They couldn't find any records for my tablet. They told me they would send an email to the service facility to see about it. I asked if they could maybe place a phone call instead so I could find out what was going on right away. They said, no, they would send an email, and I should call back in 3 business days so there was time for a response.

At this point, I kind of felt as if I had just been put into a time machine. Are we back in the days where people communicate by mail carried by horse drawn carriage? I would think a company that sells PHONES might be able to make a PHONE CALL??? Anyway, I waited 3 days, and called again.

On this phone call, the exact same process was repeated. No information for my serial number. We will send email to see what is up. So I asked to speak to a manager. The manager tells me the same thing. I have no options, they will email the repair facility, and it might take 3 days to hear back, so I shouldn't call back before then.

I wait 3 business days. Same thing happens again (including more back and forth as they are baffled about me not having a service provider).

OK. So I decide to try sending an email request on the Nokia website. I get a response back saying that my Nokia 770 was received at the repair facility and was under evaluation. YAY!!! 10 days after they received it, but at least I finally know they received it. The email continues with "To better assist you with the repair status of your Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, we recommend contacting us directly. One of our Repair Service Representatives will be happy to assist you." Then they list the phone number I've been calling. My heart sinks.

So, here we are, 12 business days after my device was received by the repair facility. In my most recent phone call (today), they again were pretty testy with me when I tried to make them understand that I do not have a service provider. They are telling me my 770 is in Texas. The rep finally explained "Nokia has until November 13th to repair, replace, or refund our money in keeping with the warranty fine print." Oh, and even after all this communication, the website still claims my MAC address isn't in the service system and I should call customer support.

Somehow I don't think I will be hearing from them until November 13th.
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)
Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
You should call up your service provider and complain.


The number of brutal customer service stories frighten me... I don't think I'll ever know the pain as I'm in Canada and most likely completely unsupported. I just hope the 870 comes out before I have to have orifices checked and fingers submitted as a sample just to cross the border.

Excellent write up however.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Aug 2006
I feel for you but 12 days doesn't sound too bad, at least they care a little bit about you.
I couldn't even get the Nokia Repair Center to give me a replacement headphone jack - they are not authorized to do that.
Posts: 220 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jun 2006
The trick is only send it to texas. I had the same screen problem on a 770 bought off e-bay. Im canadian. Customer service sent me a e-mail telling me they didnt send to canada, two days after i had actually recieved my repaired nokia.
Odin's Avatar
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Texas
Originally Posted by smackpotato
The trick is only send it to texas. I had the same screen problem on a 770 bought off e-bay. Im canadian. Customer service sent me a e-mail telling me they didnt send to canada, two days after i had actually recieved my repaired nokia.
Where in Texas?
Posts: 220 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jun 2006
fort worth The instructions i followed are in this post
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ Metro Detroit Michigan USA
Thanks for all the good information. Hopefully I will never have to use it! My .02. I contacted support via email late one night eastern time. I received an answer within minutes asking if they could call right then to resolve my issue. Mine was a software issue eventually solved by flashing. I aswered affirmative and I received a call minutes later from Nokia support. After a few minutes it was determined I needed pc connectivity support which would be available in the morning. I was given the number to call and it was confirmed in a followup email minutes later. I called the number provided and then went round and round with them trying to explain I don't have a service provider which turned out I could have avoided had I selected 'pc connectivity' from the original menu. I refused the original solution to send my unit in for repair, insisting instead to speak to the next level of support which is level 2 despite the original support's claim they would tell me the same thing. Once connected to level 2 things progressed very quickly and much to my satisfaction w/o having to let go my gizmo.
So I would have to agree that the basic support personel has no idea that Nokia makes the 770 and their standard answer for something like this is to send it in. I'm glad I didn't!! Whew, dodged that one.
penguinbait's Avatar
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I need to send in my 770, the headphone jack is intermittent and the screen hase a dead spot over the "s". This make handwriting recognition impossible, and I have to click the "s" 2 or 3 times before it works.

I hear lots of horror stories? My question is did they fix the headphone jack and did they fix the screen problem? I do not want to go without my 770 for month, but I will for sure be sending it in before January when my 1 year warranty runs out.
mk500's Avatar
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by smackpotato
fort worth The instructions i followed are in this post
I SO wish I would have read that post before sending it in. They deffinately sent mine off to Texas...after being confused for a number of days. I guess the moral of the story is to read ITT more :-) We need a "SEND ONLY TO TEXAS" thread as a sticky under Troubleshooting.

I talked to service again today, and they have moved my service to "high priority" because of the length of time. The rep said they should hear back in 3 days on how the service is progressing.

Keeping my fingers crossed that my 770 will be returned soon. I feel kind of lost not being able to access the Internet from anywhere/anytime. I've even gotten desperate enough to try using my cell phone browser. What an exercise in futility THAT is.

Thanks for all the great comments. At least the 770 community is extremely supportive :-)
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)

Last edited by mk500; 2006-11-02 at 23:54.
penguinbait's Avatar
Posts: 3,096 | Thanked: 1,525 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Michigan, USA
Originally Posted by smackpotato
fort worth The instructions i followed are in this post

When I followed those instructions, it told me to send it to and it was asking me to fill out an online form?

HUNTSVILLE, AL 35803-3526

But there was no PDF file, can anyone post the pdf file???

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