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Originally Posted by pwrjjf View Post
Does the youtube app work on NITdroid/andriod when on the n770?
How usefull , so far there are no network connectivity , any of you investigated on the wifi, BT or usbnet interfaces ?
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Originally Posted by littlestone View Post
Cool. Thanks the nitdroid team! I followed the guide and now it's on my 770 with 128MB swap on. A few questions though, how stable is it? Mine seems to crash regularly (maybe it's the cheap MMC). Does the WiFi work?
Hello, I have managed to launch NITdroid with the 0.3.2 rootfs on my 770, but I have not been successfull with newer ones (such as 0.4.2) so far: the startup stops at the "flashing logo" stage and the 770 finally reboots. I use the latest kernel prepared by Bundyo dated 12/23/08. What is your experience with latest rootfs ?
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0.4.2 should work on 770 but I don't have the hw to debug it. Can you connect via ADB when booting?

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Originally Posted by solca View Post
0.4.2 should work on 770 but I don't have the hw to debug it. Can you connect via ADB when booting?
Solca, I can connect via ADB or Dalvik Debug Monitor when booting (I have access to the filesystem and can run ADB commands). I have attached the booting log from Dalvik Debug Monitor. The booting seems to restart endlessly at some point in the starting process
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Originally Posted by Remy View Post
Solca, I can connect via ADB or Dalvik Debug Monitor when booting (I have access to the filesystem and can run ADB commands). I have attached the booting log from Dalvik Debug Monitor. The booting seems to restart endlessly at some point in the starting process
First it seems you don't have a FAT partition on your MMC card.

Second something is generating a SIGBUS signal, as 0.3.2 works I would rule out bad memory but do you set up a swap file or partition for 0.4.2?

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I have not tried yet to swapon my swap partition on the 0.4.2. I will try that. FYI, the 0.3.2 could start without swap but activating swap somehow improved system stability

I actually have a FAT32 partition on my MMC card (the first one)
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I'll post tomorrow a diff of my kernel changes (they're not much anyway) and also the changes to the wifi drivers.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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Great Bundyo !

I am exited to test this, btw do you need to flash maemo again to update rootfs ?
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Originally Posted by solca View Post
First it seems you don't have a FAT partition on your MMC card.

Second something is generating a SIGBUS signal, as 0.3.2 works I would rule out bad memory but do you set up a swap file or partition for 0.4.2?
I have converted the first partition of my MMC card from FAT32 to FAT16, and I have activated my swap partition during bootup through the ADB tool, but no success so far with the 0.4.2 rootfs

I also tried to activate swap at startup by adding [service swap /nokia/bin/busybox swapon /dev/block/mmcblk0p6
oneshot] at the end of the init.rd file. Is this command correct, as it doesn't seem to work (no swap is activated)?

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Originally Posted by Remy View Post
I have converted the first partition of my MMC card from FAT32 to FAT16, and I have activated my swap partition during bootup through the ADB tool, but no success so far with the 0.4.2 rootfs

I also tried to activate swap at startup by adding [service swap /nokia/bin/busybox swapon /dev/block/mmcblk0p6
oneshot] at the end of the init.rd file. Is this command correct, as it doesn't seem to work (no swap is activated)?
Swap is not required unless maybe on a N770 and it's not the problem, I just asked because if swap goes to a bad block device with errors weird things will happen including your SIGBUS signals.

Those SIGBUS errors could come from bugs in the compiler optimizations too as I optimize all the recent NITdroid releases for the N770 CPU (-march=armv5te -mtune=arm926ej-s) which is the lower common denominator.

In the next days will generate you a 0.4.2 filesystem without optimizations so you can check again. Thx!

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