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penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Right. That's how I should have worded it.

And while penguinbait may have had a bad experience, as I'm sure others have, overall the phone repair process works very well at Nokia. I've seen it at work.
Well the repair process actually worked very well for me, but it also highlighted the complete lack of "care" they have for their customers. I used the repair process and was able to upgrade my 770 to an N800 for 160$ which worked out great for me. I had my 6682 for about 6 months, bought it for 300$ from Nokia online when cingular briefly stopped selling them due to firmaware problem. Then after I needed to send it in for repair, nokia online was selling the 6682 for 400$, so even after depreciation I was able to get my money back.

I like my razr, motorola makes way better phones than Nokia (Personal Opinion)
histrel's Avatar
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My N800 was collected by CityLink 30/3/07. I rang up Nokia Club Careline 10/4/07 to check status. A woman rang me back asking for my serial number because she was having a problem finding it but I wasn't at home so couldn't help. She said she'd 'investigate further' and call me back. No call back from her or the other two men how have since promised to look into it and call me back. I was told it was 14 days turn around for repairs but not sure if that's working days or not. I am really fed up now as I hate being made promises that are not kept. Hope it gets back to me this week but I will be writing to Simon Ainslie anyway to complain.
benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
I took my Nokia 770 in for repair 7 weeks ago - still waiting. (They said it would not take longer than 2 weeks.)
Just in case anybody cares: I'm still waiting. They promised I'd get it yesterday. I was right not to believe it.
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2006
my n770 touchscreen had some dead areas. I called the next repair center and the told me, that i can send it or i can bring it.
I went to the repair center (20 minutes away) and delivered my N770. After 90 minutes they called me on the phone, that i can come for picking it up.
They changed the whole touchscreen.
I am very happy with the support.
Maybe in Germany the support is better organized ?

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