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thanks so much for your help. O.K. , after a copy in Xterm, I'm going to hold my breath and flash to Gregale today. Then, I am going to install the latest version of Maemo Mapper!

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Anybody having trouble connecting to the GPX server to download a route? What is the correct URL in the mapper app? I haven't changed any settings and was successful in the past in downloading routes
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Originally Posted by fldude99 View Post
Anybody having trouble connecting to the GPX server to download a route?
I've not used Mapper much in the past, so this might not be relevant, but the server seems to be down at the moment, it might be related.
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Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
thanks so much for your help. O.K. , after a copy in Xterm, I'm going to hold my breath and flash to Gregale today. Then, I am going to install the latest version of Maemo Mapper!

OK, I'm back up now with Gregale and latest version of MM. I had to reformat my 1gb MMC and re-download all of my maps. I had a weird memory problem whereby the MMC showed 99% usage and all sorts of strange #'s like 700gb worth of stuff, etc. Now, even with 64mb allocated for Virtual Memory, the 770 is still slow as molasses most times and fails to render applets on the "homepage" and freezes and reboots itself often. It's acting like memory iis being hogged somewhere, but I can't figure out where. Load-App didn't reveal the culprit, just added to the slowness of the 770 by using even more memory.

As for MM, it is acting very erratically. Never had ANY problem with it with Scirroco and v1.35 (until the problems I've described in earlier posts above).
When I get a GPS fix, while sitting here in my office, the little blue dot "drifts" and the speedometer shows from 0 to 5 MPH with occasional leaps to 60,75,90 MPH! So, I start getting a red track laid down. Sometimes, it's just a small (several block) track, other times it's a long straight red line going for miles. Remember, I'm just sitting here! I should add that I'm only getting 3/11 satellites now.

Also, at times when I try to display full frame, the map is rendered with white borders on the bottom and right of the frame...not full frame at all.

Many times when I try to start MM, it fails to load and I have to try to start it a second time before it will load.

Any ideas what's up?

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Originally Posted by fldude99 View Post
Anybody having trouble connecting to the GPX server to download a route? What is the correct URL in the mapper app? I haven't changed any settings and was successful in the past in downloading routes is down, so route downloads (and repository list downloads) will not work. I just installed a new router, and I don't think it handles my dynamic IP address very well (doesn't update dyndns with new IP addresses). I'm at work now, so I can't fix it, but I'll fix it soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience. :/
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Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
OK, I'm back up now with Gregale and latest version of MM. I had to reformat my 1gb MMC and re-download all of my maps. I had a weird memory problem whereby the MMC showed 99% usage and all sorts of strange #'s like 700gb worth of stuff, etc. Now, even with 64mb allocated for Virtual Memory, the 770 is still slow as molasses most times and fails to render applets on the "homepage" and freezes and reboots itself often. It's acting like memory iis being hogged somewhere, but I can't figure out where. Load-App didn't reveal the culprit, just added to the slowness of the 770 by using even more memory.
Sounds like a hardware problem. Just to be sure, try re-flashing to the old firmware (scirocco) and see if you experience the same slowness.

Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
As for MM, it is acting very erratically. Never had ANY problem with it with Scirroco and v1.35 (until the problems I've described in earlier posts above).
When I get a GPS fix, while sitting here in my office, the little blue dot "drifts" and the speedometer shows from 0 to 5 MPH with occasional leaps to 60,75,90 MPH! So, I start getting a red track laid down. Sometimes, it's just a small (several block) track, other times it's a long straight red line going for miles. Remember, I'm just sitting here! I should add that I'm only getting 3/11 satellites now.
Maemo Mapper gets all that data (location, speed) from your GPS receiver, so if Maemo Mapper says your speed is 90 MPH, then that's what your GPS receiver is telling Maemo Mapper that your speed is.

Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
Also, at times when I try to display full frame, the map is rendered with white borders on the bottom and right of the frame...not full frame at all.
Maemo Mapper uses black to represent areas of the screen that do not have maps downloaded, so the only times you should see white are if they are in the map data itself, or if there is a bug in maemo that keeps Maemo Mapper from drawining in the areas.

Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
Many times when I try to start MM, it fails to load and I have to try to start it a second time before it will load.
Try running from the command line (xterm) and see if you get any errors.

All in all, if you just re-flashed and haven't installed much on your system, then it sounds like you have a hardware problem and need to see Nokia about getting it repaired or replaced.
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gnunite, what would it take to set up a mirror, if i was to volunteer my equipment? bandwidth requirements, server side components, sync functions?

you could then have MM iterate through the list of mirrors, should one fail, until it gets to a mirror that works...
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#198 should be back up. Let me know if you have any more problems. Again, sorry for the inconvenience...
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Hmmm...sorry gnuite but still can't seem to download a route
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Some promblems when using WMS.

I'm running N800, OS Version is 3.2007.10-7 and MM version is 1.4.4-3 (downloaded from garage). Flite is version 1.3 and proj 4.4.9-3.

Maemo Mapper is running ok with downloaded map repostiories, but when I try to add my own WMS-repository, Maemo Mapper gives Segmentation fault after repository adding.

I have added following parameters at the begining of
/usr/share/proj/epsg file, I need ETRS-TM35FIN, epsg 3067 does not yet exist in proj 4.4.9-3 package.

<3067> +proj=utm +zone=35 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs <>

Then I followed instructions available at

I think examples are quite standard wms-queries except parameters for bounding box. When should I use %.2f or %.6f? What is the diffenrence?

After saving my own repository, at first try, MM crashes. And MM gives segmentation fault, every time when starting.

Any help or additionad documentation?

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