
Thread Tools
Bundyo's Avatar
Posts: 4,708 | Thanked: 4,649 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Bulgaria
New version, now I hope it can be called a beta. Changing the versioning scheme since I have a lot of versions ahead of me First run can take up to 20 seconds to upgrade/create/populate the database. Sorry for the new thread, but the previous became a monster.

New release with some wanted features while I'm working on the major changes.

Changes in 0.3.5-2:
  • Fixed DBus server regression (due to changes in Vala).
  • Old userstyles.css is renamed on install, you can find it in the ~/.tear/
  • Qwerty12 fixed the scrollbar option to actually work.
  • Qwerty12 did some changes in find toolbar to work like the MicroB one.

What we have in 0.3.5-1, part of these changes are in libwebkit:
  • Bookmarklets support, you can add a bookmarklet from the url bar with the star and from tap and hold on a bookmarklet link. - fixes [issue #39].
  • Moved Bookmarks placeholder a little, the bookmarklets are in its place now (since they're tools and should be more easily accessible).
  • Extended Dashboard a bit, added last searches which shows the last searches from the url bar (no control on the other Dashboard search, maybe will remove it).
  • Open file dialog (in the new Page menu) - fixes [issue #44].
  • Add bookmark and Set home page in the same menu.
  • There are now menu items to clear cookies and history in Tools menu and auto clear on exit options as well.
  • Find in page functionality thanks to Faheem (Qwerty12) - fixes [issue #54]
  • Shortcuts should be finally working in n8x0.
  • Fullscreen by default option - partially fixes [issue #46]
  • Option for thumb/normal/none scrollbars (thanks to Faheem for thumb) - fixes [issue #45]
  • Option to turn off kinetik scrolling - fixes [issue #52]
  • Option for default Dashboard tab, thank to Matan.
  • Link in Tear/About is clickable and goes to a page (due to popular interest, thanks to Faheem (Qwerty12)) - fixes issues #58 and #55
  • [webkit] Maxlength is working now - fixes [issue #27]
  • [webkit] Enabled AppCache, hopefully the Google applications are snappier - fixes [issue #56]
  • [webkit] Integrated the Titanium patches, excluding the CURL patch.
I think that was all, I'll add if I missed something. The 770 update will be late as usual

New features and fixes in 0.3.1:
  • Tap and hold menus for back, forward and reload buttons. [Issue #25]
  • Options Manager, kinda like about:config in FF. This fixes the not persisting options. [Issue #17], [Issue #5]
  • Home page option - changes the starting page, the Dashboard is still available from the bookmark menu.
  • User agent option - tested with some iPhone sites and works like a charm. However ITT has some weird scroll to top on open thread behavior when with the iPhone user-agent. Domain-based options may become a necessity.
  • Retractable toolbars. [Issue #15] Converted VMWare's libview drawer to Vala + added some extras like drawer orientation. A bunch of options + Toolbar submenu in View for this one:
    • Show in normal/fullscreen mode - self explanatory. If not shown is retracted.
    • Show progressline in normal/fullscreen mode - shows a thin progress line while the toolbar is retracted.
    • Orientation - Show the toolbar at top/bottom in normal/fullscreen - self explanatory.
    • Wake toolbar shortcut key - currently not working, the shortcut key is always D-Pad Enter.
    • Wake toolbar shortcut key speed - short/long. When short - short click shows the toolbar, long click acts as D-Pad Enter, you can guess what is long
  • Preliminary bookmarklets support - can only be run from the toolbar right now.
  • You can now Copy/Paste in url entry on n8x0 or with Bluetooth keyboard. [Issue #2] and [Issue #30]
  • Now capital I should not zoom /Couldn't test that/ [Issue #3]
  • Fixed the large bookmark title result in large bookmark menu [Issue #24]
  • Auto-select address bar contents on widget activation. [Issue #31]

Old News:
  • Download Manager - Open button now working with the default mimetype + Execute and remove buttons in the manager. Remove button only removes the download from the list.
  • DBus interface. Simple start with url will open it as a new window in already opened program, no changes to the tasknavigator plugin needed. DBus method_call:
    dbus-send --session --type=method_call /com/nokia/tear string:""
    will also open in new window. #12
  • libconic auto connect #18
  • Crash recovery with window selection (see screenshot below) and Close and Save All item in Close menu (save session). #19
  • Undo close window in Window menu. #22
  • Selection is done while holding the Menu key pressed and dragging.
  • Support for user styles - userstyles.css is in /home/user/.tear/userstyles.css - there's a rule in it to remove all rounded corners and enable text zoom.
  • Links with target=_blank now open in new window.
  • Small dashboard hardcoded to about:blank.
  • Open address from command line.
  • Tap and hold menus, Web Inspector in it. Open in new window, save as, etc...
  • Zoom In/Out/100% with info banners.
  • Kinetic scrolling /implemented by Ignacius/.
  • Initial implementation of Bookmarks (no editing). Bookmarks can be deleted with star icon click if there is already bookmark.
  • History completion and drop-down.
  • Google search if no address punctuation.
  • Partial Adblocker - only works for frames. Cancels the request before download so saves traffic. I'll continue with it after going to libsoup since CURL reuses the request handles and I couldn't figure out how to skip the download without cancelling the entire page. Had to do a libpcre.vapi to get regular expressions without newer glib. Currently the adblocker is disabled - it will be enabled if you add a correct blocker.list in /home/user/.tear/ dir. The format is simple:
    whitelists are parsed but currently disabled. Please keep in mind that every such blocker check could slow down the page load. Dunno how much. This brings an all-new libpcre dependency. If only we had a slightly newer GLib... :|


Download in Garage /0.3.5-2/:
Download from my site /0.3.5-2/:

New required libwebkit (41137-13) with AppCache is here.

