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There starts to be a good amount of Extras products in and tere are currently 138 open bugs:

What about starting to raise the attention to users and developers by having a Extras bug jar as well? Maybe some adaptations would be needed from the regular Bug Jar, maybe not. In any case we could start just by running the same scripts and see what happens.

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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
What about starting to raise the attention to users and developers by having a Extras bug jar as well?
Fine by me. I've been wondering how it would work out if I ran one jar that lumps together all the disparate Extras projects. Will it be too disjointed and dominated by a few larger projects to be generally useful? Will it lead to developers competing to keep their projects out of the top tens? It seems there's finally enough issues to to find out.

The only real change I anticipate needing to make to the script is the addition of, say, "[Product name]" before the summary text on each line. Otherwise, no one will know where bugs are presenting without following every link. It should be an easy tweak.
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Posts: 3,105 | Thanked: 11,088 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Mountain View (CA, USA)
At least there would be a centalized place to find out all the latest Extras bugs.

Then of course most used apps have more chances of getting more volume of bugs, more votes... But this is somehow democratic as well. If there is a CRITICAL bug in a less popular that requires HIGH priority the bugsquad can help making sure priorities/severities are right if the developer doesn't see it that way. Then many normal bugs of many normal apps will probably be out of the Bug Jar. Fine, happens just the same in the regular Jar as well.

The ranking of bugs 'needing love' will be probably interesting and will help developers getting more testers and feedback, and a better sense of how relevant and annoying their bugs are for real users.

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