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Posts: 48 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Ohio
Hello again everyone!

I was browsing the internet on my N900 today when I noticed something significant missing from the browser/OS. In Windows, I have a file in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc called "hosts". For those of you who don't know what a hosts file is, it's basically a file that is used to redirect outgoing requests from your browser to your computer itself, essentially creating a loop for certain IPs. This is useful because if all the advertising URLs and unwanted internet content on web pages can be redirected in this loop, meaning you won't see advertisements on (virtually) all websites you visit. Furthermore, web pages with advertisements will actually load faster with this hosts file than without it (less stuff to load into the device memory). If you would like more information about it, visit

I use this on every computer I have and I believe it would be a nice implementation on the N900/Maemo 5 platform. I did a little Googling and stumbled upon this website and others for inserting the hosts file for a linux system. Now, the question is...Can we do this in Maemo and are there people currently working on implementation?

Thanks guys,
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Originally Posted by theinternet View Post
Hello again everyone!

I was browsing the internet on my N900 today when I noticed something significant missing from the browser/OS. In Windows, I have a file in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc called "hosts". For those of you who don't know what a hosts file is, it's basically a file that is used to redirect outgoing requests from your browser to your computer itself, essentially creating a loop for certain IPs. This is useful because if all the advertising URLs and unwanted internet content on web pages can be redirected in this loop, meaning you won't see advertisements on (virtually) all websites you visit. Furthermore, web pages with advertisements will actually load faster with this hosts file than without it (less stuff to load into the device memory). If you would like more information about it, visit

I use this on every computer I have and I believe it would be a nice implementation on the N900/Maemo 5 platform. I did a little Googling and stumbled upon this website and others for inserting the hosts file for a linux system. Now, the question is...Can we do this in Maemo and are there people currently working on implementation?

Thanks guys,
Or you could download the adblock plugin for the browser and just block them that way
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Posts: 42 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Hmm. Windows is a bit more advanced than Linux. You might have to wait until they can get Wine running on the N900.

Just kidding. You want the /etc/hosts file. This file comes standard with UNIX systems - it was around a bit before Windows nicked the idea.
To edit it you'll need to be root, so you'll want to install the gainroot package. However, do be careful. As a Linux newbie you could do a LOT of damage to your new tablet as root.

As an alternative, you might want to simply install the adblock browser plugin instead. Messing around with DNS like that probably isn't the best approach.
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Ohio
Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
Or you could download the adblock plugin for the browser and just block them that way
I tried that application and it just doesn't give me what a modified hosts file can. Plus it takes space/memory whereas the hosts file doesn't require anything to run in the background.
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Originally Posted by theinternet View Post
I tried that application and it just doesn't give me what a modified hosts file can. Plus it takes space/memory whereas the hosts file doesn't require anything to run in the background.
The plugin doesn't run in the memory either. It acts just like a hosts file. It checks the block list before acquiring the items on the page.
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 86 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hannover, Germany
Ahem, hosts is there where it is on every Linux/Unix:


BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Nokia-N900-42-11:~# cat /etc/hosts Nokia-N900-42-11 localhost
So install ssh server, log into your box, edit /etc/hosts



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