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Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I realize this is lofty, but I'm just throwing it out there. Would it be useful to split the forums at the top level into 770 and 800 sets? I've been extremely silent lately because I'm not an n800 user and it takes way too long to sift through the n800 threads to find the 770 related material.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Oct 2006 @ Metro Detroit Michigan USA
That might not be a bad idea. I do enjoy going through and seeing how much trouble the other set is having though . It actually gives me occasion to stop when I think I need an 800. It was gratifying to see the amount of software added to the 2006 Application Catalog since the last time I flashed my 770. And rumors that Nokia will port OS2007 to the 770 so that I can finally have audible alarms!
=DC='s Avatar
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I agree. I thought I was the only one going mad trying to filter all the N800 posts to get to new info about the 770. I'll get an N800 soon enough, I just don't need the barrage of complaints/complements clouding my thoughts or tempting my wallet at this time.
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johsua's Avatar
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Eureka, CA
I vote for a split.
penguinbait's Avatar
Posts: 3,096 | Thanked: 1,525 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Michigan, USA
I hear what your saying but perhaps a filter chose by user preference, with the ability to show n800, or n770, or both, and have a radial but for new posts to categorize to be able to place it in 770, or 800, or have it show up in both(when it relates to both). I have n800, because my 770 was lost in nokia repair hell, I could have waited and gotten it back but jumped. I am planning to buy a 770 once n800 becomes a little stronger and they lower in price. I have a usb setup for my 770 I used once and have not been able to use since.

Anyway maybe I am getting off the topic here, so its just my two cents!!

Perhaps I am just asking for too much?
oafbot's Avatar
Posts: 69 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Boston, Massachusetts
I know the split topic was brought up before, and I personally would be supportive of any such move. Yes a split would very much improve navigation. I haven't yet justified getting a n800, yet so I'm sticking with 770 for a while longer. It would be nice to be able to find 770 and maemo 2.x specific topics, without sorting through a tangle of threads.

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