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Just wanted u to see what i get

~ $ sudo gainroot
Root shell enabled

BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 3:1.1.3-3.osso17) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user # umount /opt
umount: cannot umount /opt: Invalid argument
/home/user # umount /floppy
umount: cannot umount /floppy: Invalid argument
maxilogan's Avatar
Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
actually, as far as I reached the path of this procedure, you have to *mount* /floppy/ and /opt/, not umount.

Or is there any other thing that I don't know?

what about your experience with the initfs_flash command? did all went straight? Is there anyone here that applied this procedure using a non english set for the main language of the tablet? just to see if there is any connection eith the matter... (mine is italian)
Does life seem worthwhile to you?
fpp's Avatar
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Yes, my 770 is in French but the shell doesn't care, and the Howto went just fine.
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The only thing I found is that I couldn't run ./init_flash from a mmc/sd.. I had to copy it to the internal memory
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2007
~ $ sudo gainroot Root shell enabled

BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 3:1.1.3-3.osso17) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user # mount /opt
mount: Can't find /opt in /etc/fstab
/home/user # umount /opt
umount: cannot umount /opt: Invalid argument
this is what it gave me mount and umount ??

I use english so i would not know

one more thing i have looked in to the SD card on my computer . . . nothing there is no OS there ~ no file system is that right ?? i Know it's not and i have to do the last 4 steps the last 4 lines including the restart

i have a Linux Box . . . so i can see the ext2 partition.

Last edited by screener; 2007-02-16 at 22:11.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I've sent an email to Sebastian but now I've realized there is this thread, I was not aware of it. So I'm posting my questions here, and if Sebas will reply in my mail I'll forward it here.

My questions were the following:

I've followed your tutorial for multiboot and putting root image on the
external MMC. The only difference is that my MMC is 2GB of size, while
the one used in the tutorial (your one, I suppose) is 1GB.

So with your instructions I've created a VFAT partition of almost 480MB
which I can see from terminal as /media/mmc1, and the remaining part
(~1.5GB) is an ext2 partition which contains al the stuff required for
Nokia 770 to work, which I can see from terminal as /media/mmc2. At least,
this is what I think, tell me if I am misunderstanding something.

By the way, when booting, I choose to boot from the ext2 partition (the
so-called "MMC card, partition 2, ext2"), which is also the default
choice. After the system boot, I launch the osso-xterminal on the 770, and

$ cd /media/
$ ls mmc1/
$ ls mmc2/

Neither mmc1 or mmc2 contain anything, they appear empty; this is normal
for the first one, mmc1, which is effectively empty, as I have not put
anything in it after the tutorial: if I put some files into the VFAT
partition of the MMC, I'm pretty sure I'll see them with the ls command
into the /media/mmc1 dir, can you confirm that? (I don't want to try if
I'm not sure it will not break things, as now my system is on the MMC so
some more care is necessary...)

The problem (and real question) is: why cannot I see anything into the
mmc2 directory? I thought it should contain all the 770 filesystem, /user,
/opt, /etc, and all the stuff, the installed packages... everything! So
where is it? How can I see what's on the ext2 partition of the MMC? Is it
normal that I see that as empty, or not? What would happen if I try to put
some files in /media/mmc2, e.g. with the Midnight Commander utility (I'm
not going to dare anyway), would I break things?

Then, other two newbie questions:

1) How can I save a "snapshot" backup of the system? Is it somehow
possible to restore a "broken" system by booting the 770 from the internal
flash and rewriting a working snapshot from the backup to the ext2
partition of the MMC (e.g. via ssh), and then rebooting again from the
ext2 partition? (PS: For "snapshot" backup of the system I mean something
like this)

2) Am I wrong, or it should be written with bold characters in the
tutorial, that it is forbidden to take the MMC off from the device while
it is on and working? (or even charging?)

Not considering my unexperience in the linux world and the consequent
doubts (which maybe you can help to clarify), I'm very happy with this mod
and it is definetely something to do for tablet owners with a GB MMC for
it. Unfortunately I can't notice any speed improvement, probably my 2GB
MMC is not fast enough to override the speed of the internal flash with
jffs2... But the other benefits are not a poor thing! (and if the
"system-snapshot-backup'n'restore-technique" is possible, this would be
simply great! Especially for linux newbies who like experimenting a bit
with the device ;)
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2007
When you get an email back please post it here so we can know what is goung on

thanx man
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by insert_nick View Post
...and if Sebas will reply in my mail I'll forward it here.
of course, as said.
sebastian.linux's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
The only part I felt could be improved on was in the MMC partitioning HOWTO, for people who have something else than a 1 GB card and thus cannot use the provided value of 15000. I will add a suggestion to that howto, so that such users can easily determine a reasonable sfdisk command.
Hi, fpp.

There's an option that Fanoush told me afterwards.
# sfdisk -uM < ... etc ... >

This option would show the size of the partition in MBytes.

Thank you Fanoush
sebastian.linux's Avatar
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Spain
Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
So I'd vote for changing the guide to use ext3 filesystem.
I tried but wasn't able, so that I decided to stick to ext2. Ext3 is supposed to work as well, but maybe the e2fsprogs package is not updated to ext3? Don't know for sure. I prefered to put only what was completely verified. Nevertheless, if somebody is able to mount it on ext3, then we could add ext3 as an alternative to choose.
Would be nice if someone could verify it and add to the guide.
I haven't added it to the guide because haven't tested it. But I think it's a great idea. Surely I want to add it ASAP.

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