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Ah, the New Posts page seems like an oasis now. Really much better than before. Thanks Reggie.

If I might make a suggestion, how about underlining the thread title and post number; it will make them seem more "linky"

In addition, I think it would be great if the Thread Pages and maybe even the subscribed checkmark could be black, too.


Author of TouchSearch -- web searching software for Maemo 5.

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penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
Here's the thing. No one wants to not fix things. Speaking just for Talk, I have been trying to address the current problems that a lot have reported.

As for a dark theme, Bundyo has volunteered to play with theming. l have also been talking with the council and folks from Nokia. There is still nothing concrete so don't get your hopes up yet.
Reggie, I understand you put a crap load of time and effort into this, as did many other's??. Our intent was never a personal attack, but to get the powers that be to understand that a mistake (at least from our point of view) has been made

The website I spent 70% of my time at, no longer looks or feels like the place I have been for the last three years.

What I want to see, is that we (The community) are being taken seriously, and this is the first post I have seen, where that seems like that may be happening. I want Maemo Community Council to say, hey wait, close to half the community is not happy, what can be done to fix this, and how can we avoid this trauma in the future, instead branding unhappy users as "complainers".

No offense Reggie, but this is not the response we got from anyone. Council members took sides, instead of representing their community.

I would be happy to put this behind us and I am looking forward to MORE information about your talks with Nokia and the Maemo "Community" Council

Are any meetings set, will community input be solicited, or have you all had enough of that? How can I follow this discussion? What decisions are being made? How can WE continue to provide input on this topic?

If Bundyo is willing to take on the task, that's great, however, I still believe this should be a Maemo sponsored fix. Perhaps he can help, and be slated to maintain it in the future?

The fastest way to get this fixed for our COMMUNITY is for the people that already know what they are doing to fix it.

My hopes were up at first
Then they went down
Then back up again,
Then down again

Now, I am holding off judgment, before I convince myself again that someone will get this fixed soon.
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

Last edited by penguinbait; 2009-05-04 at 22:22.

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Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
The classic theme was blue and black fonts on pure white. I don't see much difference with the current theme having a dark colored font on white. Google and most, if not all, of the news sites are the same.

If you can give me a specific example on what it makes the new look 'WAY TOO BRIGHT,' it would help me do something about it.
I'm not sure what is on the new theme that makes it so hard on my eyes, probably the white background for the posts with some orange around? Anyway, still don't understand why the classic theme is not available.

Thanks Reggie for trying to make us all happy. I hope we'll get the classic back sometimes.

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Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
The classic theme was blue and black fonts on pure white. I don't see much difference with the current theme having a dark colored font on white. Google and most, if not all, of the news sites are the same.

If you can give me a specific example on what it makes the new look 'WAY TOO BRIGHT,' it would help me do something about it.

At least for me the problem is not the colours, but the wasted horizontal space.
munky261's Avatar
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Its the space and the white background....all we need is the classic theme that is on numerous other vbulletin forums and all is solved/
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By the way, sort of off-topic, but about web-site legibility, I've always liked the BBC Betsie style. Betsie stands for "BBC Education Text to Speech Internet Enhancer, a simple Perl script which is intended to alleviate some of the problems experienced by people using text to speech systems for web browsing."
timsamoff's Avatar
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
I want Maemo Community Council to say, hey wait, close to half the community is not happy, what can be done to fix this, and how can we avoid this trauma in the future, instead branding unhappy users as "complainers".

No offense Reggie, but this is not the response we got from anyone. Council members took sides, instead of representing their community.
I am being completely honest in saying that this is what I feel I have been doing since last August. We made a call for new design ideas. I (and many others) even contributed a number of design ideas to this process. We (the community) then chose what we liked the best. For the past 8 months we have been working toward this goal.

So, once all of this work finally came to fruition, it was very hard to suddenly hear that "I" (I can't speak for the rest of the Council) have not been looking after the community's best interests. I'm not taking sides with anything but the time and work that has been spent for 8 months of open dialog and development.

See, if I had it my way, I would have just hired a company to design/develop everything and leave the "co" out of the "operation." It's just easier and more efficient that way. But, no, we decided for an open, cooperative development process that ended up being long and arduous -- and, in my opinion fairly successful.

I have not meant any of my responses in this regard to be personal toward anyone. My stance throughout this dialog has been that we (the community) are an almost entirely volunteer contingent who don't always possess the capacity to do everything that the greater community would like see happen. We're not Facebook. We're not Flickr. We don't have a bunch of paid personnel who are doing nothing but making our community experience better. Some of us would like this to be the case, but unfortunately it probably never will.

What we (the Council) can attempt to promise is that everything is done openly and transparently. The idea was that would accomplish part of this -- more always to come, of course. Apparently, we weren't as blatantly communicative as we thought we were. For that, I apologize.


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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
Its the space and the white background....all we need is the classic theme that is on numerous other vbulletin forums and all is solved/

Exactly! Let the people who don't get dizzy reading the the new layout enjoy it, but at least give us the classic vBulletin theme. Anyone have stats on how much site/forum traffic has dropped because of the theme force-over ?
munky261's Avatar
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I may be wrong, and am sure that Ill be told the\at I am, but I have to call ******** on saying that the classic blue vbulletin theme that is on practically every forum I use or it is at least an option cant be used. Why???what is the exact reason other than "it cant be used" ?? Im sure all these other forums arent all using obsolete versions of the vbulletin software. I think its just this unified maemo theme being shoved at us. But then again Ive been watching an x files marathon so all toilet paper being white sounds like a conspiracy to me as well. LOL
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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
I may be wrong, and am sure that Ill be told the\at I am, but I have to call ******** on saying that the classic blue vbulletin theme that is on practically every forum I use or it is at least an option cant be used. Why???
Yes, I also prefer to use a standard classic theme and ITT is not the only forum that I visit regularly. For me it is more important to have a standard, convenient and consistent UI across different forums. I don't care that some people prefer fancy looking unique design which fits maemo org theme, for me it is less usable. When this new design had been discussed, I considered that the choice of the classic theme would still remain for the people like me and did not pay much attention to it. Needless to say that I'm extremely disappointed that the classic theme is now gone

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