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Reggie's Avatar
Posts: 1,436 | Thanked: 3,144 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Now that more and more people have started receiving their Nokia 770, it might be a good time to share your first impressions!

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Favorite apps:
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Country: USA
Purchased From: CompUSA
Purchase/Arrival Date: Dec 4th

  • Hardware quality is top-notch and the size is just right (I carry it in my pants' pocket everyday)
  • The screen is awesome
  • The buttons are very functional and really enhance the browsing experience.
  • Opera web browser
  • Very easy to setup. The connection manager software is awesome.

  • Took a couple of hours of playing around with the device to really "get it". So it could be discouraging for non-technical users. But once you get it, you won't be able to live without it.
  • UI response is a little bit slow.
  • Loading heavy website like could crash the browser
  • Websites with frames cause 770 to display "low memory" message
  • It reboots itself sometimes while browsing
  • Holding the device with one hand for a long period of time is not very good for your wrist.

Favorite apps: web browser

Last edited by firebolt; 2005-12-07 at 03:26.

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RogerS's Avatar
Posts: 772 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jul 2005 @ Montclair, NJ (NYC suburbs)
I would add some other, optional categories:
- Discoveries -- unexpected operating shortcuts
- Tips -- any how-to's an even newer user than you should know about
- What you would add without increasing the price -- real wants, not wishes
N900 Guide Brief intro to the Nokia N900 (
Maemoan since July 2005 )
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Germany
Country: Germany
Purchased From: Nokia Online
Purchase/Arrival Date: Nov 4th/Dec 1st

  • Solid case and perfect design.
  • The screen is awesome (have you heard this one before?)
  • Linux based system: xterm in my pocket - yesss!
  • Open source.
  • It flawlessly plays my VDR recordings after converting with MediaConverter (A Big Thank You to Urho Konttori!)
  • Nice games.
  • Network setup is pretty easy.

  • Screen has awesome resolution but is very small. Take your credit card and you have a clue of the size.
  • Give it more RAM!
  • Reading PDF is not comfortable. If you choose a readable font the text is not centered. In full screen mode you can't page down only pan the current page.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Country: USA
Purchased From: CompUSA
Purchase/Arrival Date: (canceled web order from nov14) Dec 3, 2005/Dec 3, 2005


1. Excellent screen
2. Good UI design
3. opera browser
4. Multitasking/IO are smooth
5. Connection manager works well.
6. Wifi RF sensitivity is much better than any other
handheld - it is actually comparable to some laptops.
7. easy porting of existing unix/linux apps
8. Good battery life
9. easy data entry - virtual key board auto activation and use are pretty slick
on the nice big screen.
10. excellent form factor and weight
11. build quality appears to be quite good

1. email client is really slow and is missing several imap features.
Anyone used to a good mobile email program like snappermail,
will absolutely hate it.
2. 802.11g with WPA-PSK seems to be broken.
3. opera uses more memory than it should per page
4. device needs more ram for applications. Even another 32MB would
make a lot of difference.

Favorite apps:

1. PDF viewer
2. Opera
3. audio player
mk500's Avatar
Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
Country: US
Purchased From: CompUSA
Purchase/Arrival Date: 12/4/05

Overall I really love my new Nokia 770! The rough edges can be dealt with in software updates, so I'm not worrying.


Linux!!! - When the source is open, the possibilities are endless!
Great form-factor
Excellent Screen
Super-long battery life (it's waaay more than 3 hours, folks)
Built-in WiFi and Bluetooth
Great user interface and applications, with more coming all the time


Memory Problems
Opera runs out of RAM
Having to reboot from time to time as memory fills.
Bluetooth problems
Setting up a connection with my cell phone was cumbersome, and I still haven't gotten an Internetl connection this way yet.
Why isn't there a simple way to "put it to sleep" other than closing the cover?
Keys on the onscreen keyboard are pooly spaced/designed for fast input.

Favorite apps:

Video Player (I watch shows from my Myth PVR)
GAIM v1.5-dk-1
load-plugin v 0.2.3-1


A really good Jewelbox port (this is an old tetris-like game with jewels)

Check out my blog for a comparison with my old Linux PDA.
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)
teemu's Avatar
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Espoo, Finland
Country: Finland
Purchased From: Nokia Online
Purchase/Arrival Date: Nov 4th/Nov 9th

- Opera browser (zoom + optimized view mode is really nice)
- Display
- Small & light (fits nicely to my pocket)
- Easy to use data connection with my 3G phone
- WLAN connectivity
- It's open source (you can basically have anything for this device)

- Yep, it seems to lack memory (but you get used to it)
- RSS reader was a big disappointment (I prefer

Favorite apps:
- Opera Browser (still waiting for the mozilla browser though)
- Video player (convert videos with MediaConverter and enjoy)
- Doom (or course )

And I really can't wait to get the VoIP functionalities Nokia has promised for the next big OS upgrade.
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Comp USA Dec. 6th (I was the first one of course)

Overall impression: Awesome first version. Had it connected wirelessly in 5 mintues and via my bluetooth cellphone/cingular in 15 minutes. Love it.

Needs significant improvement in processor speed and browser speed and stability. Really too slow. But I would buy it again in a second. Software update will correct some of this, some will require hardware upgrades in a version 2 product.

Still, there is nothing like it out there, and it fills a void that IMO has been vacant far too long.

I fully expect internet tablets to be the next big thing in portable devices.

A pleasant surprise, internet radio rocks!
Posts: 23 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Just bought mine in a store, tired of waiting for direct sales to send me mine though probably l was quite near the top of the queue(17/11). Costed more (20 euros) but I was getting tired of not knowing when I was getting it. So far so good, just some browsers errors. Written input not great, but I may be also responsile for that.
On a side note, I'm left handed, and I would appreciate having the browsers' vertical scrollbar on tthe left, that way I don't have to get to the other side of the screen to scroll pages.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Swansea,MA USA
I just got my nokia 770. Sharp graphics! I've installed a number of
apps, gotta have xterm! I didn't have luck with dropbear ssh, All I
want is the client to work. Has anyone had any luck? Also if mpeg2 format gets added to the video player that would be cool, if not maybe I'l work on getting mplayer over. I know what website not to hit with the web browser... don't go to it's not going to work. But that's ok.... I can hit my ntop monitors for my network anda customers, no problem! I installed the maemo development kit on
my linux desktop, maybe I'll try porting over some of the zaurus programs that I have source to. All that needs to be done is convert the qte stuff over to maemo. That should not be too hard. I've got the pim installed.

Has anyone got vpn running yet?

hopefully I will have kismit installed and running soon.
The connection manager is pretty good at finding access points though.

telnet would be good to port over. I'm going to get that from my
zaurus source. it should be easy enough to run through xterm.

So what you can't do... you can't go to atomfilms or you will run out of memory and reboot. That's ok though... you can go to slashdot,, google, yahoo, and many other site. works great! The email client didn't like my large IMAP4 mailbox. No problem, I can hit my webmail client just fine. Now it's time to save up for a 1GB memory card!

Now it's time to write apps for this puppy!

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