What floating point options are on the n900? I'd like to be able to do small-sized calculations (by a theoretical physicist's measure on my Tablet, and I'd definitely want to upgrade if the n900 offers better floating-point performance over the n810 that I currently have (plus, I could finally get rid of Sprint; main problem is that postdoc positions don't pay :/
Anyhow, is it easier to access the DSP on the n900 than on the n810? Does anyone have experience with the DSP? It looks like floating-point works in software emulation on the n810; is this also true on the n900?
Anyhow, is it easier to access the DSP on the n900 than on the n810? Does anyone have experience with the DSP? It looks like floating-point works in software emulation on the n810; is this also true on the n900?