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frethop's Avatar
Posts: 283 | Thanked: 60 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ It's dark in here. I hear laughing.
This is a concept that comes over from the Symbian side of Nokia phones.

When writing SMS messages on a Symbian OS phone, you could create and use message templates. For me this is especially useful when sending messages to Twitter that are meant for other services (e.g., Toodledo or RTM) and are cryptically formatted. A template lets me use a standard message and change just a little.

I can't find how to do that with the N900. Any clues?

pelago's Avatar
Posts: 2,121 | Thanked: 1,540 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Oxford, UK
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but I've certainly had "stock phrases" that I've been able to insert into SMSes on previous phones, like "I'll be late home" or "Message received" which were useful when wanting to text in a hurry, and that could be useful on N900 too.
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 607 times | Joined on Dec 2008
Not quite so practical, but you could just save those in Notes and use copy and paste.
pelago's Avatar
Posts: 2,121 | Thanked: 1,540 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Oxford, UK
Certainly, although once it gets too fiddly it would be easier just to type things in directly!

Ideally I can imagine some sort of button, a bit like the bottom-right smiley button, that would pop up a list of things to insert, which would be configurable by the user. In fact, as someone who hardly uses smileys, being able to generalise/customise that current button would be useful.

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