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Originally Posted by jolouis View Post
Out of curiosity do you know of said transistorized circuit? I'm curious to see what it looks like and if I could use it for some other purposes... (one of the my hardware projects that's been sitting in the back of my head for a while is basically an audio switch; when there's audio being generated by a sound card/device/etc, the switch triggers and turns the amp on... when there's no sound for a given amount of time, switch releases and turns the amp back off. Of course it can't have any detrimental effect on the audio... that's the trick...)
I haven't actually done it... but the concept is pretty simple. And it stemmed from light activated things, that have those little light sensitive things. Basically tiny solar panels, when they give out a certain amount of power they trigger a transistor to turn something on. Basically the same idea with a microphone. You just might have to do it digitally with a 555 timer, or something.

I also want to use the same idea for turning on and off my sterio system, if nothing is playing from my computer, have it turn off. And if I play music, have it turn on.

Right now I have 3 jobs though... so I'm a bit short on time to be playing with this stuff.

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