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Yes, it runs. I have been using it on my N800 for a few days now with no real troubles. You should try to get in on Nokia $100 developer program. They are selling 500 N800's to developers for the discount price of $100 to try to foster more development. It is a don't call us, we will call you type of thing, but it wouldn't hurt to call attention to the fact that you are working to fix one of the N770 (and now N800's) weakeast aspects, its godawful email program.
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yes - the overall metal design is slick, and the placing of the screen in the centre instead of slightly to the right makes for a more appealling overall look.

no - the back/battery cover has a little "play" in it, ie doesn't click tight shut and therefore feels a little "cheap"

yes - the whole experience is faster and more responsive. myspace plays, youtube nearly works, optimized view seems to have ben fixed to work like it did in the first place

no - the BBC website still only plays lo-res versions of vid playback!!!

yes - stereo speakers, decent volume

no - not *quite* enough volume.

yes - screen quality does seem better

no - those little buttons at the top!!

yes - the extra card slot

no - external slot a little difficult to remove card

biggest NO - the dumping of the reversibile cover!!! it really does make the thing feel like an "indoor" unit rather than the 770 "chuck in pocket/bag/whatever" take with you anywhere and not worry about it experience. The supplied "sunglasses case" will probably go in the bin, looks more likely to scratch the screen that nothing at all - and I HATE the idea of buying a separate case for a mobile device - what, become one of those sad guys with a little case on their belts for their mobile phone? Make an ipod twice the size with some stupid box thing?

The 770 case was a brilliant idea, can't understand why it's dropped - obviously it's due to the new intergrated stand, but, as with 770, if you wanted you could have left it off around the house and just used it for "travelling".

That one thing is my big drawback having played with the 800 all morning. I'm just concerned it'll stay at home and the old warhorse will be on the plane with me next time...
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The one thing i absolutely LOVE, and had actually been trying to get working under OS 2006 was that the home key now pops up the task switcher when simply pressed and immediately released, and you have to hold it to actually jump to the home screen and "minimize" the open apps. I thought this should have been the default behavior all along, as I need to switch between apps WAY more than I need to jump to the "desktop".

I actually like the topmost buttons, I think a lot of issues people are having are simply due to muscle memory, and being really used to using the 770. Most of us probably use it several hours daily, so you kind of get used to the way things feel. I find myself missing the letter I mean to type on the keyboard by one because that is about how much shorter the stylus is. Overall though, I am very satisfied with the new device.

ps- I can confirm that the Edison NJ store has them in stock, 6 left now. Although the slovenly worker who helped me first brought out an N80, then an 8801, and finally his manager helped him locate the N800. Twice he told me they didn't have it!! Probably pretty confusing naming convention when people only associate Nokia with Phone. Explaining what it is to the unitiated usually just ends in blank stares.
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Does anyone here actually dislike the new battery cover? It looks really nice, but is not really secured - it can move about 1-2mm when in place. The first time I held the N800 in my left hand it's very noticeable.

The device looks much nicer IRL -- the pics don't do it justice. The webcam is nice, though I've not been able to register with the Internet call server yet.

Still going to use my Nokia 770 for now as Xournal does not work on N800 yet.
Posts: 149 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Yeah, I am also concerned about the lack of a hard cover. For now I have put a stiff piece of cardboard into the sleeve, and I will be looking for a stiff piece of plastic to serve the same function.
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I was thinking, I have an extra battery from my 770 that went for repair and never returned. I would like to see that back battery cover replaced with an option for two batterys. You should be able to do it without being any thicker than the think part of the n800 (where the camera and stylus are) I could live with that.

I would also like to see someone produce some high quality replacment stand, with a hole for the usb. Maybe titanium or something, there has got to be a way.
Posts: 152 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2006
+ CPU, breezier
= Lack of Open Software, broken, possibly due to change in CPU/hardware design, hopefully will be be back shortly. But they did made up some in newer better apps.
+ Dual SD slot
--(double minus) The lid, it's design to be portable, lid=no case=two thumbs up, drop the stand
+ BT 2.0
Posts: 74 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ San Jose
I think I'm with most everyone else. The CPU, extra memory and the two slots make this worth the upgrade. The browsing is snappier, I can run several apps at the same time and haven't had to enable swap yet. All in all just more robust.

But yes, I'm disappointed by some of the apps having the same problems still. The e-mail client is still dismal. IMAP support just isn't. I guess its fine if you just want pop mail, but for anyone who gets their mail from several devices as once there's really no other option than IMAP, imho. And the fact that the email client still sometimes doesn't even start, it just spins some and thats it.

And the fact that they offer this internet call, and its been broken so far for the past few days and won't register. And that there's no apps either. But that part is understandable. I was hoping, SO hoping for a working SIP client. But instead there's proprietary Project Gizmo. If I hear one more person call it VoIP I'm going to scream. Google talk might mean VoIP to media type's and PR, but unless there's a working SIP client on board, then its broken to the rest of us who are really working, installing and using VoIP (see asterisk)

Ok...thats my little rant to add to all of this.....
Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Well, I bought one tonight on a bit of a whim, and while I've yet to install any software, my first impressions are:


- Two SD slots - one for apps, one for media. Finally!
- The stand. I think it's cool and seems pretty handy
- Seems more responsive. Faster for sure, but I guess I expected more.
- Setting the time during the initial 'boot' process isn't a waste of time (ever notice how you set the time on the 770, then the 'home' city and have to adjust the time? Or was that just me?).

Most of all - the software upgrade the 770 needs so badly. I've had the 770 crash with every release (and I've loaded them all) within 30 minutes of using it (sometimes during the setup after boot!). And the N800 has been solid so far. Time will tell, but it seems much more stable. And I saw for the first time in a long time.


- Buttons on top as mentioned, not that bad but the 770 has a better feel
- I miss the case to suspend, even though I always took it off
- the external SD slot cover seems extra cheezy plastic - I'm afraid it'll break
- That I had to upgrade to the N800 to get the software mentioned above

Did anybody mention the 'hump-back'? (the backside of the case has a 'bump' at the top). I didn't expect that.


I'll have to admit I was upset that the 770 appears to have been dumped by Nokia. But... I'm going to sell my 770 for nearly $200, so the N800 upgrade will cost me about $200 out of pocket. More than I'd like to spend, but I paid almost that for Windows 2000 Pro when it came out. So I think it could be worse.

I'm happy now, but this is what I'd hoped the 770 would have been. Was I asking too much?

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Posts: 149 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by ElGatoFlojo View Post
And the fact that they offer this internet call, and its been broken so far for the past few days and won't register. And that there's no apps either. But that part is understandable. I was hoping, SO hoping for a working SIP client. But instead there's proprietary Project Gizmo. If I hear one more person call it VoIP I'm going to scream. Google talk might mean VoIP to media type's and PR, but unless there's a working SIP client on board, then its broken to the rest of us who are really working, installing and using VoIP (see asterisk)
Ok...thats my little rant to add to all of this.....
I'm waiting for video calls to get fixed as wel. But Gizmo is actually a SIP client. I've tried using it to connect to Ekiga with no problem.

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