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Posts: 631 | Thanked: 837 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Milton, Ontario, Canada
Without getting into too much detail, I've got a project that I'm working on that involves building some IP-based remote-controlled vehicles, and the tablet is a pretty awesome piece of hardware for my purposes: i.e. unit can be mounted so that the webcam is facing forwards, and I can expose the USB port to a battery powered hub and some phidgets in order to provide motor and steering controls. The native Wifi solves the "remote control" portion of the equation, and of course the tablet running Linux means I can write and compile my own special software without any issues. The trick here is that since I'm not actually using the tablet as a tablet (more of a hardware controller), I don't care if the screen's beat up, if the thing is in mint condition or anything... so long as it powers up and actually works internally (and preferably the camera hasn't been snapped off) then it's useful to me. Dead-screens (i.e. no picture at all) I'll consider but I'd prefer just beat up ones as at least then I can still make sure the tablet is booted and do any installation of apps/etc that might be required (i.e. install ssh, etc).
It's not a big budget project so I can't offer a lot for them, but if you've got a tablet that's seen better days and just want to get some satisfaction out of contributing to a fun and rather unusual project let me know and we'll try to work something out.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2009
If you have no luck here, you could try webcam though.
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Posts: 96 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Mar 2009 @ Cincy,Ohio
I have one I am about to sell.
How much you offering for one?

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