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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
FYI, ASR isn't supported in the N900 yet. See the N97 for an example of rotating every single element in the GIU. Running at 360x640 isn't so far from 480x800, so I don't see any logic in your reasoning. It may be foreign to you, but I've been using ASR for almost 3 years on Nokia smartphones and loved it. I think once it hits the N900 (and it will if I have anything to do with it), you'll see what I mean.
I couldn't sleep before posting this, I am using symbian since nokia start shipping 7650 where it didn't have a memory card then shifting to nokia 3650 (these devices were the begging of what symbian become) and ASR I am already aware about it since and it's not strange for me since iPhone had this feature and by the time Nokia released the sensor API's and latter someone programed the auto rotate program and moving in time even forward Nokia responded to iPhone by including this feature in its firmware and no need to tell me the rotating was existed in s60v3 as I already know.

Now I can go and sleep
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Originally Posted by f(x) View Post
@Thesandlord, I think he want an automatic rotation in iPhone/Symbian style
Ok? My N810 "autorotates" when you pull out the keyboard. The system supports dynamic resolution. I think people will write a script to automatically rotate based on the accelerometers.
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Has anybody seen the following thread...


Originally Posted by thp
...I've come up with a nice object that you can throw into your own code and that will take care of auto-rotation:
That^ was posted by thp on 09-21-09 , 06:54 PM

@ christexaport

I'll respond to your reply to my request here rather than continuing to crap in thp's very productive thread.

In it you cross posted:

Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
I'm trying to draw support for THIS BRAINSTORM IDEA about Nokia supporting Automatic Screen Rotation in the entire UI of Maemo 5/N900. Please give it a look and give me a hand. I thought since this thread mentioned rotation, maybe someone might be interested.
(I did not realize at the time that you, in effect, had spammed the board for support of your "effort".) I responded:

Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
This thread didn't just mention rotation it is an actual "HowTo" posted by thp on 09-21-09 06:54 PM 3 days before your posted Brainstorm on 2009-09-24 21:42 UTC

What's up with that? I'm confused. then replied:

Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
Just getting anyone that was ever interested in developing or using a rotation solution to join my efforts for Fremantle. This is about the only way you can engage people you don't know, and everyone says "don't talk about it, do something! I've done just that, and no one else has. I'm on my own, but not powerless, believe me.
That's just it dude... your
WTF ??? It looks to me like you started these efforts 3 days after a partial solution was already developed and additional work was just getting started.

It seems it is actually thp's efforts that have done something about it.

Now I can appreciate your enthusiasm, as someone else put it, and over 400 posts in 40 days certainly is enthusiastic but, cross posting and crapping in threads is counterproductive don't you think?

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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
Thanks again! You obviously have experience in software development processes. Your brainstorm was well prepared and written. I'm a little encouraged that although not in the same format, most of the ideas I mentioned in my brainstorm are touched on in your presentation, which shows we see the same obstacles that must be overcome, and have similar ideas on how to get them done.

Its obvious I should figure a way to combine our brainstorms or at least abandon one and focus all efforts into one of the two. I'm totally for abandoning mine and following your more experienced lead, and providing my insight and ideas as a resource to help bring our imagination to fruition. How do you suggest I proceed? How can I get everyone I've sent to my idea brainstorm to ignore mine and focus on yours instead?

If you haven't seen my brainstorm, here it is:

So what do you think of my ideas? You'll notice how I've probably mistakenly placed the challenges I need to overcome as theoretical solutions. This shows my inexperience in matters such as these. But by checking my ideas, you can see that I've attempted to address your challenge # 1 with my solution #4, though I definitely have more work to do. I addressed your challenge #2 with two options so far via my solutions # 1 and #6. I addressed your challenge # 3 with my solution #2. You #4 challenge is partially addressed in my solution #3.

We should work together to possibly come up with some great ideas. I hope you're willing to do so, and you seem eager to get things done, so I'm happy to follow your lead. What next?
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
Has anybody seen the following thread...