Same package with vfp disabled which works on 770 with OS2008HE (not yet updated). libidn11 and libpcre3 from the Diablo repos also work on 770.

You can also use qole's repository to automate the install of Tear and libwebkit:
Catalogue Name: Qole
Web address:
Distribution: maemo
Components: main

Some installation instructions from nobodysbusiness here:

Bug tracker:

The code is in garage SVN (updated to 0.3.5-1), feel free to abuse it. Needs the included VAPIs to compile and Vala 0.7.4.

Latest version of TrueJournals' Task Navigator Plugin is available in Extras-devel, has Bongo's bookmark app included.

Bongo did an external Tear bookmark manager, more info here. It is now part of the installation of Tear Bookmarks (in extras-devel).

The two old threads are here:
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

Last edited by Bundyo; 2009-07-27 at 22:52.

The Following 111 Users Say Thank You to Bundyo For This Useful Post:
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Posts: 126 | Thanked: 94 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ Berlin, Germany
Whee, sounds awesome. Thanks!

And thanks in particular for implementing some of my wishes, such as the auto-selection on address bar activation and fixing hardware keyboard copy'n'paste from the address bar. This takes care of my "favorite annoyances".

Last edited by Sho; 2009-04-24 at 23:37.
konfoo's Avatar
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ OC, CA
Great job (applause)!
daperl's Avatar
Posts: 2,427 | Thanked: 2,986 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Thanks for everything. My tablet experience has transformed as a result of your excellent work.

<broken record>When you have a moment, would you mind putting your latest webkit diff file and your latest webkit config.log in the download directory.</broken record>
N9: Go white or go home

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Bundyo's Avatar
Posts: 4,708 | Thanked: 4,649 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Bulgaria
I actually am not forgetting, it will just take some time.

The Following User Says Thank You to Bundyo For This Useful Post:
Posts: 395 | Thanked: 137 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Boone, IA

You are amazing! Thank You & thanks to Truejournals and Bongo!

Being able to hide the toolbar is awesome. I especially like being able to toggle the toolbar on/off with the 4way center button

Thanks again


Last edited by Snoshrk; 2009-04-25 at 00:54.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Snoshrk For This Useful Post:
Posts: 609 | Thanked: 232 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ the end of my rope
zooming isn't working with new version. neither with hardware keys or through menues.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to lm2 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Jul 2008
First off thanks for the awesome update! A few things I've noticed, though (not sure if any of these are bug tracker worthy, so...)

1) Edit: lm2 beat me to it, Zoom seems to be broken. I don't mind much, since I'd prefer the zoom keys to do browser back/forward, but it seems like doing View -> Zoom doesn't do anything either, or rather, its all sending Zoom 100%.

2) Sorta related to above, how possible would it be to customize hardware keys to do different things? (ie Zoom buttons for page navigation, Home/Escape keys for navigating up and down a page)

3) It seems like the longpress for bringing up toolbar is waiting for key release to bring up the toolbar, making for some awkward "i wonder if this is long enough" moments...

Would it be a problem to have it pop up after X seconds of holding it down, rather than waiting for a key-up after x seconds? That way you can get visual confirmation of toolbar and let go. If there's already an option to do such maybe it should be set to default.

4) Also, I'm not sure if it'll be an issue with non-n810 users, but could there be an option to auto-select the address field on bringing up the toolbar? I've been fiddling around with it a bit and it seems like most of the time i bring up the toolbar is to type in an address

edit 5) The Esc/Browser back key is sending two instances of Back for every press, it seems like

Hope you'll get to the stuff like issue #26 regarding random download dialogs eventually, otherwise everything else seems pretty neat! Keep up the good work!

Last edited by IcyAirs; 2009-04-25 at 01:18.

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tso's Avatar
Posts: 4,783 | Thanked: 1,253 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ norway
hmm, not sure if i can tell any speed difference between the 770 and normal version of webkit.

beyond that i do not think i have much to add so far...
tso's Avatar
Posts: 4,783 | Thanked: 1,253 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ norway
ok, posted to soon.

1. the sidebar plugin is somewhat useless still, as it fails to make tear connect the wifi if its not available already.

2. opening a single image online is nearly as quick as opening one from local flash. but opening something as simple as a search result from (search word maemo btw) takes a noticable time.

browserd fix, microb killer, webkit

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