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Originally Posted by vitaly_repin View Post
Yes. And the link I have posted tells about SSU as well.
There was too much for average user to read
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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
Stop attacking developers and understand that you should complain to managers. Things are more complicated when it comes to cooperates.
If I was a Nokia developer, attacking Nokia developers is exactly the behaviour that would make me stop spending time to talk to the community here.
There are a number of people posting to and reading these boards with better access to Nokia managers than I have, not least, the developers. It seems simplest, most honest, and common practice in an open community, to speak in public.

If you or any of the other Nokia staff would like to draw your managers' attention to the negative results of their policies, you can point them at this thread and many others.

I can't.

Edit: I'd also take issue with the idea that
Things are more complicated when it comes to cooperates.
Plenty of developers from Intel, Novell, Redhat, IBM etc. seem to manage to work in public on open mailing lists etc. Nokia's hardly unique as a company working with free software.

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Originally Posted by jcompagner View Post
i see your point but .. i dont completely agree
If i sync then for me thats a backup. Now lets assume that i somehow loose all the data on the N900 then i want to sync back and everything should be as it was.. I am merging contacts for days now over gsm/googletak/skype and msn... I really dont want to do that anymore... So it doesnt have to sync certain fields but it should know the connection...

But maybe i misunderstood and is a sync to something external not a backup..
I think the point is that the IM contacts are already stored on the IM servers, and that is the best place for them to live.

I understand what you mean about merging them, though, as I can imagine it being annoying to have to redo that if you had a disaster. I guess the problem is that the merging is a concept only understood by the N900 itself. (Of course, there will be ways of backing up everything on the N900, including the contact merge info, but that wouldn't be synced up to the IM provided or Exchange server, that's all.)
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Originally Posted by ewan View Post
Um. Which part of 'community development' doesn't make sense? How's anyone supposed to get even slightly involved if you won't even tell people what you're working on?
Perhaps, but you have roamed now from specific MfE issues to generic whining. If you don't like how community is handled go another thread, and let people who want to make MfE better keep this thread as direct communication channel to MfE devs?

IMHO The lack of active moderation here makes make talk almost useless. If some moderator wakes up and decides to clean this thread, feel to remove my post as well.

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Originally Posted by ewan View Post
Edit: I'd also take issue with the idea that Plenty of developers from Intel, Novell, Redhat, IBM etc. seem to manage to work in public on open mailing lists etc. Nokia's hardly unique as a company working with free software.
do you know what you're talking about here?

exchange is a microsoft product, and microsoft is not exactly known for their good relations to open source devs.
there is no community implementation of activesync (at least none that i'm aware of), nokia has to pay hard money to license the protocol needed to sync with exchange.

if you want to reverse engineer the interface, be my guest. but don't expect nokia to support you in this semi-legal undertaking.

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Originally Posted by ewan View Post
If you or any of the other Nokia staff would like to draw your managers' attention to the negative results of their policies, you can point them at this thread and many others.
And you really think that will change something to the positive?

Originally Posted by ewan View Post
Edit: I'd also take issue with the idea that Plenty of developers from Intel, Novell, Redhat, IBM etc. seem to manage to work in public on open mailing lists etc. Nokia's hardly unique as a company working with free software.
Most of these companies have a long tradition of opensource or bought in companies (and their cooperate culture) that always have been opensource (in case of Novell: Ximian and Suse).
In Nokia, many managers and developers come from Symbian, for example the S60 series. Not all of them are used to interacting and talking directly to a community, and it takes a while to convince everybody that there's **advantages**.
This transition to an open culture does not become easier when developers get immediately attacked on the first day they join the community for stuff that is SIMPLY NOT THEIR FAULT.

I hope it's a bit easier now to understand the situation with Nokia and that the comparison to the other big companies you listed is not that similar as it initially looked like.
__________________ Bugmaster

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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
I hope this thread stays well-focused. My questions (not an N900 owner, at this time):

- why isn't the M4E functionality built-into the Email application
- global address book and inbox/sub-folder search isn't there; is that coming, if not, what are the limitations on this feature (could it be a secondary application such as what Symbian devices had at one point)?
- +1 on the testing with Exchange 2003 (though that might really be something way out of your hands, I deal with similar day to day)?
- does M4E also pull the status of the user from the AS domains and make this information available from the contact screen?

I personally need to get my hands on a device to ask some more questions, but I'm sure a few folks with it are coming and will ask those.

Thanks for stepping into the forum to address this.
M4E is built into the e-mail client, just the setup is not. In fact that's part of the problem. The standard e-mail does not offer search or copy and paste. Since Exchange synced messages display in that e-mail client it is a problem. So the fix will involve the e-mail client team to fix the client itself and the MFE team to implement more reasonable sync periods (2 months, 3 month and 6 months) and also implement server search. Also they could work together to build the M4E setup into the mail application.

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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
Hint: I directly wrote the event name in the line above that photo. ;-)
(October 2009.)
Somewhat off-topic, but is there a video posted anywhere of the Summit's speech? (The speech that contained the photo you posted)

I found this:
Maemo Summit 2009 Opening

But it ends RIGHT when the person starts speaking
ewan's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
And you really think that will change something to the positive?

Most of these companies have a long tradition of opensource or bought in companies (and their cooperate culture) that always have been opensource (in case of Novell: Ximian and Suse).
And in the case of Nokia, Trolltech.

In Nokia, many managers and developers come from Symbian, for example the S60 series. Not all of them are used to interacting and talking directly to a community, and it takes a while to convince everybody that there's **advantages**.
Did they miss the bit where you were given most of your latest OS by other people for free?

This transition to an open culture does not become easier when developers get immediately attacked on the first day they join the community for stuff that is SIMPLY NOT THEIR FAULT.
I'm not sure what would encourage Nokia to open up any more than pointing out the problems in not doing so, but I'm completely open to suggestions.

I hope it's a bit easier now to understand the situation with Nokia and that the comparison to the other big companies you listed is not that similar as it initially looked like.
It looks pretty similar to me. Nokia appears to be planning a migration away from Symbian to a Maemo, they've bought Trolltech, and (more or less) opened the Symbian code for good measure. You're a free software company now, and it is to everyone's advantage if you can try to act more like one. I really do want Maemo to be a roaring success for Nokia, but it's frustrating when the community is locked out of the bug tracking system, when test builds aren't released externally etc.

We've had reports of various firmware bugs, this one included, that have only come to light once the devices were out the door on the mass market. If there'd been more of an effort to engage the community in testing that simply wouldn't have happened. That's the advantage, and it's Nokia's for the taking, if they want it.

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Hi Vitaly_repin ,

thanks for your candid posting on the status with Mfe , I also have this issue, using certificates and exxchange 2003, would an additional syslog trace help yourselves in this matter ? I'm more than happy to generate one if it would be valuble (really would like to see this working)
Rgds Steve

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activesync, certificate, email, exchange, fremantle, ignore tex14, maemo 5, mail for exchange, mfe, n900, provisioning, sync, thanks vitaly!

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