That^ was posted by thp on 09-21-09 , 06:54 PM

Now I can appreciate your enthusiasm, as someone else put it, and over 400 posts in 40 days certainly is enthusiastic but, cross posting and crapping in threads is counterproductive don't you think?
Well I did in fact read that entire thread, and I saw part of the solution to issues in my brainstorm present in his work. But if you read both my and mrojas' brainstorms, you'd see there are many more challenges than just getting the screens to rotate. We're trying to make the experience painless, and make it seem integrated as if Nokia designed the UI with this intention. I don't think any less expectation would be worth my effort or as attractive to a larger audience.

You may find it counterproductive, but I see motion and activity around the solution I seek that hadn't existed until yesterday. I'm satisfied with the fruits of my efforts, and hope they draw more than just attention in the end. I'd be even happier if you were a part of it.

As many people that have expressed the want for ASR in the N900, I think I should aim high and give a complete and well planned and implemented solution. thp's work must be amazing, but it is just the start of what I and mrojas, and many others envision and expect. We look forward to him joining us in that endeavor if he so pleases.
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Last edited by christexaport; 2009-09-25 at 08:51.

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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Ok? My N810 "autorotates" when you pull out the keyboard. The system supports dynamic resolution. I think people will write a script to automatically rotate based on the accelerometers.
Of course, but I think you are missing the point. The community will come up with hacks like that in no time, but it's just that, a hack. If you want it to be an official part of the OS, then it must work flawlessly and "just rotate back if the application looks broken" won't do. Completely automatic rotation is not going to be pretty, without some serious thought and work being put into it.
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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post

...As many people that have expressed the want for ASR in the N900, I think I should aim high and give a complete and well planned and implemented solution. thp's work must be amazing, but it is just the start of what I and mrojas, and many others envision and expect. We look forward to him joining us in that endeavor if he so pleases.
... that's all well and good and your leadership in this "endeavor" would be commended... if it hadn't come 3 days after someone else did 80% of the actual work and posted HOWTO documentation on this board.

(Image^ blatantly stolen from a link provided by linuxeventually, earlier in this thread. )

Your spamming the board as well as your average of 10 posts a day could also be attributed to the enthusiasm of a new member...

However, they are posted over ad's for your commercial site(s) in your signature... I say sites because you apparently just registered a "Maemo" site and the appearance of a link to it in your signature corresponds to your recent quest to find a solution to a problem that already may be solved...

I'm just keeping it real here.

BTW, I truly hope that your activity is unbridled enthusiasm... then it is just a matter of restraint and in the end, it is good for the community.

Last edited by YoDude; 2009-09-25 at 13:02. Reason: Stole an image... :)

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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
...You may find it counterproductive, but I see motion and activity around the solution I seek that hadn't existed until yesterday. I'm satisfied with the fruits of my efforts, and hope they draw more than just attention in the end. I'd be even happier if you were a part of it...


The end does not justify the means. I am talking about the productivity of the community and not just 1 member in 1 thread.

Cross posting and thread crapping are frowned upon in most forums because of this.

I'll put it this way...
I just got a great deal on my car insurance yet I don't see much motion or activity acknowledging that fact on this board.

Since most members could benefit from cheaper car insurance should I spam any threads tagged with save, cheap, car, insurance, and great deal?
(BTW, my brother-in-law sells car insurance so I'll add his web site to my posts.)

Do you see what I mean?

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well said YoDude, and nice to see someone else thinking Chris is spamming all over here. No need to participate unless you can add someone thing useful which he forget that point.

I didn't know about thp project, I am glade you posted it or otherwise I wouldn't know about (It doesn't seems a complex task as the way I had in my mind after reading his code).

Now I really want to set up the SDK so I can try this ,but I really don't think scratchbox is in love with none Debian based distros.
I will give it anther try with Archlinux-64bit today , hopefully it works this time.

@christexaport , Seriously try to spend your time reading / playing with Linux (Ubuntu [i guess you picked?]) & check xserver (xorg might get you interested) and postponed this topic till a 2 weeks after n900 getting into people hands.

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