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Hi All,

I've been trying to search all over to find out if this will be available and when?

I'm in need of a new mobile device - and I don't want a windows mobile or iphone or android device.

I would love the N900, but I'm going to need a Citrix client app for work. Currently iphone (so my friend tells me), and windows mobile have a Citrix client (the windows mobile one works great).

So what to do? I would buy an N900 tomorrow if I knew I could get a Citrix client within a month or 2...


Last edited by cjeff; 2009-10-12 at 02:03.
zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by cjeff View Post
Hi All,

I've been trying to search all over to find out if this will be available and when?

I'm in need of a new mobile device - and I don't want a windows mobile or iphone or android device.

I would love the N900, but I'm going to need a Citrix client app for work. Currently iphone (so my friend tells me), and windows mobile have a Citrix client (the windows mobile one works great).

So what to do? I would buy an N900 tomorrow if I new I could get a Citrix client within a month or 2...

If there's a Citrix client on the way, we haven't heard of it yet. You'll have to talk to Citrix.

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From a quick search, it seems people got it to run on the 770. Maybe it will also run on the N900, but I can't tell you that...

And you can't buy a N900 tomorrow, because its not out yet!
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
And you can't buy a N900 tomorrow, because its not out yet!
Thanks for info - I might send an email to Citrix today and see what they say.

Well, it may not be out yet, but I can certainly still buy one - it just won't be delivered until it's released...


Last edited by cjeff; 2009-10-12 at 02:06. Reason: forgot the smiley face!
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Ok, I took a strange interest into your problem, and this is what I found out:

First of All: Do a search on these forums, it will help find the answer.

Ok, back to what I found:

There are two things you can do: Native ARM Citrix client, and Java Citrix client

Native ARM client:
This only works on OS2005, so it wont directly run on the N900. However, because it is a Debian app, you might be able to run it in EasyDebian or something like that on the tablet. May work, may not, but I would say this is a good bet...

Its a tar.gz file, so I am guessing there are a few binary programs and a sh script that puts them in the right place.

Java Client

There is also a java client, but Maemo does not have java built in. Once again, you can use EasyDebian, or you can try and install something like jalimo, which is a open-source java runtime. I don't know how this works, but people on this forum can help you with that.


All of these solutions are somewhat messy and not one-click installs. If Citrix comes out with a one-click solution for Maemo, that is the best. But the above should work.
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I've installed the ARM Citrix client, but it tells me that is missing.

I'm assuing this is something from XWindows, but am otherwise ignorant. Any suggestions?


Posts: 89 | Thanked: 131 times | Joined on Oct 2009
OK: that lib is *included* in Easy Debian, as attempting to launch winfica gets me a little closer...
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Ok, I took a strange interest into your problem, and this is what I found out:

First of All: Do a search on these forums, it will help find the answer.

Ok, back to what I found:

There are two things you can do: Native ARM Citrix client, and Java Citrix client

Native ARM client:
This only works on OS2005, so it wont directly run on the N900. However, because it is a Debian app, you might be able to run it in EasyDebian or something like that on the tablet. May work, may not, but I would say this is a good bet...

Its a tar.gz file, so I am guessing there are a few binary programs and a sh script that puts them in the right place.

Java Client

There is also a java client, but Maemo does not have java built in. Once again, you can use EasyDebian, or you can try and install something like jalimo, which is a open-source java runtime. I don't know how this works, but people on this forum can help you with that.


All of these solutions are somewhat messy and not one-click installs. If Citrix comes out with a one-click solution for Maemo, that is the best. But the above should work.
I took this quite a bit further last night, since there isn't anyone who has tested this on Maemo 5. I learned several things and it looked like I got to the point where it *ALMOST* works. Almost meaning I got it to install with no errors, loaded it all into the browser plugins folder in both the default browser and in firefox, and then I go into our citrix server for work in the browser and I get a magical nothing to happen.

Here is how I got to the point of magical nothingness (I'm a total linux noob, just started with n900 btw, so if you guys could point out something that would help, that'd be awesome):

1) Go get the version 11 citrix ica client for linux arm processors.
2) use the command gunzip on the linuxarm.tar.gz file that you downloaded. Just use "gunzip linuxarm.tar.gz"
3) copy the linuxarm.tar into the /home folder. I made /home/citrix/ to copy it into. (mkdir /home/citrix then cp linuxarm.tar /home/citrix/)
4) The reason for copying it into the home folder is that anything under MyDocs won't allow you to run the set up program after you unpack it (something to do with fat32 not allowing you to install programs).
5) unpack linuxarm.tar. I think the command I used was "tar xvf linuxarm.tar" from within the /home/citrix/ folder.
6) run ./setupwcf from the command line. This will start the installer.
7) follow the prompts. You will have to change the install folder so it doesn't get installed to root.
8) It tells you to run the export command for something or other... I'm not really clear yet on what that command does... someone help? I think I did it right... but I'm not really sure what it is for lol.
9) I'm a little fuzzy here since I did it last night, but somehow I linked the icaclient to the plugins folder in either firefox(fennec beta) or the native web browser.
10) I launched browser and tried to start citrix... instead of an error message i get nothing and after 15-30 seconds the web page reloads.

So, that's where I am at for now. My work's vpn is IPSEC so I can't get access to our network that way (openvpn doesn't support ipsec right?) via vpn + vnc. Through citrix I could potentially access anything I want to do, but I can't get that to work either. A programmer friend of mine said I can try ssh next, but I'm not sure how that'll go (If can I get into our network with a computer that has RDP that would be enough for me). I bought the n900 because of its powerful OS, but so far I seem to be running into a lot of dead ends. I love the device and am willing to wait for some fo this functionality, but so far it is pretty frustrating.

I will be training a couple hundred of our technicians out in the field shortly and I'll need to be able provide support for others when I'm away from my desk. The high screen resolution for the N900 should make this somewhat practical.

If anyone wants to look into this further, I'd be really grateful!

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Originally Posted by captainqtp View Post
8) It tells you to run the export command for something or other... I'm not really clear yet on what that command does... someone help? I think I did it right... but I'm not really sure what it is for lol.
export is a way of setting environment variables. What were you exporting? If you got this wrong it would definitely break the install. It may be it needed to be adapted to your own particular (nonstandard) installation.

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