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Originally Posted by yba View Post
Okey, sory sory sory sory, this is my last post,
I only tried to say, for me the biggest improtant feature of iphone is its life, a nokia phone stays 1 year in market, n97 have a good hardware, but OS? iPhone stays in market for years, and if you have iphone2g, you can still new OS for your phone, so by time iPhone OS is getting more successful. I am only trying to say this, if nokia n900 will stay in market for 2-3 years, and after 3 year if we can install new os for our n900, yes nokia again can be leader of market,
again sory sory sory
Don't let anyone upset you, you have nothing to apologize for. And I hope it's not you last post.

Anyway, I get what you mean and I agree. Apple updates the iPhone hardware and OS now and then to keep pace with technology, but it's basically the same - looks the same, works the same way as the original. And the latest iPhone OS and most apps will install on an original 3-year old iPhone.

This means a consistency appealing to both uses and developers. It also promotes owner loyalty, since buyers know they'll be instantly familiar with the UI and that their expensive new toy will have long-term support and upgrades, no forced obsolesence.

Nokia on the other hand, is using a very different approach. Make hundreds of models for every concievable user, not one for many users. Cover the entire market, not a large portion of it.. IOW, they're kinda all over the place.

That's worked out well in the past, but things have changed. Developers need a consistent platform. Users need a UI and software that offers some consistency and portability, so that every time they get a new phone they don't have to spend a couple of weeks figuring it out and doing setup. And when spending big money for a phone, many expect to have it supported and use it for 2-3 years. I know I certainly expect 2 years or more from a N900 (if I ever get it).

So I agree, if Nokia wants to compete against iPhones and Android they need to concentrate on making fewer models and make sure they work really well and support them for a long time instead of cranking out multiple similar models that are never quite fully cooked. Maybe a happy medium somewhere between Apple's super simple idea and Nokia's throw it all against the wall and see what sticks approach.
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@ yba : you dont have to apologize..i know that english is not ur main language..and me too ^^ so keep posting if you want to..dont let anyone upset you.
And to Nokia..IMO i think they really need to think about the sentence "quality over quantity". And hopefully 2-3 years later, I wish that I would be able to update to Maemo 6/7/8....with my N900.
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nokia has supported symbian for the last eight years (10 if you count back to the original symbian deal with psion). apps developed for s60 then work (mostly) now.

the n900 was never expected to be a success, it was a niche product by a niche team in nokia. now olli-pekka and the rest of the nokia board are in a dilemma: they have invested hundreds of millions into s60v5 and it's a dud. they have invested nothing in maemo and it's great. instituitional inertia is very strong.

assuming nokia's board makes the correct decision, maemo has a decade of support ahead of it. i love the n900, and must put my trust in the finns to do the right thing.
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Originally Posted by cbao.rambo View Post
Hi guys,
I think that what yba try to say is not compare Iphone vs N900 like phone.

I think he is trying to say is that if you bought an Iphone 3 years ago you still have (if I'm not wrong) the phone on the market. You can update it and get almost the same functionalities than the Iphone 3GS. You can still get almost the same apps for the phone.

However if you have bought a N97 some months ago you are ****ed. If Nokia is planning to go for Maemo for the next high specs phones then your phone (N97) is going to be forgiven (soon or later).

I'm going to buy a couple of N900 (one for me one for my girfriend). However, I'm really worried about the fact that maybe the live of the phone will be one year and a half (just in case Nokia releases Maemo6 with the "N920" and I can't upgrade the OS).

On my opinion having to buy a new "phone" the next year to get up to date sucks. This platform should be get updated on the future... (I mean after the launch of Maemo 6)At least I hope so...
cbao.rambo, Crashdamage and fdhung2501
thank you, thank you, thank you,
at the end, I am crying
I think i have a communication problem, nobody understands me except you, thank you again, thats all,

if you develop a aplication for s60 platform, you must change it for all s60 platform phones it doesnt matter, all they use s60, try and see, its a horror film for developers. At 5800 our aplications loads images no problem, but at n97 after a time images crupted, its a memory problem, but phones os memory management problem, no problem at 5800, nokia forum said wait for new relase. But the the phone will wait in the market.

n900 hardware is very goog, maemo good chose, but they need time, so nokia must give them time, so developers will do remain

Last edited by yba; 2009-11-29 at 21:49.
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Its funny how I see a massive generalization of things around here...

People tend to think about the North American market as the only gold pot in the world and forget that the growing markets are actually in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

One device to rule all does not apply in this markets. Sadly the rest of the world can't actually afford to buy SUV's and change their phones with the latest bling. Nokia does very well in the low end market and kinda, just kinda, lost the touch after the iPhone came out... The times they are a-changing.

Money is on the more expensive models, indeed, but Nokia will catch up. Interest will fade on the iPhone OS as well since everything looks the same, behaves the same and will look old if they dont upgrade.... The excuse that people are actually "looking for consistency" holds true till a certain point. Then people will get bored and the OS will fall on ostracism...

Nokia should focus on bringing content to its device. Buy spotify, buy some video provider... Do something and integrate it to the devices. This will bring the big bucks to it... Apple is doing very well on this part even though the iPhone irritating to use.

I guess that my only advice to nokia is: Add some bling, possibility to download britney spears album and 2 tickets for a McMeal... We have a winner!

Seriously now, about M6 on the n900 I have my doubts. Nokia has mentioned that M5 is a transitioning platform to the last step, hence the lack of marketing compared to an inferior model (aka n97), and things will be in a better shape on M6. BUT, if the n900 proves to be the ultimate success outselling even the n97 do you really think Nokia will shoot itself in the foot and infuriate the GEEK base?! The same geeks that develop for this platform? I dont have an answer but I think they are examining very carefully how the developer interest and consumer interest are linked and will decide to support, or not, the device...

And OH... almost forgot. In Apple you pay for your OS "updates". Which include letting me use my Bluetooth (thanks Apple you are so damn kind) and having MMS... Nokia you get this for free so lets stop whining okay?
Posts: 89 | Thanked: 131 times | Joined on Oct 2009
of course, if you'd been an apple OS IX developer you'd be pretty p155ed off when apple came up with OS X :-)

seriously though: nokia has supported symbian and s60 for almost a decade, and will continue to do so for years more. i merely hope that, just as windows suceeded dos, maemo will succeed s60.
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Posts: 319 | Thanked: 289 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Lisboa, Portugal
Originally Posted by yba View Post
cbao.rambo, Crashdamage and fdhung2501
thank you, thank you, thank you,
at the end, I am crying
I think i have a communication problem, nobody understands me except you, thank you again, thats all,

if you develop a aplication for s60 platform, you must change it for all s60 platform phones it doesnt matter, all they use s60, try and see, its a horror film for developers. At 5800 our aplications loads images no problem, but at n97 after a time images crupted, its a memory problem, but phones os memory management problem, no problem at 5800, nokia forum said wait for new relase. But the the phone will wait in the market.
Or you also dont understand us.

As it was mentioned before Qt will try to solve this, if you are still interested take a look at it.

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