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thepenguinonthetelly's Avatar
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A little help, please?

I'm having a problem doing the sfdisk. It gives me this error:

BLKRRPART: Invalid argument
Warning: start=63 - this looks like a partition rather than the entire disk. Using fdisk on it is probably meaningless.
(Use the --force option if you really want this.)

(Edit) Looks like someone else just had the same problem, heh. In any case, I am using sfdisk, but it keeps telling me that "fdisk" part.

Also, tried umount again, and it's telling me that's also invalid.

Last edited by thepenguinonthetelly; 2008-12-24 at 20:39.
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2007
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

Sorry. I originally spelled "umount" as "unmount."
Did it right this time. However, "cannot umount /media/mmc2: Device or resource busy"
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

Sorry. I originally spelled "umount" as "unmount."
Did it right this time. However, "cannot umount /media/mmc2: Device or resource busy"

Step 1: Unmount the mmc/sd

Since your already root in an xterm (right???) we are going to "unmount" the card. Everything in linux is a file, harddrives, soundcards, your mmc/sd.. all files. Unix "mounts" certain devices to be seen in different locations and to make them accessible. How ever we want to make major changes to that card, so we don't want the OS controlling it.
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
umount /media/mmc2

Now to explain what those mean.

umount is the command that removes a mounted location from the system.

/dev/mmcblk0p1 is the hardware device file for the internal card partition 1

mmcblk0 == internal card
mmcblk1 == external card
p1 == partition 1;p2 == partition 2;etc

If you are in the dir anywhere, or maybe have extended memory running on the card it won't unmount.. stop playing music, cd out of the dir, turn off your extended virtual memory.. try again.

stole from

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Originally Posted by thepenguinonthetelly View Post
A little help, please?

I'm having a problem doing the sfdisk. It gives me this error:

BLKRRPART: Invalid argument
Warning: start=63 - this looks like a partition rather than the entire disk. Using fdisk on it is probably meaningless.
(Use the --force option if you really want this.)

(Edit) Looks like someone else just had the same problem, heh. In any case, I am using sfdisk, but it keeps telling me that "fdisk" part.

Also, tried umount again, and it's telling me that's also invalid.

How big is your card? if it is bigger than some size, you substitute numeral 6 with 'C', to change partition from fat16 to fat32.

thepenguinonthetelly's Avatar
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I can do the unmount, but I still get the error message when I try to sfdisk. It says it's "meaningless". If I try to do the next step, I get "permission denied" even though I am root.

How big is your card? if it is bigger than some size, you substitute numeral 6 with 'C', to change partition from fat16 to fat32.

It's 2 gigs. I had to reformat it earlier, so I don't know if I'm still having problems with it (I shouldn't be). It's formatted as FAT right now.

Last edited by thepenguinonthetelly; 2008-12-25 at 01:06.
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Originally Posted by thepenguinonthetelly View Post
I can do the unmount, but I still get the error message when I try to sfdisk. It says it's "meaningless". If I try to do the next step, I get "permission denied" even though I am root.

How big is your card? if it is bigger than some size, you substitute numeral 6 with 'C', to change partition from fat16 to fat32.

It's 2 gigs. I had to reformat it earlier, so I don't know if I'm still having problems with it (I shouldn't be). It's formatted as FAT right now.
I have not seen that error. Give more system info, like how big is your card, internal or external, N800 or N810, what system you are running etc.

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Originally Posted by thepenguinonthetelly View Post
I can do the unmount, but I still get the error message when I try to sfdisk. It says it's "meaningless". If I try to do the next step, I get "permission denied" even though I am root...
It appears your umount is NOT successful and you are trying to make partitions on a 'mounted' device. Try to get the partition device totally unmounted, e.g., get rid of the swap file etc.
and reboot.

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I umounted OK, but I can't sfdisk. I get the same "...using fdisk on it is probably meaningless..."
I unchecked virtual memory and it's no longer even checkable.
I have an 810 with an 8GB external card.
I'm running 4.2008.36-5

Last edited by jhford; 2008-12-25 at 01:46.
thepenguinonthetelly's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
It appears your umount is NOT successful and you are trying to make partitions on a 'mounted' device. Try to get the partition device totally unmounted, e.g., get rid of the swap file etc.
and reboot.

That's the strange thing though -- the virtual memory isn't extended, and I just checked the card via Disk Management, and it reports it as in "healthy" shape (and its full amount of space available).

Give more system info, like how big is your card, internal or external, N800 or N810, what system you are running etc.
This is the N800, the internal card is 2 Gigs, and I'm running on the 43.7(?) update (the last OS update from earlier this month).

It's strange; in the past, I've done the clone with an 100% success rate, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong now.
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Originally Posted by thepenguinonthetelly View Post
That's the strange thing though -- the virtual memory isn't extended, and I just checked the card via Disk Management, and it reports it as in "healthy" shape (and its full amount of space available).

This is the N800, the internal card is 2 Gigs, and I'm running on the 43.7(?) update (the last OS update from earlier this month).

It's strange; in the past, I've done the clone with an 100% success rate, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong now.
That is exactly the same system I am using, N800/5.2008.43-7/internal SD!

I am not sure what is keeping your device 'mounted'. Some guru please jump in?


2008os, bootmenu, clone, upgrade

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