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thanks epage. I'll be patient. How do i clear cookies? I'll try that.

I just want to put my vote in for "yes" SMS notifier being intergrated into DC. Thanks again
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1) On the Accounts tab, there is a thing to "Clear Authentication Information
2) "rm ~/.dialcentral/*cookies*
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One feature I'd like to see would be integration with the native address book via contactinfos. I've already got all my contacts on the device (using GPE) and I'd rather not have to duplicate everything into a CSV file.

The other issue that I have is not really with dialcentral. When the "Internet Call" application sees an incoming call via gizmo, the phone number is buried and appears as "sip:1235551212@...". The effect is that the "Internet Call" application doesn't map that number to the number in my contacts, so I don't get any Caller ID info. Any ideas?
Posts: 194 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Originally Posted by epage View Post
1) On the Accounts tab, there is a thing to "Clear Authentication Information
2) "rm ~/.dialcentral/*cookies*
Okay, cleared cookies. Thanks for the help...but it still won't dial out. I'll keep checking back to see if you find anything else.

Man really loved using DC. Why did I have to go and reflash!
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I have a very basic question:
In order to dial out from DC, do I need to use a callback (mobile or gizmo)? Can't I just use google voice?

thanks in advance
Posts: 194 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Do you have a Google Voice account? I don't think it will work unless you have a phone associated with it. DC does not let you talk through does what the GV web interface does...connects your phone to the out going call. So "No" you can't use DC by itself. You need a Gizmo (or something) to connect your call to.

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Combine this with <--that, and you've got a 100% free US wifi phone. Awesome.

You no longer need this with Google Voice, as I now understand. The above would be useful, however, to get a free inbound number (which GV supplies) if you didn't/couldn't get a GV account.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:

Last edited by gogol; 2009-07-23 at 09:55.
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EPage for some reason trying to login for the first time into DialCentral and I cannot change the option to login into a GoogleVoice account, it stays on Grand Central, any ideas?
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Originally Posted by ZackMorris View Post
EPage for some reason trying to login for the first time into DialCentral and I cannot change the option to login into a GoogleVoice account, it stays on Grand Central, any ideas?
Well found out the reason why....the only version that shows up on my applications list is 0.8.0-9

where can i find 1.0?


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Posts: 355 | Thanked: 245 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Northern VA
Ok good to go, go from the deb from extras

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