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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post

>>> So there will be a 4.2" tablet !

And you got that from... where?

Nokia(NOK Quote) has finally embraced the touchscreen movement.
The Finnish phone titan has plans to introduce three devices that feature big touchscreens and so-called Qwerty keypads, according to industry sources, say analysts.

One of the new models to be rolled out has a 4.2-inch touchscreen and a "hidden slide-out keyboard," and is considered a mobile Internet device or tablet. The device is targeted for introduction in the fourth quarter before Christmas.

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I would buy THAT.

If I had a job of course.

If I don't have a job by then, I have much bigger concerns.
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Everyone duck, I got an idea.

First I realized what lots of people probably already knew: The reason Internet Tablet Talk had to be absorbed is that the Nokia tablet as we experienced it was known to be history!

Then I realized that a heck of a lot of people here still want a new Internet Tablet.

Therefore, if this were really a democracy of any description or pretense of one, I would say

"Mr. Chairman! I move that rather than merge with Maemo, ITT secede from Nokia! It is clear that most of us are a lot more interested in various kinds of Internet tablets than we are in blindly supporting Nokia (or Maemo).

The ITT name should not be allowed to die!"

But even in my fantasy, my motion died without a second.

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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
I wish we could get actual confirmations. If this is the case can leave now and save a lot of people headaches. Man they should have leaked this a month ago

I thought this place was community run? Do the leaks really need to be external to us. Some inclusion would be nice.
Let the leaks be External to this community
the CONFIRMATION internal.

IMO this would validate the community without causing the Big N to question its' involvement here.

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Last edited by Snoshrk; 2009-05-26 at 23:54. Reason: This is what I get for replying to a post in a hyperactive thread...can't remember how far back PB's post was....

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Originally Posted by javispedro View Post
This remembers me. They're already trying to compete with the iPhone: they have already removed copy-paste (because both the tap-and-drag to select text feature and the d-pad are gone) .
It doesn't look like they have, according to this maemo-developers post:

You can use the keyboard to copy and paste. There are shift and arrows keys.

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If there is no new _Nokia_ tablet, then, yes, maybe this forum should _not_ be a part of Nokia's community...

I know and Nokia are not one in the same, but they are very closely linked to one another... uncomfortably so, now that there may not be another _tablet_.

Our tablets will all be running on Mer soon, anyways, since Nokia won't bother with us anymore. And Mer != maemo, no matter how close it is.

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It seems to me that the only reason Nokia allegedly / un-allgedly released this information of the N900 is to compete with the next gen iPhone which might be due in July according to several rumors and leaked specs. Knowing that the N97 might come short for competing with the next gen iphone, pre etc, they released this(N900?). A Nokia "Move" to stay in the game. The internet tablet in not that important yet so now. So they will patiently release the real tablet when they have fully compromised with The Maemo community.
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Originally Posted by Aisu View Post
Our tablets will all be running on Mer soon, anyways, since Nokia won't bother with us anymore. And Mer != maemo, no matter how close it is.
Mer is a project.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Mer is a project.
Clarification appreciated, but I did happen to know that.

I just said it is not maemo... and it is not _by_ Nokia.

disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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