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Hi guys, I'm new here and just got my N900 which I am loving so far. I was able to connect to wifi as soon as I got it up and running, then I noticed a little 2.5 with some bars on top of it, I'm guessing that's the EDGE connection or whatever (correct me if I'm wrong). I don't have a data plan and I don't really want to pay for one. I was messing around with the connections and disconnected from my wifi and noticed that it was still able to go online to flickr. Did it go online using the T-mobile internet? Is there any way to disable that option? When the N900 is connected to a wifi connection will it use it or do I have to switch to it?
Thanks in advance.
msa's Avatar
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thats would be interesting to know.
is there a definite way of telling how the n900 is accessing the internet currently as you are online?

on my samsung jet there are symbols that show you what connection is used currently, so you can defintely tell what the device is using.

how does the n900 handle this?
amorek13's Avatar
Posts: 245 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ CT USA
as far as i know if you have tmo and no data plan what so ever you are not able to go online you will get a page telling you to purchase web2go plan some one correct me if i am wrong.
2.5 only tells you what internet is available 2.5, 3g, 3.5
and if you are really online with tmo there should be a circle with two arrows in it

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You can tell the N900 to go online automatically on WiFi OR mobile data OR WiFi and mobile data OR none, so you are at liberty to stop it from connecting to the mobile data connection (see: Settings > Internet connections > Connect automatically).

The symbol for showing that the device is connected to the net is different for WiFi or mobile data (the WiFi one looks like a dot with quarter-circles whereas the mobile data icon has two arrows).

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You could try typing "/sbin/route" in xterm. If it mentions wlan0, then its expecting to route data over wifi. If it mentions gprs0, then its going over the cellular network. If you tell it to disconnect from the cellular network, then there are no routes.
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The bars are your cell signal.

Go to:
Settings -> Internet connections -> Connect automatically
to control whether Wifi, or Cell connection is used automatically.

If you are connected via EDGE/3G there is a circular icon with two arrows that appears on the right side of the battery icon.

Edit: Doh! looks like convulted beat me to the answer. Yeah... what he said.

Last edited by jpw; 2009-12-01 at 20:34.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Great, thanks a lot everyone. So if I was connected to T-mobile internet it would show the two blue arrows where the wifi signal is now?
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Posts: 245 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ CT USA
white circle with two arrows pointing in different directions i am not sure if they are blue, yes where the wifi signal is
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It's a white circle and arrows. Only the Bluetooth icon is blue.
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The best way I can tell what connection I'm on is using the HomeIP widget.

If you're online with a T-Mobile connection it'll show up as gprs0 or if you're online with wifi, it's wlan0

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