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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
I just don't see anything to turn to right now for under $500 or so -- as long as nobody else catches up, Nokia doesn't really have to stay ahead. Now Android is gaining momentum, to be sure, and that will help the 800x480 Android devices whenever they arrive, but there's nothing right now, and no sign they'll be here before the RX-51 is announced.

And the Pandora is a sad tale of delays.
I was in the same situation a couple of months ago when I realized that Nokia was not releasing the N900 before Christmas.
I ened up buying the We Surf
which is the same as the Clevo TN70M (
I have a N800 and HP laptop, and before I had this Netbook, I spent my time between the HP and the N800. Now I realize that most of the time I use only the We-surf.

There is times when laptop is more suitable (eg. when I am at a table) and times when the tablet is best. With this Netbook I have the 2 in the same machine. Other issue that bothered me on the N800, is the screen size that made it difficult to read some web sites. I find that 7" is a good compromise between mobility and confort. One issue than I came to appreciate in the Netbook is that I have along side the screen, on the left the 2 mouse buttons and on the right the mouse weel. This is great to browse the net and use the Netbook as a PC.

The OS is Ubuntu, and the amount of available applications is amazing.
I paied 340 Euros for this wonder... (same as I would pay for a N810)

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Problem is that in 2009 I will give my money exactly once to exactly one manufacturer. Now if Nokia will not announce something attractive in time then they will be too late, at least in my case (I am not even sure whether I go for the one device or the two device strategy; maybe palm can convince me...). BTW I do not understand what the problem would be with such a announcement - the hardware is already designed, isn't it?
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I used to think the same way you do, Frank, until I realized what a big general bust 2009 is gonna be. Quick to market? WHAT market?
Smartphones and netbooks are selling well. People buy these devices despite the bad economy.

Except that its name has no momentum whatsoever, and that the form factor might be odd, a MID/tablet could sell as some kind of device inbetween netbook and smartphone.

I think Nokia could goof off this year and still be okay... anyone releasing major new stuff this year may see that backfire.
Several new products have been announced including touchscreen based mid-end & high-end smartphones. Every other major mobile (smart)phone corporation is catching on with touchscreen smartphones. We're waiting for the market leader in mobile phone sector to catch up...

Still, you have a good point that the damage would be less than in a thriving economy. So a focus on more lower and mid-end products would make sense.

Frank, we know roughly when Fremantle is released because we received a rough timeline (on the Maemo summit). Furthermore, we know a Fremantle release is tied to a product release, and we know details about the new hardware the Fremantle is going to be released. Add it all up and do the math.

That said, Nokia sure is quiet at CES 2009...
Many corporations are cutting costs on expos. These gatherings have been going downfall since the Internet is getting more and more the status quo of communication. And why not...
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Originally Posted by gammer View Post
Problem is that in 2009 I will give my money exactly once to exactly one manufacturer.
Makes sense. You can always resell your device later because you want a different type of convergence. The sooner, the better (related to warranty, new products, battery quality, lower price of new product). For example, take Luso's post into account a few posts above this one. He can now sell his HP laptop and N800 because the netbook does its job well enough.

In fact, after I was aware of the quality of the N800 and Maemo and the fact Sharp was going to ditch the Zaurus product line I quickly ditched my SL C1000 + accessoires for about 80% of the (Japan) new price which was about 1 year after I bought the device. Give original receipt and voila.

It'd have been even better to sell it before Sharp announced, or earlier. The longer you wait, the more it is in your disadvantage. Unless you want to bet and wait for it acquiring the status antique
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Makes sense. You can always resell your device later because you want a different type of convergence. The sooner, the better (related to warranty, new products, battery quality, lower price of new product). For example, take Luso's post into account a few posts above this one. He can now sell his HP laptop and N800 because the netbook does its job well enough.

In fact, after I was aware of the quality of the N800 and Maemo and the fact Sharp was going to ditch the Zaurus product line I quickly ditched my SL C1000 + accessoires for about 80% of the (Japan) new price which was about 1 year after I bought the device. Give original receipt and voila.

It'd have been even better to sell it before Sharp announced, or earlier. The longer you wait, the more it is in your disadvantage. Unless you want to bet and wait for it acquiring the status antique
Ok, would be a way out, sort of. But I hate the stress of managing this. Additionally, I would always be tempted to tell the buyer "hey there is this and this better thing and that's the reason i sell it ..." (well, simply the unfavorable truth ). I try to avoid this.
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
I'm not with you about 2009, but that's not even the main issue.
The 2009 economy is going to do a LOT of damage, and that IS the main issue.

