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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by Tak
New feature: Onscreen A and B buttons for fceu.
Cool! Is there any hope for this to be added in xmame too?
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by Tak
Hmm...unlikely. FCEU basically runs games at one guaranteed resolution, with one guaranteed orientation, so I know I have Z amount of screen space at position (X,Y) to place the buttons, and that they'll be usable if I place them there.

IMO it would be very difficult to find space to place them in a consistent and helpful manner with xmame.
Yes, that's right. Btw it's good as it is, now that the TAB has been mapped so the tap can be a button.

Originally Posted by Tak
However, there is hope for a snes emulator if I can do something similar with zsnes or snes9x.
I think it will be unusably slow, if ever you'll succeed in porting. Btw I remember zsnes was really fast on my pentium 100, more than snes9x, Don't know which is faster now, though.
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I've looked around for some alternative to FCEUltra, and maybe it's interesting this nes "portable" emulator: infoNES.

They say:
InfoNES is an open-sourced NES emulator, that runs on Win32, x86/Linux, PS2/Linux, WinCE(H/PC, P/PC, P/PC2002, l'genda, BE-300, BE-500), GBA(GameBoy Advance), GP32(GamePark 32), Zaurus/Linux, N-Gage(Nokia s60), OSASK, Pekoe, and PlayStation2. If you plan to create a NES emulator for embedded devices (i.e. Palm, Nokia 7650, SmartPhone 2002, etc.), InfoNES is one of the best choices.
Tak, what about trying this one and see if it's better? (it seems you do have the skills, and there are already ports for other devices so it should not be harder than the fceultra port you've done)
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Originally Posted by Tak View Post
I looked at infones a bit; the emulation doesn't seem nearly as good as FCEU's. Particularly now with accelerated 2x scaling, FCEU is very playable, and IMO it's worth having good support for a ton of games.
I see, thanks for having looked at it

Originally Posted by Tak View Post
BTW, new xmame release (0.58.1-6), with support for accelerated 2x scaling.
Hurray! Nice to see you're still active on the project. I hope some day to find the time for a web page advertising your n770 emu ports
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I have just tried the NES emulator component on my n800 and it doesn't appear to work very well. The sound is quite choppy and the onscreen A and B buttons don't appear to work at all in any of the games I have tried. The Save button produces a "State 0 Save Error"
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I've got roms that work fine with mame 0.118 under Windows. Why don't these roms work with xmame 0.58 on my N800? I get lots of errors about missing files in the zip file. Where can I find roms that will work?
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Originally Posted by tprincipio View Post
I've got roms that work fine with mame 0.118 under Windows. Why don't these roms work with xmame 0.58 on my N800? I get lots of errors about missing files in the zip file. Where can I find roms that will work?
Romsets can change with mame version. So not every rom set will work with every mame version. For some you can just rename files to the expected names and they will work, but figuring out which file maps to which name can be tricky.
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Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
Romsets can change with mame version. So not every rom set will work with every mame version. For some you can just rename files to the expected names and they will work, but figuring out which file maps to which name can be tricky.

So even if you have a complete/stable version of MAME running on the 770/n800 you would still need to configure each Rom individually before they would work?.....

Sorry for butting in, but I have been looking around the web for any info on a MAME port for the nokia 770. Which lead me to these forums. I saw the progress geekdoc had made with it, but it seems he hasn't updated for a while..Dose anyone know if he or anyone else has made any further progress with it at all?..The only other info I found was a reference on some German site, which lead me back here. I did a full circle!...Thanks in advance for any info....
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Hi Guys, After fighting with XMAEME on the N800 for a few hours I started working the XMAME directly on the command-line. I don't think XMAEME works with arcade ROMs with the latest updates to the N800.

I was getting the same "Unable to load ROM" message that you've been seeing. Short answer: it's not the ROMs.

Hopefully this site will help some people:

Direct link to instructions:

If anyone has any corrections or updates to my notes, I'm more than happy to incorporate improvements to the text.

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