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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
I'm not sure about the netbook and the 7"-device... the Maemo 5 user interface elements would be frighteningly large on these.
Android seems to be making the leap acceptably. And, who's to say that there aren't going to be slight variations between the different UI's (Apple's 10" tablet is rumored to run a THIRD version of OS X, a hybrid between desktop OSX and iPhone OSX), each one optimized to the specific hardware in question.

Which is just my way of saying: I'm not convinced by your pessimism about them being able to run Maemo on a range of devices spanning 3.5" screens up to 10" screens. And, frankly, even if it is just a 7"-9" giant maemo display, I'd probably be happier with it than I was with Ubuntu-UMPC on a 7" display, due to the superior and consistent UI integration I've experience on Maemo over Ubuntu (and I _like_ Ubuntu).
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I do think that maemo would look good on a 8 to 9" netbook. The UI seems perfect to me, simple, usable, efficient ... we could have just slightly bigger icons and top&side bars, but with much more room for icons or applets.

The only thing for a netbook would be to add a native version of OpenOffice ...

Besides the very good UI, the overall architecture with extremely power efficient stand-by would be a dream : a netbook you never really power off, ready to use in 1 or 2 seconds, with extremely short applications loading times ...

Wouldn't you definitively love that ?

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I want to apologize again, especially to Peter, for my casual usage of a certain noun in this discussion. I shrugged it off because it was already out there but you're right: as an ex-employee I should still be careful with what I say.

On a somewhat related note, I have a job interview with Microsoft tomorrow... let the arrows fly!
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Originally Posted by totololo View Post
Besides the very good UI, the overall architecture with extremely power efficient stand-by would be a dream : a netbook you never really power off, ready to use in 1 or 2 seconds, with extremely short applications loading times ...
You've described the Palm Foleo, only with a real operating system. Right now I believe it is a nice idea but remember Palm failed at it -- price seems to be a serious issue here.
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Originally Posted by totololo View Post
I do think that maemo would look good on a 8 to 9" netbook. The UI seems perfect to me, simple, usable, efficient ... we could have just slightly bigger icons and top&side bars, but with much more room for icons or applets.
When you say "top and side bars", you are obviously referring to the current Maemo user interface? Right? Yes, that would look good on most any device. I think I even recall screenshots of a hacked Maemo running fullscreen on a normal desktop monitor with whatever resolution they had there. It looked as if it was just made for it.

I, on the other hand, was talking about the Maemo 5 user interface. I have to admit I never quite liked it when I saw the first screenshots, so I'm extremely biased and shouldn't be taken too seriously here, but: Everything seems to be bigger in Maemo 5. Buttons, icons... I didn't like it because I thought it was too big and a waste of space on a N810-size screen. So of course I can't think of it on 7". (It all makes sense, of course, if designed for a small phone screen.)

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I have a job interview with Microsoft tomorrow
as you ignore PMs anyway , I'll write it here:

Good luck!


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johnkzin's Avatar
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
as you ignore PMs anyway , I'll write it here:

Good luck!
Oops... I sent it to him in PM, not knowing he ignores them.

Definitely good luck, Texrat. They may be the dark side, but that's better than no job at all!
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Originally Posted by johnkzin View Post
They may be the dark side,...
... now. see what happens when the rat takes over.
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Looks like first video with n900. Not as bad as everyone thought
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Reading e-books is a niche, and I don't understand your workflow.
Reading ebooks isn't a "niche", if you judge by the number of times FBReader has been downloaded, relative to other apps. And my "workflow" is basically loading and reading a text file off the screen.

how would a slightly bigger screen (Nokia N8x0) compete with something like a Kindle or a netbook?
By being pocketable, while still maintaining sufficiently sized screen. Neither Kindle nor a netbook are pocketable. And most pocketable devices (e.g. smartphones) have smallish screens (physically).

Do you think that the general public will consider a device with a screen like Nokia N8x0 with a device with a screen like a Kindle for reading?
Yes, I think it will, as long as the Nokia device is pocketable and includes other functions. Kindle is kinda useless for anything but reading books bought from Amazon.

You could on Nokia N900 use an external screen instead. The power of a device like this lies in being easily able to extend its features (e.g. synchronisation, UPnP, USB).
Excuse me for laughing loud, but I have yet to see anyone using synchronization or UPnP in a mobile device. Not meaning any of the forum members, just considering live people I interact with. By comparison, lots of them read books on their mobile devices (phones, PDAs, Sony bookreaders).

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disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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