I am the canary in the coal mine.

Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Smartphones and netbooks are selling well. People buy these devices despite the bad economy.
The full effects have not yet hit. People are still in denial. But the signs are there.

Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Many corporations are cutting costs on expos. These gatherings have been going downfall since the Internet is getting more and more the status quo of communication. And why not...
"Why not" is because the internet does not support touch and feel.
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Last edited by Texrat; 2009-01-08 at 23:03.

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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
As explained several times elsewhere, no, this is step 4.
He's right! I have proof! ...they're skipping step 4. I managed to get my hands on some "privileged" internal Nokia documentation that lays out their master plans for the new tablet in 2009!

Step 1: Decide on a name!
Step 2: Make the device look sexy!
Step 3: Throw Linux on it!
Step 4: ????
Step 5: PROFIT!!!

Which step do you think they're stuck on?

I'm joking about getting my hands on "priviledged internal Nokia documentation." Did you really need me to tell you that? See the toothy grin at the end? It's a hint. Also, if you can read this, you're MUCH too close to the screen... move back from the screen before you damage your eyes. Didn't your mother ever teach you that? Kids today! Why.. just the other day I saw this kid in the grocery store and where were the parents? Nowhere, right? Good God! What's the world coming to? What? You're STILL reading this?? I could rant all day!

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I agree with Texrat. I keep hearing people say, "That's it, I'm ditching my tablet for device X," and so I dutifully go the website and look it over, and I always decide that I just can't justify the purchase because the device is either too expensive or lacking in key areas (poor battery life, too big to carry around, not hackable enough, etc, etc).

My biggest concern right now for the new device is that I can't see myself being able to afford a(n) HSPA plan. We're down to a half year or less before the device is released, and I don't see any affordable data plans anytime soon. $360/yr buys me a GB per month and $720/year buys me 3GB a month.

And this is so comforting:
Mobile Internet Cost Protection: For the rare situations where you may use more than your bucket of data you can still rest easy knowing you will never be charged more than $100 a month in data charges thanks to Rogers Mobile Internet Cost Protection.
If that seems like a weird thing to you, then you didn't read about the guys who were getting charged thousands of dollars by Rogers before.

Maybe I'm wrong, here. Maybe I'd be perfectly happy on the 1 GB plan, and I'd never go over that limit. Anyone have some real-world numbers for me?
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I am totally with you, qole. The Maemo 5 device makes me drool, but the cost of data in the great white north we call home makes me sick. I think I said in another thread that I would only get the Maemo 5 device if the data rates come down. When I was experimenting with that Rogers WiMAX modem, I was doing a few Gb a month. I guess it depends on how you use it. You may have to limit yourself to mobile sites, no extras like RSS updates while on HSPA, no downloads, etc. Then you have to ask yourself why you got such a kick*** device, only to be limited in the end by data cost. I have that $7/month on-device internet from my Rogers Pay-as-you-go phone (EDGE), that I tether to my N800 right now. And indeed, this is how I optimize my tethering - I limit myself to mobile sites, no downloads, etc. So far, so good, Rogers hasn't said anything - 5 months and counting.
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Last edited by EIPI; 2009-01-09 at 01:12.
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I think everyone who is mainly looking ahead for Nokia N900 is for a better web browsing experience, at the same time maintain good side features such as open source applications, multimedia, and staying in touch with others. But I think 65% is all about the browser. After all its called a "Internet Tablet".

So me starting to get frustrated with my N800's hardware, and its slow web browsing experience I wanted a change, although I am a pure Nokia person, which likes its brilliant build quality and stable features. I decided to buy something in mean while until the N900 is released. So I started my research and kept a budget price range of $350. And ended up buying a Archos 5, now before you start to think what a lame device, or the matter its french made, or its not open source or what not.

I use to think exactly the same, and never thought I will be getting my self a Archos. But now I have it, I can say I am a little satisfied. You probably are thinking, I am blown by the multimedia features and the big screen are all the flashy stuff. But I am not, I am really impressed by its web browser which is still in alphaish release but it works for me, Its very fast and can even open java applets, now I can visit almost all the web sites that I never could even open on the Nokia. even though its here for temporary until Nokia finally reveal the N900 and the price tag, it is serving me good. And the fact it has a 60GB flash drive I can load 3x the stuff i use to load on my MMC on my Nokia.

So here's my advice to all who are in my situation... buy the Archos 5 and sell it when you finally see the N900 or some similar device or keep it after you have seen the N900 and think your okay with it. There is 20 day money back guarantee by most popular stores that sell it.

Last edited by aikon800; 2009-01-09 at 23:48.

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