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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
MySpace might not be the popular kid at the moment, but its user base, and its attention to indie musicians and producers still remains standard fare for use in the field.

A MySpace widget would need to do some, but not all of the following:
- view/search+add friends
- view/post latest status updates
- search friends
- post images/music
- stream music from friend's pages
- integrate with Contacts app on device

Such a widget would benefit MySpace users (and pretty much any other social network user that'd use this functionality)
Without meaning to blow smoke on the app idea - what about integrating these into the relevant points on the OS?
Adding friends - contacts with their entries as for any other IM point so onlienn shown in same way etc and start chat in same way.
Latest posts - widget on screen for that.
post images/music - use the Share functionality, maybe from the widget.

If this makes sense then does the OP fancy putting it out in a brainstorm then post a link for people to vote and get things started?

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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
We were promised since the launch of the N97 to get a MySpace widget or app of some sort.
Any quotes/URLs for that?
/me just curious...
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I read alot of internal and official press materials, as well as talk to some of the engineers and project managers at Nokia, so it may have been a verbal, video, or written thing. I believe it was at the Mobile World Congress where Nokia demoed the widgets they were working on, and mentioned one being for MySpace. But it was definitely fact, because I'm a musician, and for content creators and artists, MySpace is unmatched.

For everyone that thinks MySpace is irrelevant, check the facts first. Facebook grew past MySpace because of the tight integration and support in the iPhone. People that had never used the internet, much less a social network, had easy access, marketing, and peer influence to join Facebook. The iPhone's lack of Flash meant media streaming was a nonfactor, and the creative community suffered. (Try chasing your stray audience to Facebook, and see how well you can share media by comparison. NIght and day.)

Facebook may have surpassed MySpace globally, but in the US, usership is nearly neck and neck. They barely passed MySpace in the US in March. So for Americans, it is very relevant. And for musicians, its how we maintain our independence from major labels and still manage a profit. It is probably the biggest marketing tool for a working musician.

Today, MySpace is still the second largest social network, and honestly, one of the only profitable of the major ones. It is the number two destination for online video after YouTube. It is number three behind AOL and Yahoo Music for music streams, streaming more than Sony, Rhapsody, and Pandora combined. Of all social networks, it is the leader in media streaming, streaming 105% more media plays than the next in line, Facebook.

An app would balance the playing field for the two social networks, which obviously are complementary since they serve 2 purposes. One is for relating through conversation, video, and through music and media, and the other is based on family and society through common interests. Both allow status updates to be synced with Twitter, both allow online photo storage and video hosting, but only MySpace allows custom playlists, video streams, and free music streams. As an artist, we need this platform to remain viable, and an app on Maemo would really help in that regard. Make it in Qt and pack it for Symbian, and it might just be a mass market hit...
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Last edited by christexaport; 2009-11-19 at 11:43.

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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
Any quotes/URLs for that?
/me just curious...
What I could find. I think it was a video I saw, but Rafe mentions it there.
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konstrukt's Avatar
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myspace was the first social network i used and it is the most common one in my circle of friends so i would appreciate an app for that. ()

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Myspace as a social network is not that big, but as band promotion platform it's very big. The frist thing I do when I find out about a new band is to listen to them via myspace. Particularly good for extreme music with small followings. Dunno if I need a widget, but I'm sure musicians and promoters would find one very useful.
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I thought only 13 year old girls with really big Twilight pictures used MySpace...

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n900 has pixelpipe plugin for picture/video uploads which supports myspace.

I guess the other tool to use myspace with is the browser. With flash support you can use the myspace music player and all the tacky bells and whistles flashing typically on myspace pages.

I have no idea if better support is on the way.

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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
For everyone that thinks MySpace is irrelevant, check the facts first. Facebook grew past MySpace because of the tight integration and support in the iPhone.
No, sorry... Facebook exploded because people were abandoning Myspace They were tired of ******ed profile pages and autoplaying music players. iPhone might account for a few hundred thousand, if that. We're talking about a flood of millions upon millions here... far more than the iPhone's sold in its lifetime. Saying the iphone is the reason for it is completely delusional.

Fact: Everyone's abandoning Myspace like the plague. Yes, it's a better delivery platform for bands but only because Facebook simply doesn't do it yet. In about six months, I fully expect Myspace to try to transform itself over into a music-oriented site at some point... but killing off Myspace would be the best thing for these bands anyways as the Myspace player rarely even works properly.

Of my peak of 200 friends on Myspace, all but 13 have deleted their accounts. I think that pretty much says it all about Myspace. Dead.

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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Berlin
Fact: Everyone's abandoning Myspace like the plague. Yes, it's a better delivery platform for bands but only because Facebook simply doesn't do it yet. In about six months, I fully expect Myspace to try to transform itself over into a music-oriented site at some point... but killing off Myspace would be the best thing for these bands anyways as the Myspace player rarely even works properly.

Of my peak of 200 friends on Myspace, all but 13 have deleted their accounts. I think that pretty much says it all about Myspace. Dead.[/QUOTE]

Usually when someone says "fact" they produce that fact with a quote from a reputable source with a link. You speaking about your 13 friends doesn't impress me. You and your friends are who? Jesus and the 12 apostles? In addition, that doesn't constitute "abandoning Myspace like the plague". As mentioned by previous users, Facebook does have a larger online community, almost double to be exact. However, the audience that still uses Myspace uses that site on average 100 minutes more a month than Facebook users. Myspace is a site for artists pure and simple. If you are a band, musician, producer or even a visual artist, Myspace is the place to get your work out to the masses. Even if you aren't an artist, Myspace allows those who want more than a bland white background with a touch of blue to personalize their pages.

Oh, I also have both accounts (Myspace and Facebook) however do use Facebook much more often. Like mentioned earlier, when I feel like finding a new band no one knows about, I log into my Myspace account to check out what is new, fresh and hot. When I want to check on my friends to see who has went from "In a relationship" to "Single" or is "really excited they didn't miss the season finale of House" I go on Facebook.

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