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No wow moment for me either. the phone's good, but I haven't had a wow moment yet. Maybe because I place the bar pretty high.

The MicroB browser is definitely nice though
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Horses for courses, if your loving your N900 then fair play, but for me it was a big disappointment. Each to there own.
ARJWright's Avatar
Posts: 861 | Thanked: 734 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Nomadic
I've had one in my possession for less than 20min at this point

Setting up Mail for Exchange was easy
Email notification was nice
Deleting items from the calendar was easy
General system speed was sweet

My impressions will be on twitter or brighthand before mentioning more here. But yes, there are many wow moments to be had.
Posts: 83 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ USA
When I turned it on.

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Posts: 1,400 | Thanked: 3,751 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Arctic cold of northern .fi
For me the "wow" moment was in early September.
I walked into Helsinki Flagshipstore and asked if I could test N900 prototype.
"Tottakai", he said.
I took it on my palm and did a sideway scroll on the panorama homescreen.

That was it.
I was sold.
Fanboi in heat,
I was.

Last edited by Rauha; 2009-12-11 at 23:25.

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Posts: 600 | Thanked: 742 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ England
Shift-control-X to open the terminal was a "wow" moment for me. Even though I've had the command-line on my N810 and before that on my N800, having a dedicated keyboard shortcut legitimises it as mainstream.

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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ By the swamp
Buggy? Laggy? Not as smooth as the ever-jagged Hero? (Bought it because it looked very good on paper and felt good in the shop when I tried it, but hated it deeply after just one week. Simply nothing worked like I wanted it to.) Slow response? Drops calls because of very poor reception?

Uh, my device has none of this. I have lots of extra SW installed (also some from -devel), I've been using it heavily to Skype, MSN, SMSing, web surfing, email and ofc normal voice calls. The data connections are always on, either on my home or Uni WLAN or in their absence over cellular (3G/2G auto). I've even received a few Skype calls at my grandma's place where there's no WCDMA coverage... There seems to be no 3G limit anymore, EDGE is enough. And it picks up the signal with excellent clarity even in outer edges of GSM cells. Touch screen is hard to complain about; it's sensitive and nice to use, almost to the point of mistaking it for a capacitive one. The responsiveness is hardly slow; only the transition animations are obviously too short because they don't give the feeling of smooth transition (ever noticed how you spend quite much time waiting for transition animations to complete in several competitive products, btw?) And my N900 takes this use for a full working day - when I go to sleep, I connect the charger, and when I wake up, I pick it up and it's ready to keep me up to date the whole next day. So far there's been one day out of seven when I've had to worry about it running out of juice before bedtime.

Granted, the N900 is chubby, but using the N900 I don't feel like having to constantly worry about dropping it or avoiding closing the slide too sharply. The Milestone's slider module reaches so far over the edge of the lower part that both the display and the captouch panel will snap in half lengthwise that instant it hits the floor if you drop it from over 50 cm's height when it's open. And the particularly favored product among those who like silvery fruits is just as bad on this aspect; it's slippery and ridiculously fragile due to the glass face reaching the edges leaving no protective deformation area in the surrounding materials. No, if the face has to be glass, it has to be close to like it is in the Hero: not too close to any corners.

It sucks that you got a bad unit. Bye, have fun giving all details of your life to Google for free - it seems that you'll be happier inside that fence.

As for the WOW! moments: when I first scrolled the desktop. When I first opened the main menu, seeing how the background blurred but stayed there. Looked so much cooler than any competitor's view of that. Receiving a Skype call in my gradma's place, far away from 3G and WLANs - and not even realising I was talking on Skype before my friend at the other end accidentally switched off her headphone mic. I hadn't noticed the tiny Skype logo at the corner of her portrait.

Last edited by Kurare; 2009-12-11 at 23:34.

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Posts: 176 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Nov 2009
openarena! first first person shooter game on a mobile devices that i acutally enjoy playing, it made me remember my old cs days...

as for all the other stuff i was expecting it.
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2009
My wow was when I opeded 22mb word.doc and 18mb excel file and on top I had several webpages in dashboard simultaneously and this device worked OK.
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 157 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ San Diego, CA
There's been a few:

* Getting my relatively complicated website working in microB with hardly any effort at all:
* Seeing adblock-plus in the more user-ish repos
* Installing python/pyside and porting a desktop pyqt4 app in about a day on the device itself
* Running driftnet in a debian chroot on open wifi networks

Last edited by go1dfish; 2009-12-11 at 23:51. Reason: grammatical fix

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