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Originally Posted by johnkzin View Post
Don't take this the wrong way, because I certainly don't mean it in an alienating "go somewhere else" way ... but I get the feeling you'd be a perfect consumer for the Moses SmartQ5 and SmartQ7. Plain tablet, runs linux (could probably be made to run KDE). The Q5 is a 5" tablet, and the Q7 is a 7" tablet.

And, to a certain extent, all of the N800 enthusiasts, who care more about "a pocket Linux machine" more than Maemo itself, should at least look at the Q5 ... with the right Linux flavor on it, it might make a good landing place if Nokia really does drop the 4"+ pocketable tablet form factor.

(and, specifically say N800 because it doesn't have a keyboard ... so probably not as happy for the N810 enthusiasts)
I am really liking my n810 right now. I enjoy the hardware keyboard. If a Pandora console shows up thats probably where I am heading. If a new tablet similar to the 810 shows up with a screen at least equal to the 810, I will continue to be a loyal owner of what would be my 4th internet tablet (770/800/810/?900?)

Beyond that I haven't really thought about it
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I think this needs a different thread.

I did not get to understand what was the answer to the maemo question. does anyone have a link to the video?
He didn't answer it.. He just re-directed Walt's attention to the N97...
Kind o' like when Grandpa pulled a quarter out of your ear when you asked him what that "F" word he said meant.

Walt apparently pronounced it Mimo and Endgadget cleaned up the transcript...

I posted it here because I thought it was relevant to the discussion. My bad

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
Well its like being ditched by your girlfriend. You know u have to move on, but initially u are in a state of denial & hope. I had no idea that we would be discussing about nokia and nokia will stop producing tablets. It takes sometime for it to sink in.
That kinda doesn't matter to me. I hold some nostalgia for Nokia and Apple, but each at their own time, they have failed to give me the device I wanted on a schedule that I wanted.

2.5-3 years ago, Apple came up with 2 devices that were neat, but not what I wanted. And they pretty much made it clear that they wouldn't ever be the devices I wanted (no access to the unix layer, closed and semi-closed application ecosystem). So, rather than buying the iPhone or iPod Touch, I looked for a device that DID give me what I wanted. And that's how I wound up with an N800, and later an N810.

Great choice, and I loved it while it lasted. But last year, I realized that what I wanted, and to some degree needed, was 1 pocketable device ... not two. For that, I needed Nokia to give me a Maemo phone. At that time, it didn't look like they'd be going that direction, certainly not any time soon (and, I was right: it has been a YEAR). So I started to look elsewhere. Though that process, I wound up with a G1.

The fact that Nokia may now release the product I wanted doesn't make me regret buying the G1. It was the right decision for me at the time, and it mostly does the job I want (more so than a 2 device solution was). Waiting around for company A to get off their duffs while company B has a perfectly useful solution is just a waste of false loyalty, IMO.

Do what makes sense NOW, not what MIGHT makes sense 3 months from now, IF Nokia maybe does what you want.
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
He didn't answer it.. He just re-directed Walt's attention to the N97...
Kind o' like when Grandpa pulled a quarter out of your ear when you asked him what that "F" word he said meant.

Walt apparently pronounced it Mimo and Endgadget cleaned up the transcript...

I posted it here because I thought it was relevant to the discussion. My bad
No. i meant that it need a discussion by itself.No offense.
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I think a lot of people are already doing what you suggest, looking in other directions. However, I thnk most of them are hoping Nokia comes up with something that will meet their needs. Why? Not out of false loyalty. Perhaps because there is a sizable community & support in place here. A Nokia/Maemo product is more of a known quantity, in terms of things like hacking, quality, etc. Making the jump (yet again for some) is not a decision to be made hastily or lightly. There will be some verbal agonizing to go with it.

I'll admit the major part of my decision to purchase a N800 was due to the hardware, not the software. Once I determined that the software wasn't a dealbreaker, I bought it.

In a couple months, you may see me here asking if we can forward-port (? is that a real term) Maemo4/OS2008 onto a newly released Nokia device. What I have seen so far of fremantle, frankly for me is a strike against a new device.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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Originally Posted by lm2 View Post
While I loaded some movies on my tablet and view pdfs on there now and again, these were, for me, never central use cases. But that doesn't mean that I don't commiserate with the rest of you for whom they are central activities on your beloved tablet.

For me, my n800 was my first (and only) mobile web device. I loved getting to know it, finding new things to do with it, new ways it changed my life. It's the first thing I've purchased that I felt was new every day.

But for me, the draw of this community *was* and *is* maemo-centric, not tablet-centric. True, I don't care much about a netbook, but rather mobile web on a maemo device. I've spent so many hours learning about linux and maemo, learning what can and can't be done, and having confidence that, in the end, just about *everything* can be done, and usually by a nice and enterprising member of our community. THIS is the draw for me, personally.

So the fact that nokia is going full-throttle with an open OS that I love is more than a little solace. And while a smaller maemo device is welcome in my book, I'd hate to lose members of the community because a tablet is not forthcoming. Here's hoping those members stick around by finding alternate hardware that can run MER. I can say with confidence that if the bulk of the community spends more time on MER, I will seriously consider abandoning fremantle for MER even on the new device .
I like this post so well I thought it deserved re-posting. You put it so well; my Tablet is "the first thing I've purchased that I felt was new every day."

Unlike you, I came for the hardware -- but I guess I could say that I stayed for the software and the way this community has supported/advanced it.

I really hope Nokia comes out with a new Tablet, not just for my use but to keep this forum/group from splintering. (Sort of like Reggie bringing back the old forum styles!)

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Okay I am done crying ... when can I buy my unlocked N900 directly from Nokia?

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
On a somewhat related note, I have a job interview with Microsoft tomorrow... let the arrows fly!
Even if it comes late as I'm trying to catch up with this monster-thread once again.

Good luck to you!

I once had a phone screening with Google, California, but they didn't take me. The other "dark side" besides Microsoft.
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I can't understand how can they refuse to take texrat (feh!).
If I were one of those recruiters, I'd recognize the talent :-)
Ernesto de Bernardis


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Good morning guys ! this is my 100th post !!!

I'm very surprised to read here that a lot of members are not so much interested in Maemo for itself and that, for them, it's just a different flavor of Linux.

I just find it very unfair for the people who are developping and maintaining Maemo.

I tried many Linuxes on laptop, notebooks and even on Sharp Zaurus ... and let me tell you that MAEMO IS AMAZING.
Why ?
Because it is really designed for handheld use, and this makes a huge difference in term of :
- power management (crappy on Zaurus, amazing on N8xx)
- ergonomy
- reliability
- snappyness (overall reactivity)

Of course i didn't try Android yet ... but when I read some comments here I have the feeling that sometime we behave like spoiled children.

Last edited by totololo; 2009-05-28 at 08:16.

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disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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