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tso's Avatar
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heh, lets not forget about that crazy folding device patent application that nokia recently filed.
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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
It's a shame what happened to you, but (touch wood) I'm fairly confident in keeping my job this year. Other people will too.
No offense, Jaffa, but that's rather trite. Check the latest:

Job market: At 8:30 a.m. ET, the Labor Department is expected to report that the economy lost 500,000 jobs in December, according to a consensus of analyst estimates compiled by That compares with 533,000 jobs that were lost in November, which was a 34-year high.
If anything I'm being conservative. People would be well-served by addressing the economic crisis seriously instead of blithely assuming it's all going to go away soon. Again: the impact has not yet been felt. The worst is yet to manifest.
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Regarding that "step" discussion, and the future for the tablets in general, take a look at an Interview with Anssi Vanjoki:

Does the launch of touch-based phones spell the end for Nokia’s Internet tables?

A.V. Definitely not. We know the Touch technology inside out because we introduced the first product of this kind back in 2004 (Nokia 7710) and if you look at the Internet tablet segment, it’s not dying at all, on the contrary – it’s our future. I remember saying at some launch even that it would take five generations of the Internet tablet devices to really make them mass consumer products – so far, we have launched only three generations and the fourth is in the making at this very moment, based on the Maemo software that is written for touch-based products, so it’s a very important asset for us.

The rest of the interview is also quite interesting and definitely worth a read.

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ossipena's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
It's a shame what happened to you, but (touch wood) I'm fairly confident in keeping my job this year. Other people will too.
It is shame, that this can be seen in 2-5 years. so there's no point arguing about this now. Only time will tell for sure. Unless you have ported some kind of fortune teller that is always right into your tablet..

But in the world economy there isn't any significant movement into brighter future yet. And the multiplicative effect works with delays.

ps. to the guy who said that nokia will fall: if you look the competitors stock price movement in one day and make your decisions by that, I feel really sorry for you for typing that here...

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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post
I think at some point we have to stop using the step 1 to 5 analogy. This analogy was presented when? Was it the Web2.0 event in end of 2007? Obviously, a lot of things have changed, both in Maemo evolution and in the industry since then. What is it we are trying to identify by step 4 and step 5. Step 5 being the final step of ???

sure, I have never looked at the evolution of the device reaching some 'step 5' and becoming set in stone - BUT, it was presented as a nokia roadmap, and GA asserts that the next device is step 4 of 5, and so that leaves me thinking what is going to be "held back" in the next generation that will stoip it being a "consumer ready" device for the mass market?

and if this is the case it's bloody stupid on nokia's part.

so, is the '5 step' thing not something to bear in mnd anymore? GA?
Benson's Avatar
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Originally Posted by flareup View Post
sure, I have never looked at the evolution of the device reaching some 'step 5' and becoming set in stone - BUT, it was presented as a nokia roadmap, and GA asserts that the next device is step 4 of 5, and so that leaves me thinking what is going to be "held back" in the next generation that will stoip it being a "consumer ready" device for the mass market?
Probably the past year's research, and the next year's development.

One doesn't make a multi-year plan assuming better hardware components won't become available, and software naturally evolves over a series of devices.

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polossatik's Avatar
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I think I'll simply spend the 2009 budget for gadgets on beer...
Makes simply more sense...
Jaffa's Avatar
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Originally Posted by flareup View Post
step 4 of 5, and so that leaves me thinking what is going to be "held back" in the next generation that will stoip it being a "consumer ready" device for the mass market?

and if this is the case it's bloody stupid on nokia's part.
The point of a 5-step plan is that each step builds on the last. "Step 5" becomes easier/cheaper/quicker by having a "step 4". So RX-51 will have the best hardware that Nokia can afford to put in it at the price point it's targetting, and will have the best software that Nokia can develop in the time available.

There won't be a discussion of "well, this is step 4 so let's not make it nice and usable"; there'll be discussions of "well, if we do this nice feature it may sell better, but it'll push the release date out"; or "the hardware's not up to it, but by the time the N1000 comes out with Harmattan, there'll be more grunt to play with".
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Didn't step 5 meant Consumer Ready? As in working out-of-the-box, grandma-certified, lots of apps and most importantly ADVERTISED. The previous Tablets were just a niche product, were never advertised and considered a linux geek gadget. Not that it's a bad thing...
So... in regard of that, will the next Tablet be step 5?
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Step 5 : Same plan than Cortex (The Brain in english) (Pinky and the Brain) ...

... Biological Recombinant Algorithmic Intelligence Nexus ...


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