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Hi, I a trying to manually install an application on my N910. Specifcally, I am installing a newer version of m4 so that I can install autoconf so tha I can install automake so that I can install librfid.

Anyways, I did a ./configure for m4, and when I do a make, it starts compiling but always gets to "gccc [...] regex.o regex.c"
"fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccRku69z.s: No space left on device. compliation terminated"

I have 47MB left of memory, plus plenty of space on both of the memory cards. I tried running apt-get clean as recommended in another thread, but that didn't do much.

Any ideas?
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Originally Posted by azureice View Post
Hi, I a trying to manually install an application on my N910. Specifcally, I am installing a newer version of m4 so that I can install autoconf so tha I can install automake so that I can install librfid.

Anyways, I did a ./configure for m4, and when I do a make, it starts compiling but always gets to "gccc [...] regex.o regex.c"
"fatal error: error writing to /tmp/ccRku69z.s: No space left on device. compliation terminated"

I have 47MB left of memory, plus plenty of space on both of the memory cards. I tried running apt-get clean as recommended in another thread, but that didn't do much.

Any ideas?
Well, first of all, it doesn't matter how much space is on the memory cards if you are not using them.

In this case, the compiler is using /tmp as a "scratchpad". (tmp means temporary). I would guess that, somewere in the compile process, you are using up all of that 47 MB of memory.

You could try something like:

mkdir /media/mmc1/tmp
mount /media/mmc1/tmp /tmp

This would map the /tmp directory to /media/mmc1/tmp. Might be worth trying. It certainly shouldn't hurt anything.

Remember: if you reboot, the mount reverts back to the Flash.
Mitch Thompson, Helotes, TX USA
N800|2x 16GB SDHC|PDAir case|i737 BT GPS

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The Following User Says Thank You to deeteroderdas For This Useful Post:
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks, this fixed it!

The Following User Says Thank You to azureice For This Useful Post:
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I have installed debian on my n810 and I got the "no space left on device" error while installing packages in spite of having 500mb free space on my card. I tried mounting the tmp directory but I got this error: mount: /media/mmc1/tmp is not a block device. Running -df showed me that my /sys directory is full used. I don't know how I could expand more space. Thanks for your help.
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You can make the mounts permanent if you add them to fstab.
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Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2008
I had to made a reinstall however I found this:
(partition your SD card and put your Debian fs there - this seems to be the best solution )

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