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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
For example, the WebKit-based browser on my 8GB desktop machine is using 584.5MB of real memory and 1.04GB of virtual memory. So, clearly, WebKit wont run on the 256MB N900, right?
No, it just means you should stop using Macs

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Hmmm... iPhone OS 3 runs on 1st gen iPhones. Hmm...
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Nah, the real reason for Maemo6 to be brought out in some form on the N900 is to ease the transition from Gtk to Qt and to demonstrate Nokia's "commitment to openness".

Just think... it has taken many years of hard work (and 4 devices) to get Fremantle "nearly ready".

The next step is from comparitive niche to mass market; "bridging the gap" and all that jazz.

So, picture the conversation:

"I know. Just before we launch the mass market version lets completely replace the entire UI and gui SDK, all the apps, the security model, the desktop and even the main programming language. What could possibly go wrong?"

<long and incredulous pause>


"Hmm, do you think we should test it on the N900 first?"
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Uuuhm... did you see the most recent commercial for the N900? If Nokia internally works like that, geeeez, the answer to that last question will be "No!"...

Ok, seriously, no they won't of course change as drastically as they did from OS2008 to Maemo 5. *BUT* I do think the N900 will be abandoned upon the presentation of the next gen Nxxx. Transition from the niche and experimental test bed onto consumer land most likely also means a change in marketing technique, eg. marketing behaviour which has to be considered normal in mass markets. Abandoning previous device generations *is* perfectly normal in electronical gadget mass markets. And it's not like they didn't try before with the 770 and the N800.
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Originally Posted by cb474 View Post
Exactly, I don't believe that there is some hardware limitation that just makes it impossible for Nokia to create a version of Maemo 6 that works on the N900.

It also may well be in Nokia's financial interest to do so. Obviously Maemo, and perhaps especially Maemo 6, is Nokia's answer to the iPhone. One of the things that has made the iPhone so profitable is the app store and iTunes, a source a revenue that extends well beyond the sale of the device itself. So you want to keep people engaged and happy with the device they have, so they keep coming back to purchase the other software based goodies. If people feel like they're being left behind after only a year, on the N900, their next device may well be an iPhone, WinMo phone, Android phone. They won't have as much of a reason to stick with Nokia and Maemo and so Nokia will lose the revenue stream from that customer that would go to the Ovi store, etc. Look at the crazy dedication people have to Apple products. Apple doesn't get there by leaving people behind. But if leaving people behind is what Nokia does with the N900, then it will risk remaining a niche product like the N95 and other high end smart phones of Nokia's past, rather than break out the way the iPhone and Android have.
Absolutely! They can't afford to leave the N900 behind at least with the high interst/customer base that it seems to be gaining even before its release.

These "new" maemo customers will NOT come back to maemo if they get ignored by Nokia. This could be a very painful mistake for the future of maemo devices.

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Originally Posted by schaggo View Post
Uuuhm... did you see the most recent commercial for the N900? If Nokia internally works like that, geeeez, the answer to that last question will be "No!"...

Ok, seriously, no they won't of course change as drastically as they did from OS2008 to Maemo 5. *BUT* I do think the N900 will be abandoned upon the presentation of the next gen Nxxx. Transition from the niche and experimental test bed onto consumer land most likely also means a change in marketing technique, eg. marketing behaviour which has to be considered normal in mass markets. Abandoning previous device generations *is* perfectly normal in electronical gadget mass markets. And it's not like they didn't try before with the 770 and the N800.
That could be, but at the very least they should not Abandon the device and the OS like they did with the previous tablets.
Diablo still has plenty of bugs that are very annoying that could have been fixed through updates and improved the user experience, but they just left it.

Even if Maemo 6 won't be portable to the N900, they should still make sure they keep maintaining Maemo 5 once the New OS is out.

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Originally Posted by God View Post
I'm pretty sure Maemo 6 will be available for the N900, otherwise it's pretty unfair. A device like the N900 is the the start of something great, you can't just bring a second device out & expect the N900 to just rot away.
That's what they did for the N810. We can't upgrade to Maemo 5. The N800 could upgrade to the N810's Diablo but the N770 couldn't officially (but there is a hack for that).

Nokia has never been overly concerned with yesterday's customer. If you buy the N900, expect to upgrade to a new phone if you want a new OS.
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Well the previous tables can't upgrade to Fremantle because of hardware issues. Think of the UI, it's fully hardware accelerated. Hardware the N8xx's don't feature. But the N900's successors are most likely quite similar, hardware wise. Still I think the N900 will be maintained for a couple months into the new devices lifetime and then abandoned. We'll see, we'll see...
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by javispedro View Post
This is no phone. It's a computer. If Nokia decides that their new operating system requires a Gizmagish Physics 3D chip, you go find another OS.
If it's a computer that fits in my pocket, makes calls like a phone, costs like a phone, has the radio of a phone... it's a smartphone. You're only half-right.
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Originally Posted by DaveP1 View Post
Nokia has never been overly concerned with yesterday's customer. If you buy the N900, expect to upgrade to a new phone if you want a new OS.
That's a big part of the problem, I think. I keep feeling like Nokia is concerned with selling you the new thing and not really interested in keeping you as a customer and supplying you with accessories to beef up your initial investment with more stuff you can buy along the way. Gaww--I feel like I should be thankful I can buy a replacement BATTERY for my N800. I almost regret convincing so many people to buy N800's except that the device itself is rather fantastic. :P It's everything OUTSIDE of the tangible device that that's killing me aside from the increasingly open nature of the OS. (Thankful for at least that, I suppose... never truly felt fully open, to me...and that's a real problem now that it's being tossed aside for the new product to support.)

Originally Posted by schaggo View Post
Well the previous tables can't upgrade to Fremantle because of hardware issues. Think of the UI, it's fully hardware accelerated. Hardware the N8xx's don't feature. But the N900's successors are most likely quite similar, hardware wise. Still I think the N900 will be maintained for a couple months into the new devices lifetime and then abandoned. We'll see, we'll see...
This is true.. but I can't help feeling that there's no really good reason to outright drop all support on devices that were released so recently. I'm hoping a lot of this gloom will evaporate from me once Mer comes out with a 1.0 and fully supports all the N8x0 hardware... someday. Of course, by then I've probably moved on and avoided Nokia's tablet devices because of all this. **grumble**

compatibility, future, harmattan, harmattan is for new $$$, maemo, maemo 6, n900, speculation, upgrade

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