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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
This is not new information! See the copyright on bottom: 1999.
For me it was. Looks like I am becoming officially old now, 1999 is like yesterday for me ;-) My university years are 1992-97 and I still feel like I've just left the school. I've met GPL first when moving from NetBSD to linux 0.9.x on my Amiga which was according to this article in 1994. I did not update my knowledge about GPL/LGPL since then. At that time is was "Library" GPL and I believe this POV was not stressed much. It was simply licence which made perfect sense for libraries (you want GPL advantage for your library code to get bugfixes etc, you don't care and don't want to restrict library users because you want your library to be used by as many application developers as possible).
Newbies click here before posting. Thanks.

If you really need to PM me with troubleshooting question please consider posting it to the forum instead. It is OK to PM me a link to such post then. Thank you.

Last edited by fanoush; 2009-01-15 at 08:35.
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Anything that makes Qt, and thus c++, be used more places only serves to annoy me. (IMO, C++ should be banished;
Nobody is twisting your arm to do c++ because of Qt. You have a myriad of different bindings (including abominations like php-qt), and if you want lisp, hey, I'm sure it's doable if you have the time for it. I know several avid Qt programmers who have no clue about C++ but keep happily using Qt from Java or Python. The days (years ? decades ?) when Qt meant c++ only are long gone.
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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
But Qt means c++, which, as anyone who's just spending the better part of a day porting a QT3 app to QT4 and building it on the tablet (by the process of iterative creepingly slow c++ compilation and fixing whatever throws errors), is perfectly horrible.
Not necessarily.

I use the Python bindings for Qt ("PyQt"). Since Python is not compiled, slow compilation is not an issue.

I have several apps I wrote for Windows using PyQt that worked perfectly (with no changes) on my N810 when I transferred the source files.

Well, I did have to change the source files from Windows cr/lf line ends to Linux lf line ends, and one of the apps was assuming that the screen was taller than 480 pixels. But other than that, they worked just fine. Including the real-time astrolabe, and the graphic intensive wargame simulation.



Last edited by Nyrath; 2009-01-15 at 19:30.

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Seems I incited a wholly different flamewar than I meant to; now it's about compiled vs. interpreted languages...
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benson, agreed in certain cases.
the solution to slow compilation is not to use an interpreter.
Its simply shifting the problem down the line.

Of course, as binding glue to native objects it may be beneficial to use an interpreter, but it most likely comes down on which language you are comfortable with.

Currently I build apps in C directly on my tablet. whether it is gtk libliqbase or anything else (which doesn't need configure step) it builds within my annoyance threshold and runs quickly.

I tried c++, but quickly grew bored waiting for compilation of even the smallest modules.

having said that, doing anything objective in c is mind numbing.
I'm still used to a half way house syntax of VB
liqbase sketching the future.
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