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Originally Posted by pton View Post
Edit 1: Keyboard cannot be made hidden. More observations: some apps have no jitter problem in full screen mode (e.g. terminal, stardict, eggtimer etc), but not in normal screen mode. 2 apps appear to have no jitter problem even in normal screen mode (galculator and maemopad+). FBreader has jitter problem even in full screen mode. Any system expert can help to fix this with software patch please?!
I have not ever seen a device with this problem myself, so everything in this post is just a random guess. It probably could be that it is some kind of hardware failure related to partial screen updates (applications use partial screen updates when run in 'normal' mode). A workaround would be to modify X server not to use partial screen updates and always update full screen. This workaround will reduce performance, especially for video, but probably can make device usable for a bit longer.

I would recommend to try installing Mer on problematic devices and check if this problem can be seen in it. Because Mer currently uses a new version of X server which is missing lots of performance optimizations (it only uses automatic fullscreen updates), it may not suffer from this supposedly hardware fault.

But this is only a guess, I may be completely wrong.
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You're welcome, heavyt! Glad you were able to get AMEX to cover you for the replacement.
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Did replacing the screen work for anyone or was it a mainboard problem? I just got this and am presently fighting with Mastercard to get the warranty service, if they fall through I'd like to know if a screen replacement will solve the problem
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Sorry about your luck joining this unfortunate club! I didn't try any further fixes since VISA covered,me for a replacement N810.

The N800 is still sitting in a 'someday I'll get around tuit' pile, so interested in hearing about any other fixes...good luck!
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In my case replacing the screen fixed it, but yours may be a different problem.
Today I wouldn't replace the screen, I'd simply buy a moses smartq 5 (that costs less than an n800 replacement screen).
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When the problem occured on mine 5 months after purchase, it was sent into Nokia for a repair under the warrenty. They could/would not repair the unit and instead sent me a refurbished N800. Within 30 days had to replace the battery. All's well now.
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I guess this problem is still open. Mine just started the same scrolling effect like and old TV set that has a bad vertical hold problem. I'm no longer cover by warranty but I'm still hoping someone will come up with a solution I can implement. I miss my N800 a lot but would probably resit buying an other Nokia device after this.
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Mine is doing it, too. A year to the month since I got it. No warranty.
That really sucks because I liked the n800. But now that I see that this is a common problem with this device I will NOT be replacing it just to have it fail again. I can't afford to buy anything right now so I guess I'll be getting my pocketpc out of the drawer and charging it up again. The browser on it sucks. The speaker on it sucks. But at least it can do PIM, internet radio, ebooks, and audible stuff which is what I do most anyway. Not to mention accessing my orb stuff. Say what you want about my old pocketpc, but at least it's still working! I even have an old Ipaq 3630 that STILL WORKS.

BTW, at least I can still use the n800 on the nightstand as an internet radio. I just leave canola running all the time. Set the display to black out right away. Because it seems the screen is ok for a few seconds when you first wake up the screen. At least long enough to select my station.

Other than that. It's now useless. What a shame!
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stskeeps had this issue

lost its sync somewhere, we wanted to use it as a saviour and give tear free scrolling
liqbase sketching the future.
like what i say? hit the Thanks, thanks!
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A year later I'm just about to dump it in the trash.

ANy news?

jitter, n800, rolling, screen, scrolling

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