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nwerneck's Avatar
Posts: 304 | Thanked: 233 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ São Paulo, SP, Brasil
A couple of interesting news (in Portuguese) regarding smartphones in Brazil. First is about how the iPhone sold less than it was expected. Main reason given is the price: not only our taxes are too high, but Apple actually demanded a higher price to make it a more "exclusive" product. They also blame the delay for the phone to arrive here, what would have been caused by a difficulty with some sort of "closed protocol", don't know what they are talking about. With the delay and high price, many of the interested people ended up buying their phones abroad.

Second link is an interview with the Brazilian Nokia president, Almir Narcizo, talking about market shares and predictions. There is a hope our 3G network will see lots of investments in the near future because of the upcoming World Cup and Olympic games... I hope that makes wireless Internet much more affordable.
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Thats the price Brazil pays for having the most beautiful ladies in the world
mikec's Avatar
Posts: 1,366 | Thanked: 1,185 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Never mind the birds, what about the Football

Mike C
bigbrovar's Avatar
Posts: 143 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ Abuja, Nigeria
add salt to injury, they also get to host the Olympic.
If man has evolved from apes and monkeys, why are there still apes monkeys?.

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brazil, iphone, market share, nokia, soccer

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