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Originally Posted by mrp View Post
installing libsoup uninstalls mplayer and vise versa
Odd, can you install them both on the same line and post the message here?

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Running Knots as a service.
Yes, this is a Windows guide. No, however tempting the urge may be, you cannot shoot me for making a Windows guide.

I really like Knots. I really do. Infact, I'll go as far as saying I love it. But the ruby window that was always there and having to start it up manually sucked.

Some presumptions on my part: I assume that:
a) You are running XP Pro/MCE. No, I do not know if Windows Vista/7 will work. Frankly, I couldn't give a **** about either one of them. I wasted £12 for Vista (yes, it was legal which is a surprise for me) and I ended up reformatting and reinstalling XP.
b) You're using ukki's latest server package; ya know: the one with the ruby folder.
c) It's installed in C:\knots. If not, you'll have to change the numerous C:\knots references to the path where you installed it to.
d) You are an Administrator. If not, and this is a family computer or something, get ophcrack or something.
e) You have an text editor that understands UNIX line endings. This is not Notepad. I used Notepad++.

1. Download srvany and instsrv and save them to C:\knots
These were taken from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit, and, yes, they work fine under XP. Seeing as I didn't need to pass WGA to download the Resource Kit; I assume that I can upload the two files in question to another site.
2. Start up a Command Prompt and type "cd C:\knots"
3. Type "instsrv.exe "Knots" C:\knots\srvany.exe"
4. You should get a message saying that the "Service was successfully installed" (or words to that effect).

Ah, we're done, right? Nope. We installed a service that starts up srvany. Not that useful.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

5. Run "regedit" and you should get something like this coming up:

6. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servi ces\Knots" and you should see something like (don't worry if you see things in this screenshot that are not in your Registry. WRT Knots, anyway.):

7. Right click the "Knots" key (the one with the folder icon beside it) and choose "New -> Key" and call this key "Parameters"
8. Go to the "Parameters" key and right click the blank area to the right and choose "New -> String Value". Call this "Application".
9. Double click it and enter the following in: "C:\knots\ruby\bin\ruby.exe C:\knots\knots.rb" in the "Value Data" box.
10. Click "OK" and you should have this:

11. Run a text editor on the knots.rb file that understands UNIX line endings and add "Dir.chdir("C:\\knots")" right under the "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" line:

12. Run "services.msc" and find the "Knots" service. Double click it, ensure it is set to "Automatic" and click "Log on as: Local System Account" and leave "Allow service to interact with desktop" unticked. And click "OK".
13. Right click the Knots service -> Start, and enjoy!

P.S: If anyone were to write a better guide, I'd be immensely greatful. As you may have guessed: Guide writing is not my forte.

Last edited by qwerty12; 2009-07-08 at 12:26. Reason: I can't count :(

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Posts: 45 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Aug 2008
Sweet, qwerty! Another good text editor for Unix guys under Windows is WinVi32. It's a very solid port of vi for the Windows platform and can handle very large files without crashing (unlike Notepad)... and, of course, it responds to all of those arcane vi commands that us diehard sysadmins committed to memory years ago. Newbies can use the standard Windows-style commands and menu choices as well.
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Originally Posted by ukki View Post
Ignore that, Ruby comes now bundled in the server package.
Oh I was just wondering so I could report back to the windows one click installer maintainers (I'm one).
Posts: 882 | Thanked: 1,310 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Originally Posted by rogerdpack View Post
Oh I was just wondering so I could report back to the windows one click installer maintainers (I'm one).
Not sure there's anything wrong with it, it must've been because of different gems getting installed or something. I just bundled the Ruby with working gems to avoid debugging problems of different versions.

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Originally Posted by ukki View Post
Not sure there's anything wrong with it, it must've been because of different gems getting installed or something. I just bundled the Ruby with working gems to avoid debugging problems of different versions.
And a wise idea, indeed...
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Originally Posted by ukki View Post
Please check that VLC and ffmpeg paths are filled under Settings. If not, fill them correctly and press save settings. After that, an "Update collection" button should appear. Press that and it should scan your media.

Be sure to always kill the server with ctrl-c, otherwise you have to use the task manager to kill the vlc.exe it starts.
vlc.exe is under C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC".
I put "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" for the path but it would not take it.
What was wrong?

Also, do we have to download ffmpeg?
Posts: 882 | Thanked: 1,310 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Originally Posted by nhanquy View Post
vlc.exe is under C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC".
I put "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" for the path but it would not take it.
What was wrong?

Also, do we have to download ffmpeg?
Do this. Close the server. Delete the .config folder inside knots folder. Start the server again and see if VLC path is automatically filled. If not, use that path, but replace \ with /. Also make sure ffmpeg path is filled. You don't have to download ffmpeg.exe, it comes bundled. But make sure VLC is the latest 1.0.

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Posts: 678 | Thanked: 197 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ San Jose CA
Originally Posted by ukki View Post
Do this. Close the server. Delete the .config folder inside knots folder. Start the server again and see if VLC path is automatically filled. If not, use that path, but replace \ with /. Also make sure ffmpeg path is filled. You don't have to download ffmpeg.exe, it comes bundled. But make sure VLC is the latest 1.0.
removal of .config folder does the trick! thanks!
Posts: 678 | Thanked: 197 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ San Jose CA
Can not handle '(' in file name ?
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knots, music, streaming, video

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