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Originally Posted by GeraldKo View Post
Thanks, Munk.

Weird. From the $ prompt, it shut down Xterm; i.e., it appeared to crash it. I tried a second time, xterm crashed again.
I had the same problems as GeraldKo from the $ prompt, so I installed libxml2 and then tried to start traveller again.

It still didn't work from the $ prompt, but on the # prompt there was an error message that /media/mmc2/waves directory was missing.

After creating this directory, traveller starts (and alarm works), however i can't edit any settings from the menu.
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Originally Posted by Munk View Post
As far as libxml2, yes, I had to go into red bill mode to download this. I wish there was a way to just package everything that is needed. Could you try this to see if it is installed or to install it if you do not have it?
You can add libxml2 as a dependency to your deb package and the app manager will automatically pull it in for you if it's required; the only catch is you have to have your app up in one of the official repositories for the dependencies to be pulled in properly, so make sure you're all good with extras-devel/extras before you add that requirement.

Not sure what you're using for packaging, but there should be a control file generated at some point; you can add a dependency by including it in the "Depends:" line; here's a snippet of the control file from FlipClock to demonstrate:

Package: flipclock
Section: user/utilities
Priority: Optional
Depends: python2.5, python2.5-hildon, python2.5-pygame, python2.5-gstreamer, python2.5-dbus

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Originally Posted by Munk View Post
Thanks for that too, I'll add that to the pre-install script in PyPackager.
I believe it has to be in the post-installation script, because if you put it in preinst, you'll update the cache before your icon has been installed.

In addition, related to automatically pulling in dependencies, you need to create a Debian source package, because PyPackager made debs cannot do this.

There are different ways to go about doing this, the easiest I found is just using Scratchbox and the debian/dpkg tools (if you don't have Scratchbox, you can use Easy-Debian or similar on the device itself, too).

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Any progress on this? I'd really like to try it out when it's working.

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Hi Tom!

Great app! I wanted to nitpick with the packaging a little if you don't mind, if only to make it easier for other users to use your software.

The first thing I would like to recommend is to conform to debian's naming policy and make the name of the package all lower case. This does not seem to be explicitly stated in the Maemo packaging policy, but I suspect that many of the repository tools on garage will complain or silently fail if it is not all lower case.

May I suggest the name be: traveller-0.5.0-1_all.deb (with the -1 being the debian packaging number. i.e. if you were to make another package of the same version, bump that to -2)

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Am I mistaken or is the deb just composed of a /usr dir and an image (traveller.png)?
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Originally Posted by Munk View Post
J I wish there was a way to just package everything that is needed.
There is! You mention whatever you need in your control file. I can't see your control file in the link that you posted on garage - do you have one handy that you can post here?
Posts: 961 | Thanked: 565 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Tyneside, North East England
Are there any plans to add MP3, FM, and or internet radio functionality to Traveller?

Especially if there is sleep, and wake up functionality it would become a killer App
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2008
I'm heading out of town this weekend and I want to get this working. After installing python 2.5 and libxml2, I still can't get it to run. The error I'm getting is:
Cannot open config file 'data/config.xml' ... exiting.
I can go to the directory and find it. Any idea why I'm getting the error?
Also, I'm running the program in terminal as root.

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Posts: 229 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Sacramento, California
Originally Posted by slick204 View Post
I'm heading out of town this weekend and I want to get this working. After installing python 2.5 and libxml2, I still can't get it to run. The error I'm getting is:
Cannot open config file 'data/config.xml' ... exiting.
I can go to the directory and find it. Any idea why I'm getting the error?
Also, I'm running the program in terminal as root.
I have uploaded a slightly newer version to the garage located here:

It should give a little more insight as to what error it is getting and hopefully point me and everyone in the right direction of debugging this. I'm sorry about the headaches everyone has been experiencing but I am trying to fix them one by one.

The new .deb incorporates the post-install script that jolouis has provided. Thanks jolouis.

Anyways, I hope this helps debug things and soon it will be on extras-devel so that the dependencies will automatically be installed when the user chooses to install this deb.

Thanks everyone for your help. Let me know what you find.

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