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Originally Posted by Benson View Post
Nothing major. Just that Apple would then know the rumor-pieces about a 4.2" tablet before Christmas were true, and would do what it takes to get its perpetually rumored iPad/iTablet/iWhatever launched before then, to steal Nokia's marketshare. Is it likely that Apple is working on that, would currently launch after Nokia's new entry, but would beat it if given this statement? Not very likely, no. Possible, and harmful enough to make up for its low probability? I think so.
I assume it would be even sufficient for Apple to simply announce such a thing in time to their fanboys and release that locked-down crap significantly later than Nokia's next tablet.
The loyal fanboys would spread the news like a wildfire. I can understand why Nokia is very careful with releasing information and specs.
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Some things to note:
  • If the smaller screen means the bevel around the screen is gone (and I can touch the edges of the screen with my finger without being blocked by the bevel), that's an improvement over the N8x0 devices (just a thought by looking at that picture)
  • Multitouch would be very welcome. Even if not used in apps (yet), it allows for better usability of the on-screen keyboard (when I type text, the left thumb has not always been lifted when I touch the next character with the right thumb, resulting in the second or first touch not being detected correctly).

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Originally Posted by deadmalc View Post
Do I seem to be one of the only people who is genuinely excited about the new maemo phone?
I've never seen anyone else with a N7xx/N8xx and everyone I have spoken to and shown my tablets have all said that it is a shame that it isn't a phone otherwise they would definitely buy one.
So if these specs are true then I know of about ten people who will probably buy one
I may miss a decent size screen as this is what really set it apart from the iphone for internet usage for me, but if there is wider take up of maemo, then I am more than happy as long as the device is still functional.
So I should be excited because... this thing (which, hypothetically, I really don't like that much) will be more popular with everyone else? I'm not one of those people who gets excited about "Is it the year of Linux on The Desktop?" either -- I buy my gadgets to please myself, and I'm not going to be excited about some gadget just because other people like it, or dismayed just because they don't.

While wider uptake is certainly good news for Maemo's continued development, if it appears that's because Maemo is moving away from what I want in a tablet, it's not going to do me much good, so it's not making me excited.

That said, I'm actually rather interested (I wouldn't quite say excited) because this new phone will deliver a lot of things I do like, and (assuming the d-pad, or more generally arrow keys, isn't quite as gone as it appears) seems to be an overall step up. But my interest is centered around a device I'm going to find useful, not around its wider market appeal.

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Originally Posted by fms View Post
And what does it have to do with reduced screen size in N900?
I've been reading e-books quite happily with Stanza for iPhone, even though the iPhone has much smaller screen and lower resolution than my N810. The big point here is formatting the books correctly, not the screen size.

Of course, with PDFs optimized for A4 paper size that might be more of an issue...

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Originally Posted by skatebiker View Post
- GSM module which makes the price much higher and selling in some countries only via one provider.
The 5MP camera with a LED flash is just a gimmick as all phones with a camera are. 5+ MP crammed on a matchhead sized sensor can only take reasonable photos in broad daylight.
Obviously "cameraphone quality" is always bad, but with these additions on top of earlier N810 specs, the new tablet would be the perfect device for documenting my adventures.

The Death Monkey tour we documented completely with off-the-shelf N-series phones, posting blog entries using the email client, publishing pictures taken with the phone camera, and phoning in reports to the radio station. If I could do all that with an open Maemo device, I'd be really happy.

More steps taken towards the Universal Communicator.

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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Maybe the D-Pad of the new device will be called "accelerometers"...
Wonder how well that would work when it's stashed in my car mount as I drive down the motorway at 70mph trying to pick a new song, set satnav, etc... ?
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with
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Originally Posted by pixelseventy2 View Post
Wonder how well that would work when it's stashed in my car mount as I drive down the motorway at 70mph trying to pick a new song, set satnav, etc... ?
Maybe the accelerometers of the new device will be called "shuffle"...

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Originally Posted by Matan View Post
A phone is interesting, and a netbook is interesting, but a tablet is what this community was built around, not "maemo".
Yes, I agree. But of course that statement is now being made on a forum that was merged into
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
Everyone duck, I got an idea.

First I realized what lots of people probably already knew: The reason Internet Tablet Talk had to be absorbed is that the Nokia tablet as we experienced it was known to be history!

Then I realized that a heck of a lot of people here still want a new Internet Tablet.

Therefore, if this were really a democracy of any description or pretense of one, I would say

"Mr. Chairman! I move that rather than merge with Maemo, ITT secede from Nokia! It is clear that most of us are a lot more interested in various kinds of Internet tablets than we are in blindly supporting Nokia (or Maemo).

The ITT name should not be allowed to die!"

But even in my fantasy, my motion died without a second.
I have to say, I made the same motion back when it was announced that the itt forum would be merged into Go back and review the comments in that thread.

My objection died too, or should I say was drowned out by the usual suspects.
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Originally Posted by Matan View Post
A phone is interesting, and a netbook is interesting, but a tablet is what this community was built around, not "maemo".
Maybe. But I don't want a netbook running Maemo. I have a netbook, it runs (very happily) full Fedora Linux.

I don't want a phone, smart or otherwise. I have to carry a crackberry (pearl) for work that I can't get rid of.

What I want is an upgraded version of my n800, _with_ hardware keyboard, and integrated HSDPA so that I can get rid of the Nokia 6120 that I currently carry for sole use as a bluetooth modem.

And to resurrect an earlier question: I use my n800 for satnav, browsing (tear), email (modest), music (canola), audio-books (pannuci), geocaching (gpxview), ebooks (fbreader). All full screen except pannuci which doens't support fullscreen.

I could do all this on my crackberry with it's pitifully small screen, but I DON'T WANT TO. I want to do this on a device with a good screen. I was hoping for an increase, not a decrease. I might just sacrifice decent mobile browsing, and buy a dedicated e-ink ebook reader instead of the n900 - I wouldn't lose much functionality when combined with my crackberry.
pixel - pushing buttons that shouldn't be pushed, and fiddling with things that shouldn't be fiddled with

disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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