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Lord Raiden's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MountainX View Post
How does the Palm keyboard affect the battery life of the N810? (Would a wired keyboard make the battery of the N810 last longer?)
Apparently not enough to notice. I haven't seen any major difference between using it and not.
Originally Posted by hlub View Post
con: a tiny lag between pressing a key and seeing something happen on-screen (this may be a N810 problem and not Apple's fault). A bigger problem: it is much too easy to switch it on, so this may (and will) happen when you don't want and expect it. A pile-up of keystrokes may even crash the maemo desktop. So: watch out how you put the keyboard in your bag!
That's pretty normal with any keyboard on the NIT that I've seen. As I said, the issue isn't in the keyboard, but rather it's the NIT that's slow to respond to keystrokes. If you were to use a regular keyboard over a straight wired USB and typed 80wpm, you'd bury the NIT hands down.
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Originally Posted by Lord Raiden View Post
Magog, I'm like you. I type fast, and that Palm keyboard does pretty good at keeping up with me. And it's not really the bluetooth keyboard that's the laggard on the NIT. It's actually the NIT itself. I've put a regular keyboard and this bluetooth one on it, and the bluetooth one was actually faster, although a tiny bit cramped for my gorilla sized fingers. Then again, even a regular keyboard is a bit cramped for me, so that's not saying much. lol. But I am a very fast typist too and that Palm keyboard hangs in there well for me.
Hmmm.. That's interesting. I wonder if I've just had bad luck with bluetooth keyboards? My first was a cheap SPP only one, so I blamed the keyboard. But my second was a Stowaway, which is supposed to be good. But it was no better, so I blamed bluetooth. The regular USB keyboard I use is much faster.

I guess I'll have to find someone with a Palm keyboard to test...

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Wow - this is great feedback! What a great community. Thank you.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2009
i just found this one that seems really portable and it's very cheap... it's a bluetooth one... just for you to have more options... i haven't tried it though...

edit: just remembered you had an N810... i guess it's comparable to the N810 one... so this one might not be your choice... there are other options in that site though... you could get one of those foldable "indestructible" ones...

Last edited by dajavax; 2009-07-04 at 19:18.
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Just to back up some posters - I use the apple BT keyboard with my N810 as well. Not foldable, but surprisingly sturdy and good to type on. Still suffering from the occasional character repeat but hey...
Lord Raiden's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MountainX View Post
Wow - this is great feedback! What a great community. Thank you.
lol. Yeah, we're pretty good for that kinda stuff.
Popular Sci-Fi author and creator of the Earthfleet Series.
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I bought my iGo at Tuesday Morning. Check Big Lots and other outlets. There's still old stock floating around. Bluetooth keyboards are laggy. You're lucky to get 25 wpm consistently.
Posts: 323 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Southern Oregon Coast
if you are still looking, I say ebay is great for this type of thing.

Shouldn't cost you more than $40 or so and some postage.

Remember that with Paypal, if the seller is a low number of transactions, they hold the funds untul positive feedback is given to release them...
sondjata's Avatar
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I have an Adesso flexible keyboard. Works fine with USB control on my N800. The keypad is not the most responsive and I've had an occasional missed character, but reading this I'm thinking maybe it was that I type too fast. I'm going to hook it up to my computer and see if I still see the lags.
internetpilot's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Lord Raiden View Post

I have this one and love it to death.
If you're still looking, I second Lord Raiden's suggestion. I just bought one of the Palm BT keyboards new from for $9.95 with free shipping. I just checked -- it's back up in the $50 range.

I didn't know for 100% sure that it would work with my N810, but even if it didn't, I still have a Palm Treo 755p that it would definitely work with. Turns out it works with both. It even works with the N810 while connected to my Palm Treo 755p via bluetooth for internet access. Not bad!

It's definitely as good as any notebook keyboard I've ever tried and the dimensions when folded are just a little bigger than the N810 itself.

-- Chris

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